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My plot idea for Archie's Sonic the hedgehog's Final issues

Started by terrence12, July 20, 2017, 05:31:29 AM

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Since Archie Comics and Sega's partnership comes to an end after 24 years, That means Sonic the Hedgehog # 291 and Sonic Universe # 95 will become the final story of the Archie Sonic Universe before Sega will find another comic book company possibly IDW to make a new comic book adaptation of Sonic the Hedgehog.

But in case if the 2 comic book issues are  never made, I am going to write the plot details  of the revised Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 291 and Sonic Universe # 95 which the latter will be the eulogy for the series.
It will be similar to what Dark Horse did with the Star Wars comic book series before giving its rights to Marvel  since Disney bought the franchise with Star Wars (dark horse 2014) issue 20 except Star wars legacy vol 2 and Archie Comics with Mega Man issue 55 ,If only this will happen to Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series .Well anyway,

Plot Details:
Sonic the Hedgehog#291 –The story will remain the same as this will be the adaptation of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 but it will be marketed as the final issue as there will be  narrations by tails about him and Sonic's first encounter with Knuckles  during their battle with Dr. Eggman. Then some added new last pages will reveal Sonic (the present one after the Shattered world crisis and the panic in the sky storyline)  reading Tails Journal about their adventures, When he heard that Tails is coming back from his walk. Sonic quickly closes the book and pretends that he didn't read Tails Journal as he is going out for a morning walk, Tails begins to suspect that Sonic had read some of his Journal but he decides to ignore it as he  is about to write about his next journal entry about his friendship with Sonic which will be explained in Sonic Universe # 95 the final issue of the series as well as the finale of Archie's Sonic Universe.
The info box at the end will say something like this  'Well Guys, That's the end of Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series, Thank you for 291 issues but if you want to see what Tails is writing in his Journal and see how this will all end , read Sonic Universe#95'

Off Panel Segment: This Off-Panel will be considered one page  as this involves characters shock that the series is cancelled and that there are many things that they wanted to do, Here's how it goes ,The Character are preparing for the next storyarc when suddenly Sonic gets a horrifying news from twitter that their Comic book series is cancelled. This cause the characters to panic and complain as they are shocked that the series didn't reach their 300th issue milestone ,there are too many plots left unresolved, and there are upcoming story arcs which are  never to be told  and that Eggman is making plans for his world conquest, The Off Panel segment ends with Sonic looking discontent at seeing his friends and enemies panic for the inevitable

Sonic Universe #95-This will be the final issue of the series as well as the finale of Archie's Sonic Universe and it will be similar to Archie's Mega Man final issue before the issue (in reality cancellation) but it will be considered a farewell to the Archie Sonic Universe, The plot continues where Sonic the Hedgehog#291 left off as tails is about to write his journal entry about his friendship with Sonic .He will also write some of the details about his adventures with Sonic during the Pre-genesis wave through good times and dark times but there will not be any mention of Ken Pender's creations due to 'you know' lawsuit and then Tails will also write about his post genesis wave adventures that is the Shattered world crisis saga. The framing segment will also have Sonic going for a morning run and greet his friends including the Archie ones  (but no kender's characters) along with Tail's narrations saying that Sonic cares about his friends and his world and won't let anyone like Dr. Eggman ruin it.
Sonic will then have a moment of Silence for Chip (the light Gaia) who merge with the Gaia Colossus and the Dark Gaia to prevent Sonic's world from being destroyed as shown with Sonic still holding the bracelet he got  from chip. After a moment of Silence Sonic witness Eggman in his Egg Mobile and his goons about to conquer Sonic's world as always. As Sonic calls his friends to join him in defeating Eggman ,Tails finish his Journal entry before joining his friends as he says whatever bad thing  happens Sonic and his friends will always save the day as the final splash page shows Sonic and his friends charging in toward Eggman and his Army .As this will be considered as 'And the Adventures continues' ending where Sonic and his friends continue their never-ending battle and adventures .

The info box at the end will say something like this  'After 95 issues ,The series is over for now but Sonic and his friends adventures will live on,  Thank you for 25 years Sonic fans'

Off Panel Segment: The Off-panel will be considered a farewell to Archie's Sonic universe as the characters 'leave the set' after the series has come to an end and that Archie and Sonic 's partnership is over after many years especially that it pays tribute to the final moments to the series finale of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, It will also come in one or two pages  ,Here is how it goes: Sometime after  the off panel segment from Sonic #291,and taking place in party in the studio Set Sonic with tears in his eyes gives a heartwarming speech saying that even though their series is coming to an end ,he believes that they will meet again and after they raise their glass possibly water or champagne some person off panel tells them it's time to close the set.
And then we see the group of character exit the set one by one as each of the group sings It's a Long way to Tipperary ,First the original characters from the post genesis wave made by the staff of Archie Comics, Then the characters from the  post adventures era by Sega, Then the original  characters from the Pre Genesis wave made by the staff of Archie comics (but no characters by Ken Penders which again is due to lawsuit) ,Then the villains Eggman and his goons ,Then Sonic's friends Knuckles, Tails and Amy and finally Sonic himself before joining his friends stands  in front of the door alone takes one last look at the set and then us readers before he turns off the light and close the door leaving the panel all black and thus bringing Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog series to an end.

What do you think?

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