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Apr 07 2024 6:47pm
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Marvel says forced diversity ruined sales. Maybe Archie should pay attention?

Started by Alexandra Cabot, April 01, 2017, 11:03:09 PM

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Alexandra Cabot

Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on April 05, 2017, 01:34:57 AM
Quote from: Mr.Lodge on April 03, 2017, 02:44:31 PM
If all publishers care about is money, how many issues at what price should an issue sell to make doing it worthwhile? Is there such a thing as a 'loss leader' in comics to suit an agenda or cater to a niche? ???

Sure there are. They are temporary things, because you can't just bleed money forever.

FCBD comic = loss leader.  $1/50c/25c comics = loss leaders. These are all comics published which have "negative profit" in the most direct sense. They hope to entice new readers, and the profit will come later.

There are other titles which larger publishers can afford to publish near break-even profit margins only for reasons of trying to bring in new readers (DC and Marvel kids' titles, for example) or something like Vertigo titles where the single issues don't make much money, but that will be offset later by sales of trade collections. Larger publishers can afford to carry a few titles with short-term losses if the strategy helps achieve some longer-term goals, only because they publish so many titles. Ultimately though, this strategy of 'seeding' can only be maintained if there's a perception that the publisher is accomplishing something in the longer term -- otherwise, it's perceived as flushing money down the toilet.

Second time you're ignoring me in my own thread, I guess because I proved your pretentious blathering wrong with my counter points.   ;D   Don't worry, maybe someday you'll type a paragraph so long on this forum that you'll be correct just from the sheer word count.  I can't guarantee anyone will actually read it though (like they don't now).

Alexandra Cabot

Quote from: Mr.Lodge on April 05, 2017, 04:22:05 PM
If anyone cares.........


Yeah, I saw that.  That's why I posted the archive from before the backpedaling.  Obviously speaking the truth anymore is less important than going out of business apparently.  Companies need to grow a back bone and tell people like the Mary Sue to go pound sand.  Like I said before, these people are concerned with agendas, not a healthy comic book industry.  Many of them don't even consume the products they complain about.

DeCarlo Rules

Quote from: Alexandra Cabot on April 05, 2017, 08:18:58 PM
Second time you're ignoring me in my own thread, I guess because I proved your pretentious blathering wrong with my counter points.   ;D   Don't worry, maybe someday you'll type a paragraph so long on this forum that you'll be correct just from the sheer word count.  I can't guarantee anyone will actually read it though (like they don't now).

It's pretty simple. My comments were in reply to irishmoxie and Mr. Lodge. I could respond to your comments if I felt like it, but I don't feel like it's worth my time. Statements like the above prove my point. You're spoiling for a fight. Sorry, not interested. Since my "blathering" (which I might point out no one's forcing you to read -- it's funny you don't take your own advice) annoys you, I thought I'd accommodate you by sparing you the reply. Is that short enough and to the point for you? Nice work there -- you damn me for posting replies and not posting replies in the same breath. Not that it matters as long as you can damn me for something, right? Y'know, it's just a crazy idea, but you could try behaving like an adult.

Alexandra Cabot

Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on April 06, 2017, 05:51:14 AM
Quote from: Alexandra Cabot on April 05, 2017, 08:18:58 PM
Second time you're ignoring me in my own thread, I guess because I proved your pretentious blathering wrong with my counter points.   ;D   Don't worry, maybe someday you'll type a paragraph so long on this forum that you'll be correct just from the sheer word count.  I can't guarantee anyone will actually read it though (like they don't now).

It's pretty simple. My comments were in reply to irishmoxie and Mr. Lodge. I could respond to your comments if I felt like it, but I don't feel like it's worth my time. Statements like the above prove my point. You're spoiling for a fight. Sorry, not interested. Since my "blathering" (which I might point out no one's forcing you to read -- it's funny you don't take your own advice) annoys you, I thought I'd accommodate you by sparing you the reply. Is that short enough and to the point for you? Nice work there -- you damn me for posting replies and not posting replies in the same breath. Not that it matters as long as you can damn me for something, right? Y'know, it's just a crazy idea, but you could try behaving like an adult.

I am behaving like an adult (who doesn't put up with your crap).  You're the one not being a man apparently since you're so afraid of me.   ;D

You don't feel like it's "worth your time" because you have no counter-point to anything I said, because despite your pretentiousness, you are a very weak debater with poorly constructed arguments not really based on anything.  Anytime I've seen you respond to someone retorting said sprawling paragraphs, it's been very poorly.  You obviously enjoy being long winded, but don't like being challenged.

My previous posts didn't include flames, they were just counter-points.  I'm fine with doing logical debate.  I don't think you have the toolbox to do that and succeed, but I'm fine with you attempting it and us doing debate in a completely civil manner. 

However, you're still butt hurt about the Trump discussion where you attacked me first because you had no retort to what I said and didn't want to address my arguments.  Then you got it back twice as hard.  So you thought it would be cute to come into this thread and do the passive aggressive routine of not responding to my replies deconstructing your arguments by quoting other people instead with more blather that you assumed would go unchallenged this time.

You may be used to people here not telling you go fly a kite with your sprawling, pretentious paragraphs (they tell me they think you're obnoxious in private as I said before), but if you want to do that in threads I start don't play the passive aggressive routine against me like a middle school girl and act more like a man.  I'm not going to put up with your crap here.  So just keep that in mind.   ;)

Alexandra Cabot

Just going to bump my thread to to the top so I can get more store points.   ;D

DeCarlo Rules

Forum rules refresher course:

1. Anyone can post (if they feel like it).

2. Anyone can choose not to post.

3. Anyone can read the posts they feel like reading, and ignore the ones they don't.

4. Anyone can reply (if they feel like it).

5. Anyone can choose not to reply.

6. If someone's posts contain rude comments and you'd rather not read them, you can go to your profile page and add that member's name to the "ignore" list.

7. No one owns anything here. It's a public forum.

8. The world does not revolve around "Alexandra Cabot", regardless of what she may think, or what advertising slogans she buys in the store saying that she's "better than you".

9. Tantrums will be ignored.

10. Time & energy are finite commodities,  so don't waste them doing anything you don't really want to do, like dealing with obsessives who just can't get over themselves. Wouldn't you rather be doing something fun? Of course you would -- but be careful not to confuse that with enabling someone else's sick sense of fun. Life's too short.

11. If you really don't know what you're getting into, don't mess with it. Just leave it alone.
    11a.  If your own house is made out of glass, it's not nice to throw rocks.
    11b.  If given a choice beween passive and agressive, stick with passive.

12.  :)Archie Comics are COMICAL comics! :)

Alexandra Cabot

Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on April 08, 2017, 06:29:29 AM
Forum rules refresher course:

1. Anyone can post (if they feel like it).

2. Anyone can choose not to post.

3. Anyone can read the posts they feel like reading, and ignore the ones they don't.

4. Anyone can reply (if they feel like it).

5. Anyone can choose not to reply.

6. If someone's posts contain rude comments and you'd rather not read them, you can go to your profile page and add that member's name to the "ignore" list.

7. No one owns anything here. It's a public forum.

8. The world does not revolve around "Alexandra Cabot", regardless of what she may think, or what advertising slogans she buys in the store saying that she's "better than you".

9. Tantrums will be ignored.

10. Time & energy are finite commodities,  so don't waste them doing anything you don't really want to do, like dealing with obsessives who just can't get over themselves. Wouldn't you rather be doing something fun? Of course you would -- but be careful not to confuse that with enabling someone else's sick sense of fun. Life's too short.

11. If you really don't know what you're getting into, don't mess with it. Just leave it alone.
    11a.  If your own house is made out of glass, it's not nice to throw rocks.
    11b.  If given a choice beween passive and agressive, stick with passive.

12.  :) Archie Comics are COMICAL comics! :)

You really are completely and utterly witless, aren't you?     ;D   But please, stay this butt hurt while simultaneously never responding to me when I prove your never ending paragraphs of blather wrong with my own retorts that actually use logic.  I think that's the perfect dynamic.  You still get to be a pretentious bore, and I always get to be right.   ;D

QuoteForum rules refresher course:

You'll never be on the staff of this (or any other) website, because people would know better with your pretentious attitude.

Quote7. No one owns anything here. It's a public forum.

I own the intellectual property of my own posts.  If you don't believe me, talk to my lawyer.  Also if you want to reclaim your manhood, maybe don't quiver in fear of a woman who gets her point across better than you do.  Again, don't do this in one of my threads again, kay?  Thanks!

Quote8. The world does not revolve around "Alexandra Cabot", regardless of what she may think, or what advertising slogans she buys in the store saying that she's "better than you".

If you're the one who changed my user title you are referring to, which I only had for a few days before it was changed again by someone, I hope you know this means war.  However, much like President Trump, I won't tell you when or how or when I'm going to retaliate.

Quote10. Time & energy are finite commodities,  so don't waste them doing anything you don't really want to do, like dealing with obsessives who just can't get over themselves. Wouldn't you rather be doing something fun? Of course you would -- but be careful not to confuse that with enabling someone else's sick sense of fun. Life's too short.

"Obssessives who can't get over themselves."  Don't be so harsh on yourself.  XD  Don't worry, maybe you can lecture Fernando Ruiz for 3,000 words in 3 paragraphs about the comic industry again from your position of a total nobody to regain your snobby sense of superiority here.

Quote11b.  If given a choice beween passive and agressive, stick with passive.

Truly spoken like a man with no cojones.   ;D

Vegan Jughead

Alexandra, calling people witless may be funny to you but all you seem to do is stir up crap.  Is it really THAT fun for you?  If so, I guess carry on, but I'll never understand why bashing people on an Archie Comics Forum is so entertaining to you.  It's bizarre.  I think you're the only one who finds it funny.  I can see why you might get some perverse satisfaction from it for five minutes but to keep doing it over and over makes me question your sanity. 

Alexandra Cabot

Quote from: Vegan Jughead on April 08, 2017, 02:06:39 PM
Alexandra, calling people witless may be funny to you but all you seem to do is stir up crap.  Is it really THAT fun for you?  If so, I guess carry on, but I'll never understand why bashing people on an Archie Comics Forum is so entertaining to you.  It's bizarre.  I think you're the only one who finds it funny.  I can see why you might get some perverse satisfaction from it for five minutes but to keep doing it over and over makes me question your sanity.

Hey, do you remember your first post in this thread?:

Quote from: Vegan Jughead on April 02, 2017, 06:04:03 AM
Congrats on the one jillionth post about why Archie is "failing".  Meanwhile, they continue to exist.  One day you'll be right.  I just know it.  LOL

Wow, you're on such a high road, Vegan Jughead, and aren't just salty from previous interactions or my opinions and aren't trying to interject yourself opportunistically.  Don't worry, I'm not concerned, because I don't consider vegans to be people much like the animals I eat.   ;D

Here's a picture of a juicy steak:

Doesn't that look delicious?   :P   Yum yum!

Vegan Jughead

Wow, showing a vegan steak and saying, "doesn't that look delicious?" is SO original.  You're seriously wounding me.  Please stop.  I can't take it. 

At least your normal rants are unique to you.  Stick with those.  Better than this sad retread. 

Alexandra Cabot

Quote from: Vegan Jughead on April 09, 2017, 06:25:35 AM
Wow, showing a vegan steak and saying, "doesn't that look delicious?" is SO original.  You're seriously wounding me.  Please stop.  I can't take it. 

At least your normal rants are unique to you.  Stick with those.  Better than this sad retread.

Here's another oldie but goodie:

Seems like it's true since you put vegan in your name, huh?   ;D ;D ;D


Sigh and poor Alexandra keeps mistaking rudeness as humor. I wonder why her karma just keeps going negative. Perhaps she just needs to find a board dedicated to herself. Seems she is quickly wearing out her welcome here.

Why not try being a little more considerate and you might fit in a bit better. Worth a try.

Alexandra Cabot

Quote from: Cosmo on April 09, 2017, 02:09:24 PM
Sigh and poor Alexandra keeps mistaking rudeness as humor. I wonder why her karma just keeps going negative.

Because you keep logging in every hour to send out new smites, you serial smite stalker sockpupppet?

Second, never call me poor.  That's a lie.  I'm very rich.  Also you're the one with negative karma right now.  Maybe you have no place to speak perchance? 

Listen, I know you're jealous I'm the Queen of Archiefans, and you'll never obtain that level here, but logging in every hour in your sockpuppet to send out smites isn't going to change that.  You only have 14 posts (maybe 10,000 under DeCarlo Rules' account, but 14 in this one) and at least half of them are crying about other members.  Maybe do something with yourself instead.  You could donate your brain to science for example so scientists can have a better understanding of how stupid obsessive people think.   ;D   Think it over, kay?   ;)

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