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Archie in Lovers Quarrel

Started by PTF, July 31, 2018, 01:17:15 AM

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 Page one: A splash page split n half of Archie Andrews and Veronica.

Archie is in his car with a determined look on his face as he is driving. Archie is looking over at the reader and giving them a thumbs up to show he plans on winning today's lover quarrel. Veronica is at her mirror in her room checking herself out as she smiles confidently.

Caption: Welcome to Lover Quarrel where couples compete for dominance!

Caption: Here is Archie Andrews. All American Teen.

Caption: A fool in love. He is determined to make tonight his night.

(Split for Veronica)

Caption: Here is Veronica Lodge. Heiress.

Caption: If love is a battlefield, she's the general.

Page 2

Panel one: Archie looks at his watch as he parks in the Lodge estate.

Caption: The date isn't until 8, but you're a half hour early. I see...

Panel two: Archie is waving his arms off as a ref would signal a field goal not being good as he kicks his door closed. As he does, a hubcap falls off his car unnoticed by him.

Caption: So you're not going to let Veronica set the early tone.

Panel three: Veronica is looking out her window as she smirks down at Archie.

Caption: A clever ploy, but is it enough?

Panel four: Veronica, in her casual clothess sits in a chair as she begins texting on her phone as she looks at her alarm clock that is reading 8:15

Caption: Seemingly not! This is your homefield and you'll go downstairs when you're ready.

Caption: Possibly after another ten minutes or so of texting followed by another twenty picking out the right attire, another twenty for your hair...

Panel five: Archie is unhappy as he looks at his watch angrily as he realizes they're going to be late as he sits in the living area of the Lodge Mansion as Smithers gives him a sympathetic pat on the back.

Caption: A nice try, sir, but once again, you're starting the game in a deficit.

Page 3

Panel one: Archie is looking at his phone and shows it to the reader. In the background, Veronica is coming down a set of stairs.

Caption: Oh, so you have a backup plan?

Panel two: Veronica leans against the railings of the staircase as she tries to get Archie's attention. Archie isn't paying her any attention as he is texting on his phone as a smile curls across his face.

Caption: Here it is, your grand entrance. If not your natural beauty, the anticipation should have broken him...

Panel three: Veronica looks at Archie to see he is not paying any attention to her at all.

Caption: ...But no! He's playing on his phone! The nerve!

Panel four: Veronica stomps towards Archie as Archie is smiling and laughing as he nearly falls out of his chair

Caption: I wonder what's so funny?

Panel five: Veronica snatches the phone from Archie to his surprise.


Panel six: Veronica is embarrassed as her cheeks turn red. On the phone is an image of Veronica wearing a face mask, her hair all messed up and wearing a blue robe in the Cooper bathroom as Veronica in the picture protests. In the bathroom mirror, we can see Betty taking a recording Veronica with her cellphone.

Caption: Betty! Your friendemy! Supplying Archie with armaments! How will you respond to this shot across the bow?

Page 4

Panel one: Veronica is bending down and yelling at Archie, right in his face as Archie has a blank expression on his face as he is tuning her out. Veronica is waving both her hands in the air.

Caption:  Bombardment!

Panel two: Veronica is holding her hair into a ponytail and doing the beheading cut throat across her neck to show what she plans to do to Betty when she sees her again. In the background, a window is beginning to crack.

Caption: The volume is enough to shatter eardrums!

Panel three: Veronica waves a fist in the air, points at Archie, and stomps her foot to show what will happen to him if he pulls this stunt again.

Caption: The harsh words—soul shattering. Any other man's confidence would have been broken...

Panel four: Veronica notices that Archie still has the same blank expression on his face as he is tuning her out.  Archie has a thought balloon of a monkey balancing on a giant yellow ball to show how out of it he is.

Caption: But years of dating, has given Archie the ability to tune out Veronica. He has heard not a single word she's said!

Captain: Maybe the best offense is a good defense.

Panel five: Veronica bonks Archie on the head jolt him back to reality.


Panel six: Archie is holding his head and in pain as Veronica sneers at him while examining her nails. Archie has several red pain stairs coming from his head.

Caption: I stand corrected.

Page 5

Panel one: Archie and Veronica are in Archie's car as they both have stern, determined looks on their faces. Veronica is looking angrily out the window while Archie is looking straight ahead as he holds his head where he was struck by Veronica.

Caption: What a game thus far!

Caption: As we go to our next venue, our combatants are licking their wounds...

Panel two: Veronica and Archie turn and give each other smiles as they try to show that they are having a wonderful time.

Caption: ...While putting up a front of strength.

Caption: Let's see what each young adult is thinking, shall we?

Panel three: Archie is still smiling as he has a thought balloon of himself as a He-Man like character with Veronica as a princess swooning over him.

Caption: A bit fantastical, but pumping yourself up with thoughts of inner strength and gaining the love of all will boost your confidence and motivate

Caption: But what of lovely Veronica...?

Panel four: Veronica is still smiling as she has a thought balloon of herself in army attire on a battlefield laced with barbwire, mud, and explosion going on all around her. Archie is lying on his stomach defeated as he weakly waves a small white flag. Veronica has a boot on a downed Archie's head as she drives his face deeper into the mud while holding up a flag with her face on it.

Caption: So total domination. No quarter asked, no quarter given. Love is a battlefield and only the beautiful and the bold will win!

Panel five: Archie's car is pulling into Riverdale Cinema.

Caption: Half time is over, and the second half of our contest is about to commence--

Page 6

Panel one: Archie and Veronica are inside of the Riverdale Cinema as they are looking at a nearby wall and see two movie posters. One movie poster is Good Guys of the Galaxy II with the Good Guys of the Galaxy battling a rock troll. The other poster is A Love Movie with a man and woman kissing with the words (just like any other rom-com you've ever seen!!)

Caption: Ah, the choice. What movie will you two watch? You each know what genre the other prefers, will someone back down?

Panel two: Archie points at the Good Guys of the Galaxy II poster while Veronica points at the The Love Movie.

Caption: NO!

Caption: Now the true test of wills and wits begins.

Panel three: Archie and Veronica glare at each other as a teenage boy passes by the two.

Caption: Will it be the traditional staring contest?

Panel four: Veronica walks off to Archie's surprise.

Archie: ?!

Caption: No, it looks like Veronica has something else in mind.

Panel five: In the foreground, Veronica begins to flirt with the teenage boy as she pinches his cheeks as he blushes and has a dopey smile ear to ear. In the background, Archie looks on in frustration.

Caption: Aw, the jealously game! Be careful, Archie Andrews! You're falling into her trap!

Panel six: Veronica looks back and sticks her tongue out at Archie as Archie is enraged with his face turning red and steam coming from his ears.

Caption: Thud.

Page 7

Panel one: Archie looks at a group of teenage girls as he rubs his face as he has an idea.

Caption: A group of young, attractive ladies, no boyfriends. Fortune and circumstance have smiled upon you this day.

Panel two: Archie begins to take a step. Archie points at his head to show he's thought of what to say.

Caption: So you got it all planned out already? How you'll approach them? A joke leading to an introduction? Just be sure to put your best foot forward.

Panel three: Archie trips over his own two feet and falls on his face.


Panel four: Veronica looks back at Archie flat on is stomach as she smiles triumphantly. She is not paying the teenage boy any attention as she's more focused on watching Archie grovel back to her..

Caption: It looks like your win streak continues, Miss Lodge.

Panel five: Veronica waves off the teenage boy with one hand while looking at her watch on her left hand. The confused teenage boy dejectedly walks away.

Caption: I suppose it is just a matter of seconds before Archie crawls back to you.

Page 8

Panel one: Veronica has her eyebrows raised in confusion. In the background, the group of teenage girls have gathered around Archie and are helping him up.

Caption: Wait. It looks like Archie isn't out of it yet.

Panel two: Veronica glares at Archie as the teenage girls are dusting Archie off and pulling gum off of his nose as he happily winces.

Caption: How will you respond?

Panel three: Veronica looks over to her side to see two teenage boys talking with one another as they look at a movie poster of Sam Hill.

Caption: Ah, so two can play, I take it.

Panel four: Veronica walks up to the two teenage boys as she twiddles her fingers at them to greet them as she strikes a pose.

Caption: Ah, drawing them in, getting their full attention. Excellent form.

Panel five: Veronica flips her hair, smiles, and motions with her index finger for the two teenage boys to come to her. The two teenage boys look on unmoved.

Caption: Ah, the hair flip, the rosey red lips, and the "come to me" finger wag. Your full arsenal on display!

Panel six: A dumbfounded Veronica looks on, her shoulders slumped, her arms hanging, and her jaw dropped as the two teenage boys hold hands, look lovingly in each others eyes, and walk away without giving Veronica a second thought.

Caption: Did not see that coming, did we?

Page 9

Panel one: Veronica despondently looks over to see the three teenage girls flirting with Archie as Archie is all smiles. One girl pinches, Archie's freckles as she finds them cute.

Caption: Who could have predicted this turn of events?

Panel two: Veronica sighs as she begins to walk off panel.

Caption: So what is your plan, Veronica? How will you turn this around?

Panel three: Veronica is standing in front of Archie and the girls as she has her head held down in defeat as Archie twists his face in confusion.

Panel four: Veronica makes the "L is for loser" hand gesture over her head to signal defeat. Archie's eyes light up and points at his chest like a Price is Right contestant who can't believe he just won.

Caption: You did it! Archie, you won! She's conceded the battle to you!

Panel five: Archie takes a dejected Veronica by the hand as the group of teenage girls look on angrily, save for the one that liked Archie's freckles who blows kisses at him. Archie is taking giant strides as he pulls a despondent Veronica along.

Caption: You've taken your lumps and bruises over the years, but tonight victory is yours! Soak it all up, Archie!

Page 10

Panel one: Archie is at the ticket vender as he holds out money to exchange for two tickets. Archie looks to his left off-panel as he is no longer smiling.

Caption: What's the matter? Shouldn't you be happy? For once, you control the date.

Panel two: Archie sympathetically looks over at Veronica who still has her head down as she sheepishly rubs her left arm.

Caption: Oh. I see.  You just realized that for you to win, she had to lose.

Caption: But what can you do about it now?

Panel three: Archie walks up to Veronica as Veronica looks up.

Panel four: Archie holds up the tickets to show her it's for The Love Movie as her face lights up.

Caption: Graceful in defeat, humble in victory. You're a class act that any girl would be lucky to have.

Panel five: Veronica kisses Archie as various pink and red hearts come from the heads of both of them.

Caption: And Veronica knows it!

Panel six: Inside of the movie theater, as Veronica and Archie are in the middle aisle as Veronica is resting her head on Archie's left shoulder while Archie has his left arm over her as they both look into each others eyes lovingly.

Caption: Lovers Quarrel. Where ties are the only way to win.


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