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Archie in The Man Known By No Name

Started by PTF, May 22, 2016, 08:53:36 PM

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 Page 1

Panel one: Mr. Andrews is dragging Archie along a street near several diners with various tables and seats outside. One person is complaining to a waiter about a fly in his soup.

Mr. Andrews: Archie! Archie! Hurry up or we'll miss him!!

Archie: I'll be missing an arm if you keep pulling!!

Panel two: Archie is walking behind his dad as his dad is looking through the outside tables in one of the street diners. Archie is rubbing his shoulder and moving his arm across his chest as he tries to regain feeling in it. Mr. Andrews is as giddy as a school kid at a new toy as several diners look at him like he's nuts. The waiter is holding up a spider-web as a spider is descending into the soup.

Archie: Who are we looking for, dad?

Mr. Andrews: My co-worker at the office called me and told me that my favorite western star growing up was visiting Riverdale!!

Panel three: Mr. Andrews pointing ahead.

Mr. Andrews: There!

Panel four: We look to see a man who looks like Clint Eastwood as he is glaring at an empty chair. Flint Northwood is wearing a dirty white cowboy hat, an old brown trench coat and cowboy boots as he is drinking a root beer float. The table next to him has two empty seats. Flint's table has four chairs: One next to Flint, the other next to the empty chair. On the table in front of the empty chair, is cup full of water with a straw facing the chair. Every time Flint talks his teeth are clenched.

Mr. Andrews: Bimbo, Surly, The Pale Horse Rider, Howdy Bates, and the Man Known By No Name—


Page 2:

Panel one: Archie is scratching his head as he doesn't see what's so great about Flint Northwood as Mr. Andrews ignores him and rushes over to see Flint Northwood. As he runs, he bumps into a waiter carrying pitcher of water on a tray as it begins to fall on a man. Flint has his cowboy hat over his eyes.

Archie: The guy in that movie about the old car?

Mr. Andrews: He's more than just that! He's rode horses!!

Panel two: Mr. Andrews is standing next to Flint Northwood as Flint doesn't acknowledge him as he takes a sip of his root beer. Mr. Andrews is trying to hold his excitement, but failing. Archie is following after his dad in the background and accidentally bumps into another waiter carrying a pitcher of water on a tray as the water falls backwards onto someone sitting.

Mr. Andrews: Mr. Northwood,, sir. Sir. I grew up watching your shows and movies! I make sure my family watches five of your movies each and every week!

Panel three: Archie is apologizing as he turns and continues on. The two waiters are angry and the drenched diners look like they could strangle Archie and his dad. Flint Northwood puts his drink down and looks ahead sternly, not acknowledging Mr. Andrews by looking at him. Mr. Andrews leaps up in joy.

Flint Northwood: A man shouldn't stand about when an open chair is right in front of him.

Panel four: Archie is heading towards the seat next to Northwood as his dad takes the seat closest to Northwood. Mr. Andrews introduces Archie as Archie waves hello at Flint Northwood. Flint eyes Archie.

Mr. Andrews: Mr. Northwood this is my boy, Archie.

Archie: Hello, sir. My dad quotes you all the time.

Panel five: Archie stops as he's about to sit down in the empty chair next to Flint when Flint glares at him with cold blue eyes and gnashing teeth.

Archie: EEEP

Panel six: Archie moves away from the seat and looks confused as no one is in it. Flint takes another sip from his root beer float.

Flint Northwood: Not that chair. Can't you see someone's in it?

Page 3

Panel one: Archie scratches his head as he questions Flint about someone sitting in the empty chair. Flint rolls his eyes towards Archie. Mr. Andrews slams his hands down on the table as he reprimands Archie for daring to question Flint Northwood. Mr. Andrews slams the table so hard, that a waiter carrying water is startled and tips his water on the person sitting at the next table behind Mr. Andrews. The glass of water in front of the empty chair, unnoticed by everyone, is being stirred using its straw by an unseen presence.

Archie: I don't mean to be disrespectful...but there's no one sitting in that chair.

Mr. Andrews: Archie! Don't be disrespectful at all!!

Panel two: Flint Northwood glares at Archie as Archie begins to back away. Behind Archie another waiter is carrying water as a person sitting at the table behind Archie sees him coming.

Flint Northwood: You seem like a spunky boy, punk.

Panel three: Archie bumps into the waiter just behind him, but the person sitting has an umbrella out and stops the water from landing on him.

Flint Northwood: Well, are you spunky. Well, are you, spunky punk?!!

Archie: No! No! I hate spunk!!

Panel four: Archie takes the other empty seat as a waiter leaves menus for the three. The straw in the water is now back to where it was before. Flint nods in approval at Archie's decision as Mr. Andrews vehemently apologies to Flint Northwood.

Archie: I'll sit here, if that's okay...

Mr. Andrews: I apologize! I swear he didn't get his sass from me! It has to be his mother!!

Page 4.

Panel one: Mr. Andrews is talking with Flint Northwood as Archie's eye begins to follow a hot attractive teen walking past him. Unnoticed by everyone, an unseen force is beginning to drink from the glass as the water lowers just a bit in the glass. Flint is cracking his knuckles.

Mr. Andrews: I'm sure it comes from his girlfriend Veronica Lodge.

Flint Northwood: I've heard of the Lodges.

Panel two: Archie continues to look on with glazed love eyes as the teenage girl sits down in the table just in front of him, seemingly alone. Northwood continues to talk with Mr. Andrews as Mr. Andrews takes in every word like it were the most important moment of his life. The glass is now 3/4ths filled.

Flint Northwood: A sorry bunch of sod busters who fenced in the range with their barbwire fences to cut off cattle drives and stymie the way of the cowboy.

Panel three: Archie's shoulders slump as the teenage girl's boyfriend, carrying an open umbrella, begins to pull a chair up to sit next to her. A waiter walks by and looks on as he is carrying water and angry that he isn't trusted with his tray of water. Mr. Andrews responds to what Flint said. The glass is now half way full.

Mr. Andrews: I think that's how their family came into money.

Flint Northwood: Yep.

Panel four: Archie turns away disappointed as he begins to eye the now empty glass of water . The waiter is pouring the pitcher of water on the teen boy's umbrella just to spite him. Flint Northwood continues to talk to Mr. Andrews as Mr. Andrews continues to be enamored by his hero.

Flint Northwood: Course I married a woman full of sass three wives past. A strong woman can build a man up.

Archie: ?

Panel five: Archie has the empty glass of water and is holding it up to see if the bottom is leaking to explain how the water went away. Mr. Andrews is looking over at Archie and point at him to comply with what he is saying. More people in the diner are pulling out umbrellas and raincoats as waiters carrying a tray with pitcher of water and knocking them over seem to be increasing by the droves. Archie isn't paying any attention to his dad at all.

Mr. Andrews: You hear that Archie?! I want you to date Veronica and Veronica only!

Archie: Yeah. Sure.

Page 5.

Panel one: Archie is putting the glass back down as has no idea what happened to the water inside. Several people in rain coats are being lead to their seat by an angry waiter as another waiter is mopping the floor. Mr. Andrews continues to talk with Flint Northwood who now has a piece of straw in his mouth.

Flint Northwood: 'Course a good woman does a man a heap of good as well...

Mr. Andrews: Really!? Good! I married a good woman! She takes the garbage out! She's great!

Panel two: Archie looks over as the people in the raincoat trip and fall because of the wet floor. Another waiter looks at the accident as he pours his pitcher of water on some gentleman's lap. Archie winces as he shows empathy for the fallen couple. Archie is beginning to open the menu.

Flint Northwood: Got me a good woman now finally. Soft like a flower pedal.

Panel three: Archie's eyes light up as he looks at the menu and sees the following stretched across two pages: I SEE YOU, CAN YOU SEE ME, ARCHIE?

Flint Northwood: Used to never clean my boots, chew with my mouth closed, and never bought an extra box of girl scout cookies...

Panel four: Archie looks over at the empty chair and empty glass; straw is now on the table somehow. The menu now reads: GUESS NOT, HUH? Mr. Andrews continues to listen to Flint Northwood.

Flint Northwood: Makes a man feel good. Almost like cattle going days without water until he finds a creek.

Mr. Andrews: I feel like that when I'm thirsty!!

Panel five: Archie's face is pale as he looks on uncomprehendingly as he drops the menu flat the table. Mr. Andrews is talking with Archie as Archie just barely responds as he Archie has no idea what is going on.

Mr. Andrews: You hear that, Archie! I want you to date Betty more!! She's a nice girl who can straighten you out some!!

Archie: Sure...that's fine....

Page 6.

Panel one: Mr. Andrews and Flint Northwood are standing up as Mr. Andrews shakes Flint's arm with both hands and as hard as he can; Flint is too grizzled and tough to even notice as his hat nearly falls off his head.

Mr. Andrews: Mr. Northwood it was an honor to finally meet you...

Panel two: Mr. Andrews looks over at Archie as Archie is tempting to feel for a person in the empty chair, but is hesitant because he might actually find an invisible person sitting there.

Mr. Andrew:  ...And I know my son feels the same way.

Panel three: Mr. Andrews and Archie are walking away. Mr. Andrews has his arm wrapped around Archie's shoulder as they leave. The couple in the raincoat are chasing after the waiter who was mopping as they cause a waiter carrying another pitcher of water to spin about, splashing several tables with water. The entire floor is completely wet. Flint Northwood is in the background adjusting his cowboy hat.

Mr. Andrews: What an afternoon! It's not everyday you see a celebrity!

Archie: Yeah, I like it when I can see people, too..!!

Panel four: Mr. Northwood is walking away from the table as he looks back at the chair as it is now being pulled in the table by an invisible force.

Northwood: Well, pardner, we best mosey on. Wife's gotta be wondering' where I'm at.

Mr. Northwood: Push the chair up. You weren't raised in a barn.

Panel five.: Everyone in the diner, from the waiters to the umbrella using/rain coat wearing customers looks on as Flint Northwood is walking away with his hands in his trench coat pocket on the extremely wet floor. Right next to him are footprints being pressed in the water. All the customers, with whatever drink they have, are now pouring it out on the floor. The waiter with the mop now has it on his head and eyes as he stumbles around and can't see as he begins to slip.

Flint Northwood: I'm tellin' ya, you'll do great at the convention. You just sit down and answer when I talk to ya.

Flint: ...

Flint: Yeah, I'm sure you'll do better than me in the last season of Cattle Drive. Smarty aleck rassa frassam bunny-rabbit!

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