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Archie in Good Fences

Started by PTF, March 14, 2019, 03:32:03 PM

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Page 1

Panel one: A shot of the inside of Ms. Grundy's classroom as she is being over dramatic as she is reading the end of the "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost as she has her desk up front separating her from the students. Jughead is sitting in the front roll and closest to the desk as he is reaching for an apple on Ms. Grundy's chest. Behind Jughead, Archie and Veronica are sitting along each other and giving it each lovey dovey eyes. Behind them both Reggie and Betty look on disapprovingly.

Ms. Grundy: "...And he likes having thought of it so well, He says again 'Good Fences make good neighbors.'"

Reggie thinking: Maybe if it's barbwire!

Panel two: Ms. Grundy turns back to her desk and is surprised to see that her apple is gone as class dismisses and leaves for the day. Jughead is throwing the left over apple into the trash as he leaves. Reggie is near the end of the line to leave as he looks ahead at Archie and Veronica holding hands. Betty is at her desk still putting books in her backpack.

Ms. Grundy: Ummm... Now, for tomorrow's discussion I want you each to share your thoughts on the meaning of Robert Frost's Mending Wall.

Reggie thinking: What's to discuss? The closer and more together you're with each other the more you'll dislike each other.

Panel three: Reggie has a thought balloon over his head. The light bulb is has a Snidely Whiplash moustache and wearing a black cape to show how it's a bad idea Reggie has just though up.

Reggie: Oh wicked little idea bulb, what horrendous light you elucidate...

Reggie: Heh-heh-heh-heh.

Page 2

Panel one: Betty is finally walking out of the classroom as Reggie is outside leaning against the nearby wall with his arms folded as he tries to act super cool and coy.

Reggie: So, Betts, you like Robbie Frost?

Betty: Um, "Robert Frost" and yes. And you? I didn't think of you as a poetry buff.

Panel two: Betty rolls her eyes as she walks ahead.

Reggie: I'm just buff in general, ponytail.

Panel three: Reggie walks up beside Betty as Betty is walking down the hallway.

Reggie: Also a genius because I just found a way for us to get what we both want!

Betty: And what's that?

Panel four: Betty is putting her textbooks in her locker as Reggie hugs himself as he thinks about him and Veronica being a couple.

Reggie: For me and Veronica to be the perfect, alpha, dominant couple of Riverdale...

Panel five: Reggie sticks his tongue out in disgust and waves off the thought of Archie as Betty gives the reader an aside glance.

Reggie: ...And you can pluck carrot top if you want him.

Betty: Wow. You're winning me over.

Page 3

Panel one: Reggie is talking with Betty as Betty closes her locker.

Betty: Reggie, Veronica has Archie on a leash. It's impossible to separate them.

Panel two: Reggie cups his hands and locks his finger as Betty is confused.

Reggie: That's the thing! We keep them together! White on rice level all the time!

Betty: What?! I'm not giving Veronica whatever few date nights I can scrounge!

Panel three: Reggie is explaining as Betty listens intently.

Reggie: It's like the poem said "Good fences make good neighbors."

Reggie: Well, Archie is a clumsy, poor clod and Veronica is snobbish, arrogant, and demanding! It won't take long to drive each other nuts!

Panel four: A close up on Betty as she has her conscience on her right shoulder as they both listen.

Reggie off-panel: And when the fighting starts, we swoop in and tie the red strings of love where they should be. Veronica to me, and...I don't know why...Archie with you.

Panel five: Betty's conscience whispers into Betty's ear as Betty nods her head as she smiles.

Reggie off-panel: We don't even need to sabotage them, they'll do it themselves.

Panel six: Reggie scratches the back of his head as Betty is all smiles and holds out her hand for a handshake as Reggie shakes it with his other hand. Reggie has a thought balloon of a nut over his head.

Betty: We've decided that we find your plan acceptable to our moral compass.

Reggie: Great.

Page 4

Panel one: Archie nearly slips into his locker and hits his head as Reggie walks up to him as he pops his collar and has the fakes smile ever on his face.

Reggie: I've got some good news for you, Red.


Archie: CTE is easily curable?

Panel two: Reggie shoots Archie a double thumbs up as Archie rubs his throbbing forehead.

Reggie: I've decided that you and Veronica—man, she's yours.

Archie: Really? Just like that? This isn't a trick or scheme?

Panel three: Reggie has his hands behind his back as he has ever finger possible crossed. He even crosses both of his thumbs. Archie is none the wiser as he has a giant smile on his face as he gives Reggie a slap to the shoulder.

Reggie: Hey, I can't deny it any longer. You and Ronnie are destiny. Can't fight destiny.

Archie: Wow! One less guy to worry about! That's a load off my mind! Thanks, Reg. You're not as bad as everyone says!

Panel four: A jubilant Archie runs down the hall as a sneering Reggie looks on.

Reggie: That's what Superman said when Lex Luthor invited him over to check out his new green rock collection.

Page 5

Panel one: Betty is walking up to Veronica is looking into her locker mirror and fixing her lipstick as she half pays her any attention. In the hallway at their own locker or talking with one another is Maria, Ethel, Chloe, and Sheila Wu as they are just casually going about their day.

Betty: Veronica! I've come to wave the white flag and concede defeat.

Veronica: That's nice Bettykins. Please go on, it's so interesting.

Panel two: Veronica's raises her head and she is completely shocked by what she is hearing as Betty rolls her eyes and twiddles her thumbs as she has trouble saying what she's saying.

Betty: ...You win. You and Archie...He's yours.

Veronica: !!

Panel three: Veronica strides to the middle of the hallway and motions for all the girls in the hallway to gather around her. Maria has a sash, Ethel has a small basket of rice, Chloe has her camera ready, and Sheila Wu is running towards Veronica with a tiara.

Veronica: Everyone! It's happened! It's finally happened!

Veronica: Quick! Like we've rehearsed!

Panel four: Veronica is in full arrogant mode as she pulls Betty towards her as Betty looks on unhappily. Maria is putting a sash reading A #1 Choice around Veronica while Sheila Wu is putting on the tiara as Ethel is throwing confetti around Veronica as Chloe takes pictures of Veronica to document the historic event. Veronica is blowing kisses to the students gathering around.

Betty: It's amazing how humble you are in victory.

Veronica: I know! I'm so gracious! Look at me share this moment with everyone!

Page  6

Panel one: Reggie and Betty are outside of Riverdale High as they watch Archie and Veronica walk off together hand in hand. Betty is wearing a second place sash around her as she complains as Reggie sticks a finger down his throat.

Betty: --And then came the runner up ceremony!

Reggie: Hey, I had to pretend to be nice. I nearly became physically ill...

Panel two: In the background,  Reggie and Betty as they look on. Archie and Veronica are rubbing noses as they walk away hand in hand in the foreground.

Reggie: ....but it'll be worth it once those two get sick of each other and they come looking for the cure!

Panel three: Reggie turns to Betty as Betty still is wearing the second place sash.

Reggie: ...

Reggie: Betts, why are you still wearing that?

Panel four: Betty smiles slightly as she looks it over and she looks on the positive side of things. Reggie face palms.

Betty: Well, Runner-up isn't too bad and they all worked hard and I even got to make a speech and the ceremony had my favorite cake.

Reggie: (Sigh) In a dog eat dog world, she builds animal shelters.

Panel five: Archie and Veronica have their heads resting on each other as they happily walk away from Riverdale High.

Veronica: Isn't it wonderful, Archiekins. The war is over and our love is true.

Archie: And nothing can ever separate us.

Page 7 (Eight Panels the left side (Odd number panels represents Archie's trouble with dating Veronica, the right represents Veronica's troubles with dating Archie)

Panel one: Archie and Veronica are in a fancy restaurant as a waiter is waiting for Archie to pay the bill as Archie hands over all the money in his wallet as a lone moth ways goodbye to the departing money.

Panel two: Veronica is frustrated that Jughead has horned in on her date with Archie in the Chocklit Shop as she has her hands reaching for Jughead's neck as Jughead pushes in between the two.

Panel three: Archie is half asleep as he is waiting for Veronica to finish up in a shoe store as she has a large stack of shoes that she has tried on as the shoe salesman looks like he's about to faint as he puts on another shoe for Veronica to admire.

Panel four: Veronica and Archie are back in the restaurant from panel one only a pizza delivery boy is handing Archie a pizza as an embarrassed Veronica uses her hair to cover her face.

Panel five: In the Lodge Mansion, Archie and Veronica are kissing as Mr. Lodge is towering over Archie. Archie rolls his eyes and looks up worriedly at Mr. Lodge while he is still kissing Veronica.

Panel six: Veronica is upset as she looks at all the damage Archie has done to a trophy room of hers as he points down at a banana peel as the culprit.

Panel seven: In a movie theater, Archie is unhappy with the movie he and Veronica are watching as twirls the straw to his drink around. Veronica isn't even watching the movie as she is too busy tweeting on her phone. Behind them in disguise is Reggie and Betty wearing trench coats and hats.

Panel eight: A continuation as Archie's accidentally causes the drink to swirl and burst out the lid as it lands right on the back of Veronica's neck startling her as a wide eyed Archie looks on. Reggie and Betty fist bump as everything is going as they planned.

Page 8

Panel one: Reggie and Betty are ducking behind a bush in Pickens Park as they see an arguing Archie and Veronica walking towards them.

Reggie whispering: Get down! I think the moment we are waiting for is finally going to happen!

Veronica: I can't believe you can be such a clod! You ruined my blouse!

Archie: Aw, you have a million of them! And it's soda! It'll clean! Stop being a snob!

Panel two: Archie and Veronica are pointing fingers at each other as they stand in front of the bush.

Veronica: How dare you call me a snob!

Archie: You called me a clod!

Veronica: I want an apology!

Archie: Ladies first!

Panel three: Archie and Veronica both turn away from each other, close their eyes, and fold their arms across their chests as they both are stubborn.

Veronica: Archie Andrews, I don't want to hear a word from you! Not a word!

Archie: Well that goes double for me!!

Panel four: Reggie and Betty stick their heads out as Betty focuses on Veronica and Reggie focuses on Archie.

Betty: Word.

Reggie: Two Words.

Panel five: Reggie and Betty stick their heads back down behind the bush as Archie and Veronica turn towards each other with snarls and harsh glares.

Veronica and Archie: I HEARD THAT!!

Page 9

Panel one: Veronica is waving her arms in the air as she goes over how frustrated she is with Archie.

Veronica: How dare you! I have never been so angry and miserable in my life! And what's worse is how unapologetic you are!

Veronica: Especially since your best friend ruins our dates—or you ruin our dates with your poor, clumsy, boorish ways!

Panel two: Veronica sticks her nose in the air as she arrogantly continues to chide Archie as Archie's face turns red as he tries to control his anger.

Veronica: Hmph. You would think a person of your status would throw himself to the ground and give praise that some like myself even gives you the time of day.

Panel three: Archie quips back at Veronica as Veronica breaks her act and goes wide eyed.

Archie: I wish you could give me all the time I wasted on you!

Panel four: Archie begins to count the ways Veronica is a poor date as Veronica becomes angry to the point a vein is popping on her forehead.

Archie: All the time I had to waste while you tried on a gazillion clothes and shoes that you don't need and those horrible movies you drag me too and don't even watch!

Veronica: Watch yourself, Archibald—

Panel five: Archie pulls out his pockets to show them empty as he continues his rant. Veronica is getting even angrier as her face is red and she balls her fists.

Archie: And that's not even talking about the money! 50 dollars for a lobster!! I can't even rub two pennies together.

Archie: Oh, and let's not forget how pigheaded you are! And that temper! Hooboy!!

Page 10

Panel one: Veronica flicks Archie on is forehead as he winces in pain.

Veronica: That does it!


Archie: Ow!

Panel two: Archie retaliates as he flicks Veronica on her forehead.

Archie: Oh yeah!


Veronica: Ow!

Panel three: A shot from behind the bush as Reggie and Betty are trying not to laugh out loud at Archie and Veronica's argument. Veronica is furiously waving her arms in the air as Archie rolls his eyes.

Veronica: How dare you, you brute!

Veronica: I am a lady! I am a Lodge!

Panel four: Archie quips back at Veronica as Veronica prepares to flick his forehead again.

Archie: The later sure, but the former is debatable.

Veronica: Why you--!!

Panel five: Veronica and Archie begin to flick each others forehead as Archie starts using both hands.


Veronica: Take this!

Archie: Oh yeah! You take this and that!

Panel six: Archie is overwhelming Veronica as Veronica tires tries to shield her head with her arms as Archie continues his assault.


Veronica: Stop it!

Archie: Hah! Never!

Panel seven: Veronica kicks Archie right on his right kneecap as Archie's eyes light up in pain and his jaw drops.

Veronica: I said knock it off!!


Archie: YOWIE!!

Page 11

Panel one: Archie is jumping up and down on one foot as he clutches his kneecap in pain as he heads towards Veronica's right foot. Veronica doesn't notice as she's too busy posing in victory. She has her left hand fingers doing the "V for victory pose" and her right doing the "L for loser pose" Except now it means Veronica Lodge together.

Archie: Ow Ow Ow!

Veronica: Let that be a lesson to you for going up against a Lodge! A Lodge is a titan! A Lodge is dominant!  A Lodge is invincible!

Panel two: Archie accidentally hops on Veronica's right foot as she bites her lower lip and her eyes water up in pain.

SFX: Crunch

Panel three: Veronica is jumping up and down on one foot like Archie and both are circling back towards each other and about to bump heads.

Veronica: Yow Yow Yow!

Archie: Ow Ow Ow!

Panel four: Archie and Veronica stop just inches form bumping into each other as the look at one another and see how ridiculous both look.

Panel five: Archie and Veronica begin to laugh.

Veronica: Ha-Hah! Archiekins...we look and sound so silly!

Archie: Heh Heh! I know!

Panel six: Archie takes Veronica by the hands and apologizes as Veronica rests her head against Archie's chest as she is sorry as well.

Archie: ...Ronnie, I know I haven't been the best boyfriend. I'm clumsy and I let Jug barge in on our dates, and I don't have the money to treat you like the princess you are.

Veronica: No, no! It's me! I make everything about me and what I want. And I know you go far and beyond your means to make me happy.  And I have such a dreadful temper.

Panel seven: Archie wraps his arms around Veronica as they walk away as a lost for words Betty and Reggie stand up in disbelief at what they are seeing.

Archie: I think your temper tantrums are cute, lamb's lettuce.

Veronica: And I love when you trip and fall, love bunny.

Reggie: ...I don't believe it!

Page 12

Panel one: Reggie yells at Betty as Betty puts her hands on her chest as she is shocked he's blaming her.

Reggie: I can't believe you blew this! All this time wasted because you didn't seize the moment when it happened!!

Betty: Me?!! I didn't see you do anything!!!

Panel two: Betty yells at Reggie as Reggie sticks her tongue out at her.

Betty: This was just another one of your stupid plans that brew from your stupid head and seeps through your stupid mouth!

Reggie: Oh yeah!?

Panel three: Archie and Veronica turn back as Betty is sticking her tongue out while making a face at Reggie as Reggie responds with pulling his lips down and making a face to compete against her.

Betty: Yeah!

Reggie: Is that so!

Archie: Wow. With all the time they'd been spending together recently, I thought they would last.

Veronica: (Sigh) Well, not everyone can fit so well together as us.


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