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September 20, 2024, 07:19:21 AM

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Sep 16 2024 2:15pm
terrence12: also @DeCarlo Rules about if Archie comcis deserve to fail, yeah thats what i been thinking the same thing

Sep 16 2024 12:28pm
terrence12: Hey @DeCarloRules come check out my movie post and tell me what you think of it check out my take of an Archie movie if it receives a barbie movie treatment https://www.archiefans.com/all-about-archie/should-archie-comics-rebrand-itself-as-an-horror-comic-

Sep 11 2024 11:55am
DeCarlo Rules: I ask myself... "Does Archie Comics DESERVE to fail?" and honestly... they might.

Sep 09 2024 6:05pm
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?" from Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #353: https://riverdalereviewed.wordpress.com/2024/09/09/comics-how-do-you-do-fellow-kids/

Aug 10 2024 7:24pm
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "The Epidemic" from Betty and Veronica #128: https://riverdalereviewed.wordpress.com/2024/08/10/comics-the-epidemic/

Aug 04 2024 2:07pm
terrence12: also how is the state of archie comics?

Aug 04 2024 2:06pm
terrence12: yeah how did you guess ,also i wasnt in that forum few years ago until today which is why i posted the threads i wrote from reddit into this forum to see if anyone gains a response from each

Aug 04 2024 1:57pm
Tuxedo Mark: They're not new; they're just stuff that you copied from Reddit.

Aug 04 2024 1:16pm
terrence12: which you can check it out

Aug 04 2024 1:16pm
terrence12: Hey everyone i am back and i have three new post threads

Should Archie comics rebrand itself as an horror comic book company

Started by terrence12, August 04, 2024, 12:23:15 PM

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I understand that Archie comics cannot make new series due to the post Covid-19 situation right now and that the only new content they are working on are short stories made by Archie comics which are published mostly in digests and one shot comics by in house Archie artists and writers.

But seeing that the horror stories in Archie comics are popular which are written by some people outside Archie comics according to this article https://www.forbes.com/sites/goldiechan/2023/10/30/how-archie-horror-is-redefining-scary-in-comics/ despite that they are still one-shots and are  still drawn by in house Archie comics artists eventhough there are 3-issue miniseries drawn by freenlance writers and artists who worked for dark horse, DC and marvel .

It leads me to wonder if Archie comics should rebrand itself as an horror comic book company , think about it , horror stories in Archie comics are what gave them profit, but Archie is meant for humor even though they put the characters in horror stories some for black humor , so if horror stories is what gives the company profit then maybe they should focus on horror stories instead, and to do that they will sell the brand and the Archie characters to some publishing company perhaps IDW or Boom or maybe Warner bros , while rebranding the company aimed for horror companies with a name like "Madhouse" named after the surreal and later horror (used in the 1970s) Archie anthology series that began in the 1950s called Archie's Madhouse.

That way the company can hire freelance indie artists instead of in house Archie comic artists and even horror writers to make miniseries and ongoing series revolving around the horror genre without the Archie characters and will be used in sub-genre's like comedy,family , young adults,sci-fi and more. That way, the company will gain more profits .

So should Archie comics rebrand itself as an horror comic book company?

DeCarlo Rules

The worst thing any comic book publisher can do is to put all their eggs in one basket (meaning... all their comics in one genre). That's really what's been the downfall of Archie Comics... they failed to diversify their product line enough down through the decades. You can't expect to survive in the long run in publishing if you ONLY do humor, or ONLY do horror. Even Marvel and DC, as successful as they've been at superheroes, can't do ONLY superheroes. Overspecialization is a dead end.


Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on September 11, 2024, 11:52:33 AMThe worst thing any comic book publisher can do is to put all their eggs in one basket (meaning... all their comics in one genre). That's really what's been the downfall of Archie Comics... they failed to diversify their product line enough down through the decades. You can't expect to survive in the long run in publishing if you ONLY do humor, or ONLY do horror. Even Marvel and DC, as successful as they've been at superheroes, can't do ONLY superheroes. Overspecialization is a dead end.

Yeah, you have a good point on why Archie comics have to diversify their product line to survive, especially that this is one of the reasons why the forum and even the Archie comic Subreddits has fewer views, fewer people and fewer replies.

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