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Jughead in S'now Problem Here

Started by PTF, January 27, 2019, 01:56:34 PM

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 Page one:

Panel one: It is the middle of a snow as Archie, Betty, Veronica, and Reggie are walking towards The Chocklit Shoppe. Archie, Betty, and Reggie, are wearing heavy winter coats while Veronica is wearing much less protective coat more for style than to battle the elements. Betty is talking with Veronica as Veronica waves her off, while flipping her hair. Archie and Reggie are looking at Veronica with hearts over their heads that are evaporating snowflakes that land on them. On the buildings along the street, are icicles of enormous size. In the background, some kids are making a snowknight, putting a bucket on a snowman and giving him a giant icicle for a sword. A much bigger bully kid is laughing at them while preparing to throw a snowball.

Betty: Ronnie, it's twenty degrees and snowing—don't you think that attire isn't going to cut it?

Ronnie: Pish-posh, Bettykins. It's only a tad nippy. Nothing to worry about. Especially when one can make a fashion statement.

Panel two: A cold, snowy wind blows over the four with Archie, Betty, and Reggie shivering while Veronica turns blue and her teeth begin tattering as she is taking it much worse.

Panel three: Veronica dashes inside of the Chocklit Shoppe as Betty smiles as a confused Archie looks on. Reggie is tucking at his collar. Unnoticed by the cast, the snowknight has been brought to life and is chasing the bully from panel one. The knight's bucket has bits of the snowball on it.

Archie: So what exactly is her fashion statement?

Betty: "I'm getting hypothermia, I need to find shelter."

Page 2

Panel one: Archie, Betty, Veronica and Reggie are at a table as Pop hands them their food (burgers and fries) as he looks over at Veronica. Veronica is wearing a bulky tattered coat as glares over at Betty as Betty tries to hold back a snicker. Next to Veronica is Archie as he notices a moth flying from the coat. Reggie is sitting next to Betty as he looks over to see Midge walking by and blows her a kiss as Midge puts her three fingers over her mouth as if to stop from throwing up.

Pop Tate: Nice hot burgers for the teens of the frozen tundra we call Riverdale.

Pop Tate: And sorry, Veronica. The coat's all I had laying around.

Veronica: Not a peep from you, Cooper.

Betty: (snicker)

Veronica: Or that.

Panel two: Veronica is leaning her head on Archie's shoulder as Archie talks with her. In the background Moose is walking past them.

Veronica: Oh, Archiekins, when will this horrid cold weather disperse?

Archie: From what my weather app said, this is the warm days this winter.

Panel three: Betty is talking. Reggie has his hands clamped over his mouth as Moose and Midge walk together, with Moose giving Reggie the stink eye.

Betty: That's no good. My home's A/C is already freezing up now.

Panel four: Reggie leans forward as he decides to take control the talk Betty rolls her eyes in response to Reggie.

Reggie: Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're poor and freezing to death. But what about me? I nearly slipped on some ice. I could have twisted my ankle or stubbed my toe, then what??

Jughead off-panel: We root for the groundhog to see his shadow.

Page 3

Panel one: Archie and the gang are shocked to see Jughead standing in front of their table as he is wearing summer clothes, a tank top, shorts, and flip flops. Jughead is reaching over to grab one of Veronica's french fries as she glares at him.

Betty: Jughead! What are you wearing?

Jughead: A smile on my face and a song in my heart.

Panel two: Veronica moves over as Jughead begins to sit down. Jughead reaches over and grabs Veornica's plate of French friends.

Veronica: You're a nut. This just confirms it. You are insane.

Jughead: I like to think me deciding to sit next to you is more of a lapse is judgment.

Jughead: Oh, and nice coat. Katy Keene?

Panel three: Archie talking with Jughead as he just shrugs his shoulders. Veronica flicks a french fry at Jughead, but he reaches over with his right hand to snatch it.

Archie: What she means is, it's twenty degrees and coming a snow storm, Jug. And you're dressed like you're at the beach.

Archie: Aren't you cold?

Panel four: Jughead continues to eat as the others are startled by his

Jughead: Eh, I don't think about the temperature one way or the other.

Page 4

Panel one: An excited Betty is talking as she thinks she understands how Jughead can take freezing weather so easily. Reggie just sneers.

Betty: I get it!

Betty: Mind over matter! He's not thinking about the cold, so he's not cold!

Panel two: Reggie points a finger at Jughead as Jughead finishes the last of Veronica's fries much to her annoyance as Archie cozies up to her and tries to keep her calm.

Reggie: Mind over matter only works if you have enough mind to actually matter!

Panel three: Jughead stands up feigning being insulted.

Jughead: I don't have to take this! I came all the way to be with my dearest friends and mooch a free meal, not to be insulted...

Panel four: Jughead is walking away as he has grabbed Veronica's burger. Veronica looks like she's about to get up and pounce on Jughead as Archie barely holds her back.

Jughead: ...So I'll just settle for a brief chit-chat and carry out.

Panel five: Jughead, at the door to The Chocklit Shoppe, is eating the burger as a shivering bundled up Ethel is beginning to enter as a giant snowy wind envelops her.

Ethel: J-J-Jugg-gg-i-ee....I-I-I can't feel my nose...

Panel six: Jughead just casually walks past her into the snow without a second though leaving Ethel dumbfounded.

Jughead: Who makes a point to feel their nose?

Ethel: ??

Page 5

Panel one: Betty is scolding Reggie as Reggie snorts his nose.

Betty: Reggie, I think you hurt his feelings.

Reggie: That was the intention.

Panel two: Reggie talking as he slams his fists on the table, knocking his French fries and burger into the air.


Reggie: You guys are acting like he's smart because he's not thinking about being cold! Einstein didn't become a genius by not thinking!

Panel three: Archie is talking as Veronica agrees.

Archie: Maybe he is thinking. I've heard if you picture tropical islands, hot cocoa, you do feel warm.

Veronica: I've seen it. One of daddy's business partners had a stitch put in his heart and after was always cold, even in room temperature.

Veronica: He saw a specialist and by picturing an island, he's fine.

Panel four: Reggie is standing up and slamming his jacket down on the table as it causes vibrations that nearly knock over and spill plates of food and drinks.

Reggie: Fine!

Reggie: If that closed eyed goof and some guy with a weak ticker can do it, so can Reggie Mantle!

Page 6

Panel one: Reggie is at the door as he begins to take of his gloves and scarf.

Reggie: Think warm. Simple enough for a simpleton, so no problem for me.

Panel two: A close up on Reggie's closed eyes.

Panel three: Reggie opens his eyes wide as each have a different image in the pupil. His right eye has an image of a fire and the other has an image of a desert complete with cow skull sweating.

Panel four: Reggie runs out the door as he is sweating profusely. Several people in winter clothes look on shocked at Reggie.

Reggie: Wow! I need some air! It's too darn hot!

Page 7

Panel one: Reggie is imaging himself on an island as he begins to take off his shirt.

Reggie: Now this is more like it!

Reggie: I can't believe that this mind over matter junk actually works!

Panel two: Back to reality as a shirt less and barefoot Reggie skips past Chuck and Nancy as they look at him like he's crazy as the snow storm intensifies.

Reggie singing: Sunshine...sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy...!

Panel three: Back to Reggie's fantasy as he is covering himself in sand as he happily smiles to himself.

Reggie: This is great! I've never felt so good!

Panel four: Still on the imaginary island as Jughead holding two ice cream cones is casually walking up to Reggie

Jughead: So, Reg, how's tricks?

Reggie: No tricks, dweeb. My glorious, brilliant mind. I'm thinking of warmth, and I'm nice and toasty. Almost as perfect as I am.

Panel five: Jughead hands Reggie the extra ice cream cone.

Jughead: That's nice. You scream for ice cream?

Reggie: Don't mind if I do.

Page 8

Panel one: Reggie is taking a lick of the ice cream as he has a giant smile on his face.

Reggie: Ah, nothing beats cold ice cream on a hot day.

Panel two: Reggie' eyes begin to enlarge as he begins to think about winter.

Reggie: Cold...

Reggie: Cold like ice cream,  cold like ice, cold like winter, cold like...cold like!...

Panel three: Reggie's imaginary island shatters as reality begins to overtake it as Reggie begins to turn blue and his nose begins to have icicles down it.



Panel four: Reggie is leaping out the snow bank he was imagining was sand as he is bright blue and freezing as Jughead casually looks on as he catches the stray ice cream cone as it escapes from Reggie's open palm. Several bystands look on. In the background the snow knight is in front of the kids raising his sword in victory.

Reggie: LIKE ME!!!

Reggie: I'M FREEZING!!!

Page 9

Panel one: Jughead looks on as Reggie is running down the street with arms wrapping over his chest and bent over as he plows past several people. Behind Jughead, Archie, Betty, and Veronica are walking up to Jughead as they miss seeing Reggie.

Archie: Jug, I thought I heard Reggie scream. Is something wrong with him?

Jughead: There's something right with him?

Panel two: Jughead extends an ice cream cone as Archie, Betty, and Veronica react to it like it's a knife as they shiver and try to pull their coats and jackets tighter around them as if to protect themselves

Jughead: Rocky road. My treat. Any taker?

Betty: Um...I think we'll pass. Thanks.

Panel three: Jughead is walking away as he is licking both ice cream cones as several people look at Jughead in confusion.  In the background, Archie, Betty, and Veronica are rubbing their hands together to get warm after just seeing the ice cream. On the street, the snowknight is running for its life as a snowplow chases after it. On the snow plow "THE DRAGON' is painted on the side.

Jughead: "Think". That's their problem. They put way too much thought into everything.


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