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Jun 15 2024 4:27pm
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "Is There a Doctor on the Beach?" from World of Betty and Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #33: https://riverdalereviewed.wordpress.com/2024/06/15/comics-is-there-a-doctor-on-the-beach/

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Apr 07 2024 6:47pm
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The Crazy Betty/Villainous Veronica Thread!

Started by BlueBomber2015, April 15, 2016, 12:44:55 AM

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Ok, time to get back to action.

Is it my imagination, or, does Betty go to the same utilities store with Hawkeye and Green Arrow?

DeCarlo Rules

Quote from: BlueBomber2015 on May 09, 2016, 05:29:08 AM
Ok, time to get back to action.

Is it my imagination, or, does Betty go to the same utilities store with Hawkeye and Green Arrow?

Maybe a sporting goods store, or just a department store (like Walmart). Pretty sure that such un-aerodynamic archery modifications as the "boxing glove arrow" are individually handcrafted items (never saw Hawkeye use one, but maybe Green Arrow patented it or something). I think for those boxing glove arrows to actually work they require a tech gizmo installed (Dilton would help Betty out with this one) that acts as a gravity deflector, redirecting the normal physical property of gravity (the mass of the glove normally would cause the arrow to fall to ground) by a 90 degree angle, so that the arrow would fly parallel to the ground (as if attracted by the force of normal earth gravity in the forward direction of flight). With the 90 degree gravity deflector gizmo installed, air resistance is actually helpful in slowing the forward movement of the boxing glove down so that when it contacts the target the force of impact remains in the non-lethal range. The force of impact also causes the gravity deflector to turn off, stopping the arrow cold. Superhero Science Fun Fact!

Although I haven't seen shoes like that for sale anywhere (not that I was looking for any like that)... perhaps she shops for shoes in the same store as Robin the Boy Wonder. She's got better legs though.



Quote from: daren on May 06, 2016, 02:55:20 AM
And ASKING someone to wear a different coat (and it IS asking no matter how bossy she was being, she has no hold over him) is very different from grabbing someone weaker than you and SCRUBBING their face forcibly.

And wearing a coat someone else gave you isn't equal to wearing makeup someone else gave you, that's hardly identifiable.

You know if Reggie did that to her people would roast him over hot coals but when Archie does it it's just awesome. Lucky that Reggie wouldn't do that to her.

We--ell, to be fair Reggie did buck Ronica off his back while she was riding him in that story... :)

DeCarlo Rules

You know what's funny? Just today I found a story (it's actually a Jughead story, but trust me, it's really an Archie VS Veronica story in which Jughead just happens to play a pivotal role) titled "Writing Wrongs". It was in JUGHEAD & FRIENDS DIGEST #18 (and was also reprinted in JUGHEAD DOUBLE DIGEST #179), another Craig Boldman/Rex Lindsey gem. I wish I could show it but I have no scanner. It is the exact reversal of the story "Cover Up" with the final panel showing Veronica looming over Archie, waving her arms at Archie threateningly, and Archie quivering in fear of attack. It's a funny story, but it shows that ACP was equal-opportunity when it came to who's on the receiving end of (as Daren would say) "assault". Of course there's no actual assault going on here, because it's a cartoon, but I guess if it were a real situation with real people acting that way, it would be considered assault by the 21st Century legal definition. As would the other story, "Cover Up", but then by the real world legal definition of the term, the Three Stooges would be considered guilty of both assault and battery in every film they ever made (as would Moose Mason in about 90% of his appearances.) Legally, it doesn't matter which sex is the assaulter and which is the assaultee. But that's only if it were the real world, instead of a comedy cartoon.

Anyway, I tried and tried to find some scans of it somewhere online, but with no luck. So I'll just summarize it. At the beginning of the story, Archie's at home writing a letter when Jughead shows up. He's hopping mad, furiously writing a poison pen letter to Veronica, telling her off in no uncertain terms, and exactly what he thinks of her. "Stuck-up - petty - vindictive - jealous - overbearing - snooty - demanding" - blah, blah, blah. She just pushed him too far once too often and he finally snapped on her, and they had a huge fight about it. Jughead listens to him rant about her for a couple of panels, then calmly offers to take the letter and deliver it himself. He persuades Archie that Veronica doesn't merit the price of a stamp, and Archie agrees, saying that he refuses to waste another penny on her. Jughead heads over to the Choklit Shoppe and has a conversation with Pop Tate, after Pop notices him hurriedly scribbling away on a piece of paper. Pop looks over his shoulder and reads what he wrote. Then he remarks that he didn't think Jughead had it in him. "When did YOU learn to write LOVE letters? That has to be the sweetest, sugariest, most sentimental, mushy, gushy, sappy love letter I ever saw! Who's the girl?" Jughead then replies "It's for Veronica." and Pop has the most confused and dazed look on his face. Then Jughead quickly explains that he's en route to deliver Archie's letter to Veronica's house. He explains about Archie's ill-considered temper fit and poison pen letter, and why he just decided to take it upon himself to re-write it. He's been through this all before, so he figures he'll save everyone from hurt feelings and getting all worked up and possible mayhem and weeks of cold-shouldering by just cutting to the makeup letter and Archie and Veronica getting back together again. By his logic, he knows the pattern that the fight is going to proceed so he's just saving everyone a lot of time and emotional wear-and-tear, and Veronica will never know the difference. Jughead takes Archie's poison pen letter out of the envelope (Archie was so mad, and Jughead was so casually persuasive, that Archie never even bothered to seal the envelope.) and replaces it with the one he wrote before sealing it. Jughead then heads over to the Lodge Mansion, knocks on the door, and it's opened by a still-steaming Veronica who angrily demands to know what he wants. "I promised Archie I'd deliver his letter to you." Veronica begins to protest, and expects the letter is full of Archie's vitriolic parting shots at her, but then she opens it and begins to read what he (actually Jughead) wrote, and it melts her heart. The little hearts start circling over her head, and she heads straight to the phone to call Archie, inviting Jughead to help himself to the fridge as a reward for delivering the letter. ("The fringe benefits aren't bad" thinks Jughead to himself.) Veronica seems overjoyed. Meanwhile, Archie at home is having second thoughts, ("What was I thinking?! She'll probably tear me into little pieces!") until he's informed by his Mom that he has a phone call from Veronica. Now Archie is really worried, wondering how bad it's going to be. "GULP! She might reach right through the phone and rip my guts out!" He stands there trembling, holding the phone at arm's length, as far away from his ear as possible, trying to brace himself for an icy blast. Then he hears Veronica's honeyed voice cooing in the phone, all lovey-dovey. "Oh Archiekins, I'm so sorry we had a fight! You're such a darling! What you wrote really made me change the way I look at you!" and Archie has this expression of delirious relief and confusion, all at once. After hanging up the phone, he spends a couple of panels just looking dazed and trying to figure out what happened. Eventually he decides "It must have been my firmness, my forceful nature! Girls like a guy who stands his ground, who's manly, and puts his foot down!" Now he's gotten over his fear and has gone the other way, becoming cocky and confident. "I'll head right over there now! Yes sir, it's about time I did something like this! Things are gonna be different between us from now on! A REAL MAN takes charge and shows a girl who's boss! Now I've got her respect!" Immediately after he gets to Veronica's, he's still charged up and launches into his cocky act -- "Listen baby, from now on, I give the orders!" Veronica looks a little confused at first, but by the next panel she lays into him with "Wait a minute! What's going on here?!? Who do you think you are, anyway?" AND Archie looks befuddled, then shocked as she turns on him and lays into him. In the last panel, Veronica is in a tantrum, flailing her arms at him in a rage as she looms over him, with stars, lighting bolts, and daggers radiating out of her face, while Archie shrinks back away in fear, trembling, as Jughead walks out off panel in the foreground saying "Oh well! Might as well get a snack! This could go on for a while!"


I think this story fits well on this thread. It's not about a crazy Betty trying to get Archie at any cost but I think she is still exhibiting crazy behavior.


Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on May 11, 2016, 01:24:53 PM
I think this story fits well on this thread. It's not about a crazy Betty trying to get Archie at any cost but I think she is still exhibiting crazy behavior.
Well, it is a bit a crazy Betty trying to get Archie at any cost  ::) ... just not vs. anyone else ...   :idiot2: 


Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on May 09, 2016, 04:56:18 PM
You know what's funny? Just today I found a story (it's actually a Jughead story, but trust me, it's really an Archie VS Veronica story in which Jughead just happens to play a pivotal role) titled "Writing Wrongs". It was in JUGHEAD & FRIENDS DIGEST #18 (and was also reprinted in JUGHEAD DOUBLE DIGEST #179), another Craig Boldman/Rex Lindsey gem. I wish I could show it but I have no scanner. It is the exact reversal of the story "Cover Up" with the final panel showing Veronica looming over Archie, waving her arms at Archie threateningly, and Archie quivering in fear of attack. It's a funny story, but it shows that ACP was equal-opportunity when it came to who's on the receiving end of (as Daren would say) "assault". Of course there's no actual assault going on here, because it's a cartoon, but I guess if it were a real situation with real people acting that way, it would be considered assault by the 21st Century legal definition. As would the other story, "Cover Up", but then by the real world legal definition of the term, the Three Stooges would be considered guilty of both assault and battery in every film they ever made (as would Moose Mason in about 90% of his appearances.) Legally, it doesn't matter which sex is the assaulter and which is the assaultee. But that's only if it were the real world, instead of a comedy cartoon.

Anyway, I tried and tried to find some scans of it somewhere online, but with no luck. So I'll just summarize it. At the beginning of the story, Archie's at home writing a letter when Jughead shows up. He's hopping mad, furiously writing a poison pen letter to Veronica, telling her off in no uncertain terms, and exactly what he thinks of her. "Stuck-up - petty - vindictive - jealous - overbearing - snooty - demanding" - blah, blah, blah. She just pushed him too far once too often and he finally snapped on her, and they had a huge fight about it. Jughead listens to him rant about her for a couple of panels, then calmly offers to take the letter and deliver it himself. He persuades Archie that Veronica doesn't merit the price of a stamp, and Archie agrees, saying that he refuses to waste another penny on her. Jughead heads over to the Choklit Shoppe and has a conversation with Pop Tate, after Pop notices him hurriedly scribbling away on a piece of paper. Pop looks over his shoulder and reads what he wrote. Then he remarks that he didn't think Jughead had it in him. "When did YOU learn to write LOVE letters? That has to be the sweetest, sugariest, most sentimental, mushy, gushy, sappy love letter I ever saw! Who's the girl?" Jughead then replies "It's for Veronica." and Pop has the most confused and dazed look on his face. Then Jughead quickly explains that he's en route to deliver Archie's letter to Veronica's house. He explains about Archie's ill-considered temper fit and poison pen letter, and why he just decided to take it upon himself to re-write it. He's been through this all before, so he figures he'll save everyone from hurt feelings and getting all worked up and possible mayhem and weeks of cold-shouldering by just cutting to the makeup letter and Archie and Veronica getting back together again. By his logic, he knows the pattern that the fight is going to proceed so he's just saving everyone a lot of time and emotional wear-and-tear, and Veronica will never know the difference. Jughead takes Archie's poison pen letter out of the envelope (Archie was so mad, and Jughead was so casually persuasive, that Archie never even bothered to seal the envelope.) and replaces it with the one he wrote before sealing it. Jughead then heads over to the Lodge Mansion, knocks on the door, and it's opened by a still-steaming Veronica who angrily demands to know what he wants. "I promised Archie I'd deliver his letter to you." Veronica begins to protest, and expects the letter is full of Archie's vitriolic parting shots at her, but then she opens it and begins to read what he (actually Jughead) wrote, and it melts her heart. The little hearts start circling over her head, and she heads straight to the phone to call Archie, inviting Jughead to help himself to the fridge as a reward for delivering the letter. ("The fringe benefits aren't bad" thinks Jughead to himself.) Veronica seems overjoyed. Meanwhile, Archie at home is having second thoughts, ("What was I thinking?! She'll probably tear me into little pieces!") until he's informed by his Mom that he has a phone call from Veronica. Now Archie is really worried, wondering how bad it's going to be. "GULP! She might reach right through the phone and rip my guts out!" He stands there trembling, holding the phone at arm's length, as far away from his ear as possible, trying to brace himself for an icy blast. Then he hears Veronica's honeyed voice cooing in the phone, all lovey-dovey. "Oh Archiekins, I'm so sorry we had a fight! You're such a darling! What you wrote really made me change the way I look at you!" and Archie has this expression of delirious relief and confusion, all at once. After hanging up the phone, he spends a couple of panels just looking dazed and trying to figure out what happened. Eventually he decides "It must have been my firmness, my forceful nature! Girls like a guy who stands his ground, who's manly, and puts his foot down!" Now he's gotten over his fear and has gone the other way, becoming cocky and confident. "I'll head right over there now! Yes sir, it's about time I did something like this! Things are gonna be different between us from now on! A REAL MAN takes charge and shows a girl who's boss! Now I've got her respect!" Immediately after he gets to Veronica's, he's still charged up and launches into his cocky act -- "Listen baby, from now on, I give the orders!" Veronica looks a little confused at first, but by the next panel she lays into him with "Wait a minute! What's going on here?!? Who do you think you are, anyway?" AND Archie looks befuddled, then shocked as she turns on him and lays into him. In the last panel, Veronica is in a tantrum, flailing her arms at him in a rage as she looms over him, with stars, lighting bolts, and daggers radiating out of her face, while Archie shrinks back away in fear, trembling, as Jughead walks out off panel in the foreground saying "Oh well! Might as well get a snack! This could go on for a while!"
I remember reading this story, but I don't recall where it is right now...


[size=78%]Got some best of the worst evil Ronnie pics here!  [/size]

Something sinister is upon us...

Previously posted in the now-deleted Best/Worst of Veronica thread, might as well repost it here after the effects of the Server Purge.  Still, Ronnie is very evil here!

Something sinister in that look, also reposted from the Server Purge.


^ Yikes, she was pure evil back then, lol  :o


Yes she was evil back then, I doubt an evil Veronica would be PC for today's readers. 


Political correctness takes the fun out of things  >:(

Found another one


Quote from: BlueBomber2015 on May 13, 2016, 11:57:48 PM
Yes she was evil back then, I doubt an evil Veronica would be PC for today's readers.
1 word:  Vamperonica...


Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on May 08, 2016, 04:29:17 AM
In no way is that intended by the creators of the story (Frank Doyle, most likely, and Harry Lucey) to serve as an example which readers should take to heart and emulate,

Well after the Frank Doyle story I read last month where he makes Reggie a racist that really makes me love him. I'll remember to look up Frank Doyle for all my Reggie and Ronnie stories from now on. And again Harry Lucey just drew this story, I don't know why you keep bringing him up. I'll rebut more of your points if you PM me or make some other thread, otherwise time to get back to the girls.


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