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Archie and Me in A Walk a Hallway in Someone Else's Shoes.

Started by PTF, August 12, 2018, 01:57:58 PM

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Page one

Panel one: Archie is in detention as Mr. Weatherbee is watching the class. It is only Archie with Jughead in the background writing "I will not eat during class" with one hand while using the other to eat a kielbasa. Archie has his head resting on the chair as he frowns.

Mr. Weatherbee: Scowl all you want, Archie, but it's your own fault for  amassing the tardies.

Panel two: Archie raises his head up as Archie uses his hands and fingers to motion in different directions about how his schedule and classes are set up and where in Riverdale they are from one another.

Archie: But it's not fair! One period I have class in the main building, but the next is all the way in the auxiliary building to the right, then downs stairs on the left and back and upstairs...

Archie: ...And that's not factoring getting and putting books in my locker in the downstairs main building and bathroom breaks! Plus the halls are crowded!

Panel three: Mr. Weatherbee waves off Archie's objections as Archie rolls his eyes as Mr. Weatherbee gloats.

Mr. Weatherbee: Archie, all factors are taken into your schedule and classes. You just dilly dally. I faced the same problems as a lad and I was never late for class once...

Mr. Weatherbee: In fact, I bet I could get to your classes in record time.

Page 2

Panel one: Mr. Weatherbee yells and points at Archie as Archie tries to play innocent.

Mr. Weatherbee: I saw that, Mr. Andrews!

Archie: Saw?! Saw what?!

Panel two: Mr. Weatherbee points at his eyes with two fingers.

Mr. Weatherbee: You rolling your eyes like that lone marble inside of your head!

Panel three: Archie tries to ease the argument but Mr. Weatherbee folds his arms.

Archie: I'm sorry, sir, but I don't see how you can handle going class to class because of you're...

Panel four: Mr. Weatherbee waves his arms in the air as he yells at Archie.

Mr. Weatherbee: Because I'm too old?? Out of shape?? Is that it?!

Panel five: Archie innocently nods his head as Mr. Weatherbee gives the reader an aside glace.

Archie: Yes, exactly. Glad you understand so I didn't have to say it out loud.

Page 3

Panel one: Mr. Weatherbee slams a piece of paper and a pen down on Archie's desk as Archie looks on dumbfounded.

Mr. Weatherbee: I'll prove my point! Jot down your schedule for tomorrow.

Panel two: Archie is talking to Mr. Weatherbee as he becomes even more flustered.

Archie: But, sir, I'll be leaving on a field trip tomorrow.

Mr. Weatherbee: And your point being?

Panel three: Archie continues to write down his schedule as he has his tongue sticking out to the left of his face as he focuses on it. Mr. Weatherbee's eyes light up in surprise.

Archie: That I won't be here to see how you do.

Mr. Weatherbee: !!!

Panel four: Mr. Weatherbee is yelling at Archie as Archie leans back as far as possible as Mr. Weatherbee gets in his face.

Mr. Weatherbee: I'll have you know I'm an honorable, trustworthy man! Or are you saying otherwise?

Archie: I will never say the o-word ever again, sir.

Panel five: Mr. Weatherbee snatches the paper from Archie's desk as he motions for Archie and Jughead to leave.

Mr. Weatherbee: Good.


Mr. Weatherbee: Time is up. You boys head on out, and I hope not to see you in this room ever again.

Jughead: That's what I like about The Bee, Arch. He's a dreamer.

Panel six: Mr. Weatherbee smirks as he examines the list.

Mr. Weatherbee thinking: Hah! Some Herculean task! Merely a hop, skip, jump away each!

Mr. Weatherbee thinking: A waste of my precious time for sure, but it will eliminate this particular excuse from Archie's repertoire.

Page 4

Panel one: Mr. Weatherbee is in the main hall way as various students are standing around and talking. Mr. Weatherbee has his briefcase with him as he looks on confidently.

Mr. Weatherbee: There. In the main hallway at the lockers. A fair starting point!

Panel two: The bell suddenly rings as Mr. Weatherbee begins to prepare to move as all the students stop what they are doing as they all look frantic.

Panel three: It turns into a stampede as Mr. Weatherbee is caught in the middle of a wave of student as he is taken quickly by surprise at the morning rush and is falling backwards.

Mr. Weatherbee: Awck! Hey! File into a single line! A single line!!

Panel four: Mr. Weatherbee is on his back with several footprints on his person to show how badly get go ran over. Next to Mr. Weatherbee is his briefcase as it has been knocked open with his papers and folders trampled and scattered everywhere.

Mr. Weatherbee: A small delay at best.

Page 5

Panel one: Mr. Weatherbee runs to Ms. Ashton's door as he is panting profusely.

Mr. Weatherbee: (pant pant)

Panel two: Mr. Weatherbee looks his watch to see he is a minute late.

Mr. Weatherbee: Late?!

Panel three: Mr. Weatherbee begins to stretch as Svenson is sweeping away a giant pile of garbage with his broom as he looks over at Mr. Weatherbee with a thought balloon of an acorn over his head.

Mr. Weatherbee: ...Well, that's understandable! I didn't stretch. My joints locked up on me. I have to forget I'm not the man I used to be!

Panel four: Mr. Weatherbee is getting a drink of water from a water fountain as he continues to talk.

Mr. Weatherbee: Water. Just what I need. I'll just be sure to get a small sip at each one like a runner would a marathon and I'll be in perfect shape start of next period!

Panel five: Mr. Weatherbee is going up a set of stairs as he is panting heavily as he looks like he wants to collapse. Behind him is Reggie, Chuck, Trula Twyst, Sherry, and Sayid. Reggie is whispering to Chuck as Chuck responds. Trula Twyst is reading a book while Sherry is showing Sayid a picture on her smart phone and shoving it right into his face as he smiles at her while moving his head away.

Mr. Weatherbee: Huff Puff

Panel six: An embarrassed Mr. Weatherbee waves goodbye to the students behind him as the bell rings for the next class. Each student has an exemption slip. Reggie reads his slip outloud as Chuck just shrugs his shoulders.

Mr. Weatherbee: There. Give these exemption slips to your teachers.

Reggie: "Late because of influx of gravity."

Chuck: Mine says, "too many steps not enough pep."

Page 6

Panel one: Mr. Weatherbee is running down stairs as students move out of his way as best they can with Dilton running like Indiana Jones from the boulder.

Mr. Weatherbee: Hah! Now gravity is my ally! My best friend!

Panel two: Mr. Weatherbee runs into a hallway as Prof. Flutesnoot tries to talk to him.

Prof. Flutesnoot: Mr. Weatherbee! I was hoping to see you to discuss plans for—

Panel three: Mr. Weatherbee runs past Flutesnoot as Flutesnoot looks on in confusion.

Mr. Weatherbee: I won't be late to class this time!

Prof. Flutesnoot: ?

Panel four: Mr. Weatherbee is running past a bathroom as he has a smile ear to ear.

Mr. Weatherbee: Hah! Got into the groove on the very last period! This should be good enough to prove to Archie...

Panel five: Mr. Weatherbee suddenly stops

Mr. Weatherbee: !!

Panel six: A shot of the boys bathroom as the bell rings signaling for class.


Mr. Weatherbee in bathroom: Drat!!

Page 7

Panel one: Archie is getting off the school bus from his field trip as Mr. Weatherbee is waiting for him. Archie is walking up to greet him as Mr. Weatherbee is hesitant to go into detail. Behind Archie is Betty and Veronica fighting to be the next one off the bus to follow after Archie.

Archie: Hello, Mr. Weatherbee. How did you do going from class to class?

Mr. Weatherbee: (cough cough) Perhaps I...I underestimated your schedule a smidgen/

Panel two: Mr. Weatherbee smiles as he puts a hand on Archie's shoulder as he

Mr. Weatherbee: Archie, come to my office and I will have Ms. Philips rearrange your classes things more favorably.

Panel three: Archie is reluctant as Mr. Weatherbee holds rubs his chin as he comes up with an idea.

Archie: Gee, sir. As rough as my schedule is...I really like my teachers and everyone in my classes.

Mr. Weatherbee: I see...

Mr. Weatherbee: I may have another solution to your dilemma.

Page 8

Panel one: Mr. Weatherbee is on monitor duty as he smiles as Archie steps out of the school elevator as he smiles and waves at Mr. Weatherbee.

Mr. Weatherbee: How goes it, Archie?

Archie: Actual minutes early! It's great!

Mr. Weatherbee: Well, don't let me slow you down, young man.

Panel two: Archie heads towards Miss Grundy's classroom and goes inside as he waves goodbye to Mr. Weatherbee. Betty and Veronica are looking at Archie as both look at him enviously.

Veronica: Betty, why does Archiekins get to use the school elevator?

Mr. Weatherbee thinking: Because yesterday I walked in Archie's shoes...

Panel three: Mr. Weatherbee's knees are aching as he uses the wall to help him stay up right and move to help illustrate his logic.

Mr. Weatherbee thinking: ...And if I have to do it again, It'll be with as few steps as possible!!

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