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Feb 06 2025 8:24pm
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "Gift Gambit!" from Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #356:

Jan 07 2025 8:46pm
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "Where There's a Wilbur There's a Way!!" from World of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #145:

Jan 01 2025 12:18am
Tuxedo Mark: Happy New Year, everyone!

Dec 18 2024 4:10am
DeCarlo Rules: Holy caw, that is crazy -- but if you have $1000 that you're not doing anything with, you can have a nice instant collection of 89 classic Archie Comics in beautifully-designed collectors' boxes.

Dec 16 2024 10:44pm
Hanna Barbera Montana: Macroverse and Archie are teaming up for a facsimile collection via Kickstarter.

Dec 16 2024 3:48am
DeCarlo Rules: Geez, now you can't even depend on a TPB compiling all the year's new stories from the digests...  >:( 

Dec 13 2024 10:59pm
Hanna Barbera Montana: Yes

Dec 13 2024 6:17am
DeCarlo Rules: Was ARCHIE MODERN CLASSICS: MELODY released as digital-only, and not in TPB as solicited??

Nov 21 2024 10:27am
DeCarlo Rules: Seriously, considering that ACP doesn't have a huge output of titles to begin with, the number of things they solicit and then cancel, never to be seen, is just ridiculous.

Nov 19 2024 12:20am
Hanna Barbera Montana: Count the facsimile for ARCHIE'S PAL JUGHEAD #78 as an imaginary comic.

Why I am worried about Archie comic's future.

Started by terrence12, August 04, 2024, 12:19:10 PM

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Everyone, I have something that I wanted to say, I am worried about Archie comic's future, because recently since the pandemic they haven't ended their hiatus on their Archie main series, no new miniseries and the only things new are one-shots made by Archie comics by house artists and some writer they hired, some one-shot horror stories and even some small short stories published in digest which consists of reprints of classic Archie stories eventhough they are making some horror 3 issue miniseries this year which is not enough like the cursed library and the already released Archie comics Judgement day. 

The reason I am worried is that with Archie comics not making many new stories due to the current situation, there will be problems for the company itself as if they won't fit in the times before the so-called "Archie renaissance" specially that their hit show on CW Riverdale had ended.

And what if someday with people look at classics through digital might not rely on digests anytime soon and if they can't get new artists and artists to make new stories that are main series or new miniseries for the company besides horror then the company might lead to bankruptcy that they will have to sell the Archie comics to some other companies to make new stories like IDW, Boom or worse Warner Bros while the Archie comics will have to deal with licensing and merchandising with other companies instead.

And those are the reasons why I am worried about the Archie comic's future.

DeCarlo Rules

The current owners will still own the company, and still sell digital Archie Comics... maybe not any new ones, though. Maybe just a few trade paperbacks for printed comics. Any new comics might be licensed to someone else (but probably not IDW, they have enough problems of their own).'re just starting to worry about the future of Archie Comics NOW? I've been worried about them since they cancelled ARCHIE with #666 and BETTY & VERONICA with #278 back in 2015!! That's almost 10 years now, and it's been a long downhill slide to the point where I've come to accept the inevitable.

Come to think of it, licensing the Archie characters to some other comic book company might be the best thing that Archie Comics could do for its fans.


Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on September 11, 2024, 11:47:46're just starting to worry about the future of Archie Comics NOW? I've been worried about them since they cancelled ARCHIE with #666 and BETTY & VERONICA with #278 back in 2015!! That's almost 10 years now, and it's been a long downhill slide to the point where I've come to accept the inevitable.

Well at first, after Archie comics ended the classic version of Archie (along with the classic version of Betty and Veronica)  with issue 666 and created a new Riverdale reboot of Archie (along with the gang) with issue 1, the company might survive but then Covid-19 happen and this lead to the company to put an end to their main line and focus on doing new stories made by remaining Archie house artists only published in digest, some stories revolving around old forgotten characters once published by MLJ (pre-archie) to interact with the Archie characters and one shot (and also miniseries) of Archie horror stories especially the cancelation of CW's Riverdale which are the few reasons why I am worried about the future of Archie comics 

Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on September 11, 2024, 11:47:46 AMThe current owners will still own the company, and still sell digital Archie Comics... maybe not any new ones, though. Maybe just a few trade paperbacks for printed comics. Any new comics might be licensed to someone else (but probably not IDW, they have enough problems of their own).

That's true, but since you mention "not any new ones" that is the problem and another reason why I am worried about the companies future.

Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on September 11, 2024, 11:47:46 AMCome to think of it, licensing the Archie characters to some other comic book company might be the best thing that Archie Comics could do for its fans.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking the same thing, in case if Archie comics are going to end up bankrupt and closed the owners will have to sell the rights to a different comic book company and reprint the old material and make new stories mostly limited main series or miniseries so that the Archie characters won't be forgotten,

by the way, check out my take of an Archie movie if it receives a barbie movie treatment

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