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Betty & Veronica Black Friday Frenzy

Started by PTF, November 25, 2016, 03:03:37 PM

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 Black Friday Frenzy

Page 1

Panel one: The setting is Betty Cooper driving her car with Veronica in the passenger seat as she uses a car mirror to fix her hair and admire her lip stick.

Betty: I really appreciate you coming with me, Veronica. The best deals are on Black Friday, but—I have trouble getting anything. I could use the help.

Veronica: Think nothing of it, Betty. It'll be fun watching you forage around for your discount DVDs, half off blouses and such and such.

Panel two:  Betty is talking with Veronica as Veronica arrogantly waves her off.

Betty: I don't think you know how hard it is too shop on Black Friday, Ronnie.

Veronica: I go to the most extravagant of boutiques where the cream of the crop scratch and claw for the best of the best.

Veronica: This is just a fun little divesion.

Panel three: A shot of Betty Cooper as she has a sly smile as she points ahead. Veronica's eyes widen and her eyes drop at what she sees.

Betty: This is you're idea of a diversion.

Veronica: !!!

Page 2 +3

Panel one: A large panel showing Bal Mart as the Cooper car pulls into the parking lot as the entire parking lot is crammed with cars, with every space full. One angry man is shaking his fist at two kids who are taking their time on the cross walk. Two cars have pulled in and got in each others way for a parking spot. The main entrance to Bal-Mart is clogged with people who tried to go in all at once. A Bal-Mart employee is protesting alone as he has a sign reading: THE LONE MAN PROTEST!!! A small old lady with a 50 inch TV in her shopping cart and a fat guy with a Turkey Roaster are racing down a parking lane. A car driving along the parking lot is waving the white flat. A man is struggling to fit his TVs, DVDs, and various cooking appliances into his trunk. At another section of the parking lot, A husband angrily waits for his wife as she cannot get out of her side of the car because the car next to her has a group of people just chatting the day away. The wife gives her husband a "what can I do?" shrug. A security guard is chasing after a woman wearing an overcoat bursting with jewelry and necklaces. A car barely puts the brake on as a kid runs out in front of him; the kid's mother is rushing over to grab him. The kid is playing with an action figure to notice what almost happened. Across the street is a C-Mart where a few cars have parked with the people crossing the street to get to Bal-Mart as a sad C-mart employee points to their building, but is ignored by everyone. Traffic if is blocked because of the lines of people just casually crossing the street to get to Bal-Mart.

Panel two: Veronica looks out her side of the window as two angry middle age men are ramming their shopping carts at each other as a Bal-Mart attendant rushes to stop them.

Veronica: It's like Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons fighting over shiny stones!

Panel three: Betty looks over and grins at Veronica and gently nudges her with her elbow.

Betty: Still up to helping me forage?

Panel four: Veronica folds her arms and scowls as she gets her game face on as Betty is surprised.

Veronica: Park the car, give me your list, and stay close to me or you will not survive.

Page 4

Panel one: Betty and Veronica walk inside as they are in between where the carts are stationed and the actual area of the store. In front of them several people are fighting over carts. One man is trying to separate his cart from three others as his wife rolls his eyes at him. Two high school teenage boys are having a tug of war over a cart as they both pull with all of their might.

Betty: Wow! This is even crazier than last year! People are fighting tooth and nail over the shopping carts!

Panel two: Veronica walks past Betty as Betty looks on confused. Veronica has a fake smile on her face and is flipping her hair back.

Veronica: Good. They're not using the right weapons.

Betty: What are you...?

Veronica: Just watch.

Panel three: Veronica swerves her body and winks at the teens as they have hearts over their eyes.

Veronica: My, what wondrously gallant men! If only one of you could help me and my blond friend retrieve a cart.

Panel four: Veronica is wheeling the shopping cart inside as she has a triumphant smile on her face as a morally opposed Betty follows beside her. In the background the two love stuck teens both have lipstick kisses on a face cheek as they look on. As Betty and Veronica go in a Bal-Mart greeter is checking a foot long list receipt as a man with two filled to the brink shopping carts texts on his phone. The Bal-Mart mascot (A red ball with black arms and legs with white gloves and white sneakers) is being chased by a junior high basketball team. The Bal-Mart mascot has a paper with 20% off taped to his back causing his trouble.

Betty: Ronnie, that was a little sneaky, wasn't it?

Veronica: Yes. Just a little sneaky compared to what else I'll have to do.

Page 5

Panel one: Betty and Veronica looks ahead as in front of her are various shoppers with carts as they are zooming every which way with several colliding with each other. A man barely avoids being run down by a gang of old people on motorized carts. A small boy is carrying a super hero action figure three times his size.

Betty: Maybe we can go around?

Veronica: No. We're going through.

Betty: How? Look at all this traffic!

Panel two: Veronica lowers her head and grips the cart handle like she were a race car driver as she looks ahead with a fierce, determined, devil may care grin.

Veronica: Like General Sherman told the people of Atlanta, "Leap, follow, or get out of my way!"

Betty: What does that mean--?

Panel three: Veronica dashes ahead as she cuts off a fat man in his motorized cart who is eating a bag of Doritos and drinking mountain dew as he spills his drink on himself. A small child barely dodges Veronica, and as Veronica goes she uses one hand to stiff arm a body builder. Betty looks on in shock at Veronica's actions.

Veronica: THIS!

Panel four: Betty runs along as she looks back at the fat man who is licking his shirt as he scowls towards Betty, the kid who sticks out his tongue, and the body builder who is crying that he got over powered by a teenage girl as a nearby sumo wrestler laughs at him.

Betty: Sorry!

Betty: Sorry!

Betty: Really sorry!

Panel five: Betty has caught up with Veronica as Veronica continues to dash ahead with ruthless aggression. Behind the two a ten cart pile up has happened with various men and women covered in clothing, jewelry, dvds, shoes, and their shopping carts. Betty looks back and continues to apologize.

Betty: We're really sorry!! I swear, she's a pleasant person!! Don't think ill of her!!

Page 6

Panel one: Betty and Veronica are in the women's clothing section as Betty begins to scold Veronica as Veronica just ignores her. Behind them, a seven foot tall woman is holding up a blouse in the air so a four foot tall woman cannot get it.

Betty: I can't believe you did that!

Veronica: I am but what circumstances make of me.

Panel two: Betty continues to talks with Veronica as Veronica smirks.

Betty: "Circumstances make of me"! You almost ran over some nice old lady!

Veronica: Circumstantially, she should not have been in my way—

Panel three: Veronica turns to talk frankly with Betty.

Veronica: --And that was not a nice old lady! There is no "nice" person in this building! Everyone is cutthroat and out for themselves!

Panel four: Betty boldly replies as Veronica rolls her eyes.

Betty: I'm a nice person!

Veronica: And that's the problem...

Panel five: Veronica turns and points at the four foot woman who is standing over the unconscious seven foot woman while admiring her recently won blouse. Betty is still adamant in morals and ethics and she rolls her eyes as Veronica goes on her charade.   Blasting past Betty are two shoppers grind their carts wheels together, creating sparks as they dash by.

Veronica: You're not going to get anything you want on Black Friday if you try to be noble and kind!

Veronica: You fight fire with napalm! They push and shove, you punch and kick! They start a fight, you give them a war!

Page 7

Panel one: Betty and Veronica continue on their way as Veronica rolls her eyes in frustration.

Betty: Look, most of what I'm buying is Christmas presents! I just don't want them tarnished.

Veronica: Just wrap them nicely enough and no one will care...

Panel two: Betty and Veronica are in the female jeans, shirt, and dress section as various females of all ages are climbing over each other, fighting, and tugging at piece of clothing they want for themselves. Along the aisles are signs reading: 75% off, 90%, and finally PLEASE NO FATALITIES THIS YEAR!!! A Bal-Mart worker backs away as he wants no part in this. Betty shrugs her shoulders as she points at her wrist at an imaginary watch while Veronica waves her off.

Betty: Huh. I guess we have to wait.

Veronica: Waiting is for the poor and destitute! I'm a Lodge! Lodges do not wait; Lodges lead the way!

Panel three: Veronica pulls her cart and Betty to the side as she begins to yell at the top of her lungs.


Panel four: Veronica proudly looks on as all the female shoppers dash the other way with their carts as they head for the shoes. The Bal-Mart worker is caught in the middle like a cowboy in a stampede as he gets battered by shopping carts and shopping bags. A worried Betty looks on in concern as Veronica waves him off.

Veronica: Now we'll have pick of the bunch and no one got hurt.

Betty: What about him?

Veronica: He works here. He doesn't count as a person.

Page 8

Panel one: Veronica and Betty are continuing their shopping as the shopping cart has a few pair of shoes, blouses, shirts, and jeans as Veronica boastfully points out her success while Betty folds her arms and looks on with discontent.

Veronica: You only have a few things left and we'll be successfully—thanks to me.

Betty: Whatever.

Panel two: Veronica looks over and glares at Betty as Betty turns her head away.

Veronica: Are you still riding your high horse?

Betty: Are you still acting like a donkey?

Panel three: Veronica moves aside and motions for Betty to walk ahead.

Veronica: That does it! If you think sunshine and rainbows will get you what you want in this den of greed, go for it!

Betty: I will!

Panel four: Betty begins to walk up behind a crowd as they are all gathered at a purse display where everything is 80 percent off. The ladies in the crowd are all bunched up and pushing and elbowing each other. One thirty year old woman crawls out from under the crowd as she is bruised, battered, missing a front tooth, and has a badly tore purse as her prize.

Betty: Wow! That would be perfect for Polly!

Page 9

Panel one: Betty tries to squeeze through as the ladies refuse to budge one inch for her.

Betty: Excuse me...

Betty: Pardon me...

Panel two: Betty gets her foot stomped on by a middle age woman.

Middle age woman: Back off, princess!

Betty: Ow!

Panel three: Another woman grabs Betty by her pony tail and pulls her back.

Another lady: Go find a dollie! This is for adults!

Betty: Hey--!

Panel four: Betty is pushed back out of the crowd as she looks dejectedly at her ruined hair scrunchie as her hair is now covering her eyes.





Panel five: Betty balls up her fist that was holding the hair scrunchie while using her other hand to brush the hair out of her eyes to show her with eyes filled with rage and anger.

Page 10

Panel one: Veronica is off to the side as she is watching two women fight over a coat.

Veronica: Well, it shouldn't be too much longer before Betty comes crawling back to me, begging for my help.

Panel two: Veronica turns her head as she hears a voice screaming.

Betty off-panel: WHO ELSE WANTS SOME!!?

Veronica: Betty--?!

Panel three: Veronica dashes over with her shopping cart as she sees Betty going on a rampage as she is twirling around a purse and chasing off all the other female shoppers as they act like Jason Vorhees is after them. The two women who stomped on Betty's foot and pulled her ponytail are holding their heads as pain stars are over them as they dash away in fear.

Betty: This purse is 60 % percent off, but it will cost you 100 % of your life, if you try to take it from me!!

Panel four: Veronica begins to walk towards Betty as Betty snarls and scowls at her. Veronica has her palms forward to show she is no threat.

Veronica: Betty, it's me, Veronica. I need you to calm down, stop foaming at the mouth, and let's just put the purse down...

Panel five: Betty gets right in Veronica's face and screams at her!

Betty: Put it down!! I'm keeping it!! I fought for it!!

Veronica: oookay....

Page 11

Panel one: Veronica tries to calm Betty down as Betty clutches the purse close to her body like a mama bear would a cub to protect it.

Veronica: Betty, you've just had a bit of shopping rage. This isn't you, this isn't how you go about things.

Panel two: Betty points the purse at Veronica as Veronica's eyes widen as she realizes she helped push Betty to this point!

Betty: No! This is how I should be! What you did works absolutely!

Betty:  Napalm! Punch and kick! War!

Veronica: Perhaps, I did do a few questionable acts and said those words but...but--

Panel three: Veronica has a thought balloon of all that she has done, ramming carts, tricking the two teen boys, and watching the Bal-Mart employee get run over by shoppers, (all drawn more cartoonie) as Veronica's eyes widen as she realizes that she holds some responsibility for Betty going on a rampage.

Panel four: Veronica takes the scrunchie from Betty's hand as Betty begins to calm down.

Veronica: I was wrong, Betty. Sure everyone around is acting like animals, but we shouldn't stoop to their level. We're better than that.

Veronica: I'd wager my inheritance that nearly everyone else here is buying something for themselves. But not you. You're thinking of others. Don't stop doing that.

Panel five: Betty calms down and smiles weakly at Veronica as Veronica is fixing her ponytail.

Veronica: We'll just hang back and let the horde work themselves out the rest of the way. We have each other for company so it shouldn't be too bad.

Betty: ...Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

Panel six: Betty is pushing the cart as Veronica walks beside her as several of the other customers at Bal-Mart look on with admiration.

Customer one: ...It's shameful how we've all be acting.

Customer two: You're right. Why should this day be any different? Just a few discounts here and there.

Customer three: I'm going to tell everyone about those girls!

Page 12

Panel one: The Bal-Mart manager is standing with the Bal-Mart greeter as they look at the lines going inside and out. People going inside are acting wild and crazy as they race and push and pull to get in while the customers leaving are calm and orderly.

Bal-Mart manager: I've never seen anything like it. They come in wild and uncontrollable...

Bal-Mart Manager: ...And then the shop all calm and collected like it was another day. Never seen a Black Friday like it.

Panel two: The Bal-Mart Greeter waves goodbye to Betty and Veronica as she continues to talk with the Bal-Mart Manager. The cart has maybe around six or seven plastic bags filled. Veronica has her cell phone out and is preparing to take a selfie with Betty before they leave as the Bal-Mart mascot runs up behind them.

Bal-Mart greeter: What do you attribute it to?

Panel three: Veronica holds out her arm and begins to take a selfie with Betty as the Bal-Mart mascot gets in on the act and puts his arms around the two's shoulders. In the background, the Bal-Mart manager shrugs his shoulders as he really has no idea who is responsible.

Bal-Mart Manager: This change in attitude had to start somewhere. I might never know who is responsible—

Bal-Mart Manager: --But I like to believe that whomever it was, they had a fun shopping experience—and hopefully they'll be back next year!!


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