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Riverdale is a ratings loser. Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa should resign in disgrace!

Started by Alexandra Cabot, January 28, 2017, 01:11:33 AM

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Alexandra Cabot

Okay, after years of hype, it looks like Riverdale is a ratings flop:


It's a big stinking failure.  It won't get renewed for Season 2.  There will be no new episodes ordered.  The show is a bastardization of Archie's characters.  The only time in the future it will be brought up is when one of those niche YouTube reviewers goes, "Wow, remember that Riverdale show?  That really sucked!  What were they thinking?!  Let's play one of those stupid scenes of Archie having sexual relations with Miss Grundy to laugh at it!  Boy, this was one of the worst things to come out of 2017 by far!"

Since Archie has spent so much of its capital and reputation on this so called television program, we must now ask, who is to blame?  Well, one person to blame is Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, who will surely go down as one of the biggest hacks in the history of writing.  If Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa has an idea, chances are it's something completely idiotic.  He turns Archie characters into his own masturbatory fantasies that have no relation to the characters from the comics.  If Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa had written Catcher in the Rye, it would have been the worst book ever written in the history of the human race.   I hear he is a playwright.  Perhaps his next play should be,  "I'm a Really Bad Writer."  It should of course star himself.

Has he even read any of the comics?  That's a very good question in and of itself, yet he has been awarded the title of Chief Creative Officer of Archie Comics.  Why was he given this position?  No one knows.  His ideas suck worse than the most powerful Dyson vacuum cleaner.

For that I say Mr. Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa should resign from his position Chief Creative Officer of Archie Comics and be given the new title of Chief Dunce of Archie Comics.  Here's your dunce cap, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, you've earned it:

Of course Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa isn't the only person to blame.  Who approved this god awful mess?  Who appointed Aguirre-Sacasa as Chief Creative Officer of Archie Comics?  Well, that was most likely someone named Jonathan Goldwater.  Not the John L. Goldwater that built the company into a successful publishing giant in the comics world, but the Jonathan Goldwater who recently inherited the company via bloodline succession much like the kingdoms of ancient Europe.  As any good student of history knows, that doesn't always produce the best results for the kingdom.

Much like a drunk driver, Mr. Goldwater has been running his company off of a cliff into a ditch with gimmick after gimmick.  While comic book media outlets may pretend like everything he does is worthy of news, sales I don't think have panned out.  And now Riverdale is a big stinking failure.  Recently, Mr. Goldwater has been firing Archie veterans to replace them with people like the person who "drew" Squirrel Girl, who I heard was later replaced for not knowing how to draw.  I don't know why Mr. Goldwater keeps making ridiculous decisions, but perhaps he has a problem with alcohol abuse.  It's just a theory.  It could be true or not.  But regardless he's been metaphorically drunk with his direction of this company for quite some time.  So I gift unto you Mr. Goldwater, this book on the 12 step program:

Please get off the sauce and right the ship, Mr. Goldwater.  Children ruining their parents' businesses is kind of a tired cliche, don't you think?

Also there is another CEO named Nancy Silberkleit that should perhaps also be discussed.  According to reports by the mainstream news media, she is obsessed with calling people male body parts as opposed to their first and last names:


Now I don't know why a female CEO would be so obsessed with certain male organs to the point of seeing them in the corporate office instead of fellow co-workers wearing business attire, but perhaps this is something to best be addressed by a licensed psychiatrist.  To you Nancy Silberkleit, Co-CEO of Archie Comics, I bestow unto you this chair to sit in as you discuss your problems in a clinical setting:

I hope you make a full recovery and return to the realm of the sane.  The best of wishes to you, Nancy Silberkleit.

DeCarlo Rules

That was a hilarious rant!  ;D  THANK YOU!

The essential grain of truth to take away here is that Jon Goldwater really doesn't understand the comics or legacy of his father's company, and has mismanaged the company into the ground with poor decisions, chasing every chance for a little 'shockworthy' publicity. He's hitched the fate of the company to a media adaption that he's dependent on as a crutch to insure the company's future, instead of concentrating on just publishing good comics. Yet at the beginning, he seemed open to positive change and encouraged greater freedom and creativity among the existing staff of classic ACP writers and artists, according to Fernando Ruiz, who was responsible in a way for Jon Goldwater taking over the company (I'm fuzzy on the exact details of that, so I'll try not to misquote Ruiz here).

Since it's my contention that Jon Goldwater doesn't know "good comics" from a hole in the wall, I submit that much of what Archie is publishing these days can be laid at the feet of ACP President Mike Pellerito, later with the complicity of CCO Aguirre-Sacasa. Pellerito is adamantly determined to re-position the company to wage a doomed head-to-head battle in the direct market against industry giants like Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and Dark Horse, with the New Riverdale reboot, Archie Horror, and Dark Circle lines (and it's not coincidental that Pellerito & Aguirre-Sacasa seek a significant overlap with the same audience demographic they had hoped to capture with Riverdale), instead of counterprogramming to the fare the Big 5 comics publishers offer, in line with ACP's legacy and creative strengths as an all-ages publisher of humor titles. But since it's all been sanctioned by Goldwater from the get-go, ultimately he's to blame.

As a side note, it occurs to me that it is entirely possible that the stories about Nancy Silberkleit are a conflation of misrepresentatons taken out of context, and calculated by Goldwater to win the male editorial staff over to his cause in a power struggle between Goldwater and Silberkleit for control of the company. At least it seems like one possible scenario worthy of considering. From what little else I know of Silberkleit, it seems that apart from any personal acrimony between Goldwater and herself, she was dedicated to maintaining ACP as a publisher of kid-friendly comics.

I think you missed one key bit of information regarding how Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa first came to the attention of Archie Comics Publications, and Jonathan Goldwater:
QuoteOn April 4, 2003, Dad's Garage Theatre Company in Atlanta was scheduled to debut Aguirre-Sacasa's new play, Archie's Weird Fantasy, which depicted Riverdale's most famous resident coming out of the closet and moving to New York. The day before the play was scheduled to open, Archie Comics issued a cease and desist order, threatening litigation if the play proceeded as written. Dad's Garage artistic director Sean Daniels said, "The play was to depict Archie and his pals from Riverdale growing up, coming out and facing censorship. Archie Comics thought if Archie was portrayed as being gay, that would dilute and tarnish his image." It opened a few days later as "Weird Comic Book Fantasy" with the character names changed.
[From Aguirre-Sacasa's Wikipedia entry]


Quote from: Alexandra Cabot on January 28, 2017, 01:11:33 AM
Okay, after years of hype, it looks like Riverdale is a ratings flop:


It's a big stinking failure.  It won't get renewed for Season 2.  There will be no new episodes ordered.  The show is a bastardization of Archie's characters.  The only time in the future it will be brought up is when one of those niche YouTube reviewers goes, "Wow, remember that Riverdale show?  That really sucked!  What were they thinking?!  Let's play one of those stupid scenes of Archie having sexual relations with Miss Grundy to laugh at it!  Boy, this was one of the worst things to come out of 2017 by far!"

Since Archie has spent so much of its capital and reputation on this so called television program, we must now ask, who is to blame?  Well, one person to blame is Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, who will surely go down as one of the biggest hacks in the history of writing.  If Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa has an idea, chances are it's something completely idiotic.  He turns Archie characters into his own masturbatory fantasies that have no relation to the characters from the comics.  If Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa had written Catcher in the Rye, it would have been the worst book ever written in the history of the human race.   I hear he is a playwright.  Perhaps his next play should be,  "I'm a Really Bad Writer."  It should of course star himself.

Has he even read any of the comics?  That's a very good question in and of itself, yet he has been awarded the title of Chief Creative Officer of Archie Comics.  Why was he given this position?  No one knows.  His ideas suck worse than the most powerful Dyson vacuum cleaner.

For that I say Mr. Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa should resign from his position Chief Creative Officer of Archie Comics and be given the new title of Chief Dunce of Archie Comics.  Here's your dunce cap, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, you've earned it:

Of course Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa isn't the only person to blame.  Who approved this god awful mess?  Who appointed Aguirre-Sacasa as Chief Creative Officer of Archie Comics?  Well, that was most likely someone named Jonathan Goldwater.  Not the John L. Goldwater that built the company into a successful publishing giant in the comics world, but the Jonathan Goldwater who recently inherited the company via bloodline succession much like the kingdoms of ancient Europe.  As any good student of history knows, that doesn't always produce the best results for the kingdom.

Much like a drunk driver, Mr. Goldwater has been running his company off of a cliff into a ditch with gimmick after gimmick.  While comic book media outlets may pretend like everything he does is worthy of news, sales I don't think have panned out.  And now Riverdale is a big stinking failure.  Recently, Mr. Goldwater has been firing Archie veterans to replace them with people like the person who "drew" Squirrel Girl, who I heard was later replaced for not knowing how to draw.  I don't know why Mr. Goldwater keeps making ridiculous decisions, but perhaps he has a problem with alcohol abuse.  It's just a theory.  It could be true or not.  But regardless he's been metaphorically drunk with his direction of this company for quite some time.  So I gift unto you Mr. Goldwater, this book on the 12 step program:

Please get off the sauce and right the ship, Mr. Goldwater.  Children ruining their parents' businesses is kind of a tired cliche, don't you think?

Also there is another CEO named Nancy Silberkleit that should perhaps also be discussed.  According to reports by the mainstream news media, she is obsessed with calling people male body parts as opposed to their first and last names:


Now I don't know why a female CEO would be so obsessed with certain male organs to the point of seeing them in the corporate office instead of fellow co-workers wearing business attire, but perhaps this is something to best be addressed by a licensed psychiatrist.  To you Nancy Silberkleit, Co-CEO of Archie Comics, I bestow unto you this chair to sit in as you discuss your problems in a clinical setting:

I hope you make a full recovery and return to the realm of the sane.  The best of wishes to you, Nancy Silberkleit.

That was hilarious. Did you have a different username on the old forum?


Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on January 28, 2017, 02:13:06 AM

I think you missed one key bit of information regarding how Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa first came to the attention of Archie Comics Publications, and Jonathan Goldwater:
QuoteOn April 4, 2003, Dad's Garage Theatre Company in Atlanta was scheduled to debut Aguirre-Sacasa's new play, Archie's Weird Fantasy, which depicted Riverdale's most famous resident coming out of the closet and moving to New York. The day before the play was scheduled to open, Archie Comics issued a cease and desist order, threatening litigation if the play proceeded as written. Dad's Garage artistic director Sean Daniels said, "The play was to depict Archie and his pals from Riverdale growing up, coming out and facing censorship. Archie Comics thought if Archie was portrayed as being gay, that would dilute and tarnish his image." It opened a few days later as "Weird Comic Book Fantasy" with the character names changed.
[From Aguirre-Sacasa's Wikipedia entry]

Well, that explains why now he has turn almost all the characters in Riverdale into gays, lesbians and/or bi  >:(
And Nancy Silberkleit  is still around??
QuoteFrom what little else I know of Silberkleit, it seems that apart from any personal acrimony between Goldwater and herself, she was dedicated to mantaining ACP as a publisher of kid-friendly comics.

If true then how I wish she was still in charge :/

DeCarlo Rules

Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on January 28, 2017, 11:17:24 AM
And Nancy Silberkleit  is still around??
QuoteFrom what little else I know of Silberkleit, it seems that apart from any personal acrimony between Goldwater and herself, she was dedicated to mantaining ACP as a publisher of kid-friendly comics.

If true then how I wish she was still in charge :/

She's still around (i.e. she's not dead or anything), but she no longer has anything to do with the running of ACP. Seems that Goldwater won that power struggle pretty decisively. I'm not privy to any details, by why would she want to hang around running a company where all the male employees hated her? Possibly that was not one-sided, either. Again, I don't pretend to know. If you google it, there were some pretty outrageous accusations being tossed at her. But the impression I get is that Goldwater and Pellerito teamed up to make it known that she wasn't wanted there. Whether or not it was true that she really was the pyscho nutcase she was made out to look like, I guess if the editorial staff was convinced it was true, she no longer had a workable situation. The only other things I know about her is that she was involved with some charitable organizations for kids and promoting literacy, and that that "Book Fairs" idea where Archie Comics would send a school a bunch of comics to sell on spec (no strings attached) that they used to advertise in all the comics was her inspiration.

I was curious myself so I googled her name to see what recent activities linked to comics she might be up to. As it turned out, the most recent story I could find was dated November 29, 2016 (only 2 months ago), and that story claims that Silberkeit still officially holds the title of co-CEO of ACP, so it would seem that the resolution of the sexual harrassment charge brouhaha was that Nancy agreed to walk away from ACP's day-to-day affairs and accept the role of a silent partner.


Reading the above story, it's kind of hard to square this with the monster she was being accused of being.


Guys, I understand you're angry and not happy about the Riverdale series which  is unfaithful to the source materials roots that is comedy including myself and that it began with low ratings but you have to take your time because sooner or later the ratings on the Riverdale series will begin to rise up because of the early positive reception from critics and probably viewers ,its ratings will rise in about few weeks and if it does maybe it will be renewed for few seasons or not , I means it's just a slow start with  less ratings ,most shows started out this way. What could possibly go wrong?

Still however I wish Archie comics should just  make a sitcom or a comedy drama series based on the source materials classic and reboots roots that is comedy make it not connected to 'Riverdale and air on Netflix or maybe MTV or Freeform.

DeCarlo Rules

Quote from: terrence12 on January 28, 2017, 12:08:55 PM
Guys, I understand you're angry and not happy about the Riverdale series which  is unfaithful to the source materials roots that is comedy including myself and that it began with low ratings but you have to take your time because sooner or later the ratings on the Riverdale series will begin to rise up because of the early positive reception from critics and probably viewers ,its ratings will rise in about few weeks and if it does maybe it will be renewed for few seasons or not , I means it's just a slow start with  less ratings ,most shows started out this way. What could possibly go wrong?

People could stop watching once the novelty wears off? Something more interesting on another channel?


Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on January 28, 2017, 12:25:36 PM
People could stop watching once the novelty wears off? Something more interesting on another channel?

Maybe but i can't believe i have to say this but I believe riverdale ratings will increase in about  few weeks  and will be renewed for another after all it gains positive reception.

DeCarlo Rules

But I WANT it to be cancelled. I mean, it doesn't do anything to hurt me personally, because I can just not watch it. The reason I'd like to see it cancelled is that I'd like to see what ACP would do without an artificial crutch to prop them up. Could they succeed as a comics publisher by ONLY publishing comics? That's what I'd like to know. My suspicion is that no, they can't. Not without a complete shakeup in their current publishing philosophy, and a 180 degree change in direction.


Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on January 28, 2017, 12:47:00 PM
But I WANT it to be cancelled. I mean, it doesn't do anything to hurt me personally, because I can just not watch it. The reason I'd like to see it cancelled is that I'd like to see what ACP would do without an artificial crutch to prop them up. Could they succeed as a comics publisher by ONLY publishing comics? That's what I'd like to know. My suspicion is that no, they can't. Not without a complete shakeup in their current publishing philosophy, and a 180 degree change in direction.

Quote from: gillibean on January 28, 2017, 01:15:55 PMI want it cancelled too. I just want Archie to move past this. The show was laughably bad.

Sigh I know how you two feel but with riverdale getting positive reviews despite low ratings it will keep on running and it will never be cancelled besides i wish that archie comic should just make a drama comedy or a sitcom instead based on the source materials true element 'comedy' and not a teen drama series

Though i wonder what it will be like if wikipedia says that ' archie purists criticized riverdale for its unfaithfulness to the source material'


Quote from: terrence12 on January 28, 2017, 12:08:55 PM
Guys, I understand you're angry and not happy about the Riverdale series which  is unfaithful to the source materials roots that is comedy including myself and that it began with low ratings but you have to take your time because sooner or later the ratings on the Riverdale series will begin to rise up because of the early positive reception from critics and probably viewers ,its ratings will rise in about few weeks and if it does maybe it will be renewed for few seasons or not , I means it's just a slow start with  less ratings ,most shows started out this way. What could possibly go wrong?

Still however I wish Archie comics should just  make a sitcom or a comedy drama series based on the source materials classic and reboots roots that is comedy make it not connected to 'Riverdale and air on Netflix or maybe MTV or Freeform.

It wouldn't surprise me if it lasts a few seasons  :tickedoff:  because we all know plenty of people like those sort of things. I mean, look how many trashy, awful shows there are that should be cancelled but instead keep getting renewed  ::)
I think a sitcom based on the source materials is not gonna happen. At least not while those people are in charge of ACP.


Quote from: gillibean on January 28, 2017, 09:56:58 PM
Quote from: terrence12 on January 28, 2017, 07:49:21 PM
Sigh I know how you two feel but with riverdale getting positive reviews despite low ratings it will keep on running and it will never be cancelled besides i wish that archie comic should just make a drama comedy or a sitcom instead based on the source materials true element 'comedy' and not a teen drama series

Though i wonder what it will be like if wikipedia says that ' archie purists criticized riverdale for its unfaithfulness to the source material'

^I'm not sure if you were trying to call me a purist, but just because I didn't like this adaptation of the comics, doesn't make me a purist. I'm fine with change, as long as its good. Some of the changes in the show didn't bug me, but others did. I'll post my review soon and you can read for yourself.  ;)

I'll try


Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on January 28, 2017, 09:04:34 PMIt wouldn't surprise me if it lasts a few seasons  :tickedoff:  because we all know plenty of people like those sort of things. I mean, look how many trashy, awful shows there are that should be cancelled but instead keep getting renewed  ::) 

Yeah i know how you feel

Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on January 28, 2017, 09:04:34 PMI think a sitcom based on the source materials is not gonna happen. At least not while those people are in charge of ACP.

Well i think it will happen if i were in charge of the production and if it does ,I hope it will be nice.

DeCarlo Rules

Quote from: terrence12 on January 29, 2017, 02:20:42 AM
Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on January 28, 2017, 09:04:34 PMI think a sitcom based on the source materials is not gonna happen. At least not while those people are in charge of ACP.

Well i think it will happen if i were in charge of the production and if it does ,I hope it will be nice.

I hope you raise a ton of money and buy the company from Goldwater & Silberkleit. Then you can run the company any way you like. If wishes were horses, as the saying goes, beggars could ride.


I'll weigh in on this. I couldn't see the show because a tree fell on a power line near where I live. I didn't get any power until just about 9:00, which is when the show ended. It appears from what I see from the critique on these boards is that I didn't miss anything. It seems as if the show's producers have went too far in trying to portray Archie and company into a Twin Peaks/Beverly Hills 90210 show from what we know. Translation: Greg Berlanti went too far in his vision of Archie. I can't figure out why he didn't go the route of his superhero shows and make subtle changes without going over the top. He could have made Archie into a light comedy, and kept the diversity that was ingrained and rock-solid. Example: He didn't have to make Josie African-American, since Valerie had that distinction already. He could have had Frankie and Ginger be the Latino representatives instead of putting others in to do so. I think it's going to Berlanti's head that he can put anything on the air and get away with it. Only time will tell. I'll see if I can look at the premiere online, and make a call of my own....

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