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Jughead in Getting In Shape.

Started by PTF, July 05, 2016, 04:25:20 PM

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 Page one

Panel one: A dejected Jughead is walking along a sidewalk in a suburban area as Sandy Sanchez, who is in jogging clothes, is running towards him. It is late in the afternoon. Along the road several cars drive past. One car is driving by a man who can barely see over his steering wheel. And he certainly can't see the man crossing the street.

Sandy: Jughead! You're face is as long as your nose. What's wrong? Pops wants you to pay your tab?

Jughead: If only it was. Then I'd be able to reason with a rational person.

Panel two: Jughead is slowing walking along as Sandy is running in place as she talks with him. A pedestrian narrowly avoids being hit by the car as he dives into someone's yard.

Sandy: Who are we talking about?

Jughead: It's my mom. She says that I'm lazy, eat too much, and won't let up on me unless I do something about it.

Panel three: Jughead is even sadder as he relays his situation to Sandy. Sandy is rolling her eyes good-naturedly. The pedestrian is being helped to his feet by several attractive ladies as his mood shifts from terror to joy.

Jughead: She won't even let me sleep two extra hours late and only two helpings of desert for breakfast.

Sandy: How ever will you survive?

Page two:

Panel one: Jughead slumps over and places his hands in his pockets as he walk ahead. Sandy is enthusiastically talking, trying to cheer him up. Jughead is walking along like he's walking towards his execution. The girls are carrying the pedestrian over their heads, as if he's too injured to walk on his own.

Jughead: I don't know, Sandy. I just don't know...maybe a few burgers at Pops and crashing on Archie's sofa will give me a few ideas.

Sandy: Hey, how about I help you with your procrastination?

Panel two: Jughead is walking away and waves his hand at Sandy as the idea. Sandy places her hand over her face as she shakes her head despondently in response to Jughead's reply.

Jughead: No, I don't need help with that. I'm already too good at it. That's what's the problem.

Panel three: Sandy has darted in front of Jughead to stop him in place and to explain what she means. Jughead is in mid step as he stops. Sandy has both arms stretch out as if to block him from leaving before she explains her meaning.

Sandy: No! I mean, let me help you get physically fit! You getting exercise should satisfy your mom. I'll be with you every step of the way.

Panel four: Jughead is scratching his chin as he is debating whether he should actually try to exercise. Sandy is tugging at Jughead's arm, as if trying to get him started already before he has made his mind up.

Jughead: I don't a pain in the neck worse than aching all over?

Sandy: I usually have to exercise alone, and I'd enjoy the company! C'mon, I promise it'll be fun!

Panel five: Jughead shrugs his shoulders as he reluctantly relents to an overly enthusiastic Sandy.

Jughead: You really shouldn't make promises you can't keep...but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Panel six: Sandy runs off as Jughead looks on puzzled as if he doesn't understand the meaning of Sandy's words as they're not doctrine that Jughead uses in his everyday life.

Sandy: Super! I'll be by your house bright and early tomorrow!

Jughead: "Bright and early"? What an odd thing to say. I wonder what she could possibly mean?

Page three:

Panel one: Jughead is in bed as his mother is opening the curtains just above his bed to let a strong beam of sunlight shine on his face as he tries to hide his head in his pillow. The alarm clock on Jughead's stand reads 7: 35 AM. In his room are stack of comics, empty soda bottles and cans, and various posters of food along the wall.

Caption: Bright and early the next day...

Mrs. Jones: Forsythe Pendleton Jones! Your friend has been waiting outside for twenty minutes!

Jughead: Just tell her it will be just as bright later. Later like tomorrow of next year.

Panel two: Jughead, dressed in his usual clothing only wearing a black pair of shorts is greeted by Sandy. Sandy is wearing a Riverdale T-shirt and blue shorts and running shoes. She is on her knees petting Hot Dog, who enjoys the attention.

Sandy: It's about time! You'd be late for your own funeral, Jug.

Jughead: I'd want to be early or on time?

Panel three: Jughead is walking towards his dad's car as Sandy grabs him by his right arm and pulls him towards the sidewalk. Hot Dog is looking on with a hint of amusement at his master's predicament.

Jughead: Dad's on a fishing trip with friends, so borrowing the car shouldn't—

Sandy: No cars!

Sandy: You and I are going to jog all the way to Pickens Park.

Panel four: Sandy is pushing Jughead along as they jog down the sidewalk. Jughead, as you would expect, is hesitant as he still has his eyes shut as he points to fingers at them to illustrate his point. Hot Dog is looking on as he is waving goodbye to Jughead.

Jughead: Jog all the way?! Pickens Park isn't in immediate eye range!

Sandy: It will be after a mile or two....

Panel five: Same shot only with Sandy and Jughead further along in the distance and Hot Dog having fallen asleep in just a few seconds.

Sandy: ...And that should be good enough for the warm up. When we get to the park is when we really get to work.

Jughead: If that's what's in store for us there...let's go somewhere else.

Hot Dog: ZZZZZ

Page four:

Panel one: Sandy is jogging into Pickens Park as Jughead is gasping for breath as he is barely dragging himself behind her. Several park goers look in his direction with surprise and concern. An elderly couple is bird watching. On another tree just beside Sandy and Jughead, three squirrels are pointing at Sandy and Jughead and seem to be interested in them. In the distance, we can see the General Pickens' memorial statue.

Sandy: Jughead, isn't it great to fill your lungs with fresh morning air?

Jughead: You bet...(huff puff) It's much more special when it's your (huff huff) last breath...

Panel two: Sandy is leading Jughead towards a grass area near a pond as several ducks look at them. One duck is swimming in the pond on its head with its legs kicking up in the air. The squirrels are racing down the tree to follow along. One squirrel is motioning for the others to follow with its arm.

Jughead: Now what?

Sandy: I think about fifty jumping jacks would be a great way to loosen up your arms and legs.

Jughead: I think I prefer them attached to the rest of me.

Panel three:  Sandy is doing the jumping jacks as she begins to break a sweat. She is looking straight ahead, focusing on her own workout, not turned to Jughead. She is listening to what she believes is Jughead doing the jumping jacks.


Sandy: Sounds like you're doing great! After the next ten, let's add touching the ground between jumps!


Panel four: We scan over more to see Sandy happily doing her jumping jacks while Jughead is standing beside a tree clapping his hands to sound like he is doing jumping jacks. On top of the tree the squirrels are imitating Sandy and doing jumping jacks. One squirrel looks down on Jughead with ridicule.

Jughead: Let's not and say we did.


Page 5

Panel one: Sandy and Jughead are on a path in the park in a fairly forested area. Several people are running along the path. Sandy is pointing along the path, showing where they will be running. Jughead has his hand along his brow as he is peering out into the distance. The three squirrels are behind Jughead as they follow Sandy's finger with their heads.

Sandy: Here's something I like to do: run as fast as I can before I hit the wall.

Jughead: Wall? Don't you mean a tree? Or can't I see it because of the forest?

Panel two: Sandy is explaining as displeased Jughead his arms folded over his chest and his head turned away from Sandy. Sandy continues in her hopeful ways.

Sandy: No. I mean, I like to run at full burst and see how far I can go before I hit the wall, catch my second wind, and push on through.

Jughead: I seem to recall you promising this experience would be fun at some point in time—

Pane three: Sandy and Jughead are running at full speed. Sandy is zooming ahead as Jughead is struggling to keep up. The squirrels from before are racing along side them. One squirrel is hurdling over a tree branch that had fallen on the path.

Sandy: This is fun!

Jughead: No. the words "fun" and "run" rhyme. That's as close as the two get to ever being alike.

Panel four: Sandy has gotten her second wind as she is running. She has a determined smile on her face as she wipes her brow.

Sandy: And there was the wall and the breakthrough to a second wind!

Sandy: How about you?

Panel five: Sandy turns around to see Jughead just behind her collapsed on the path as he is dead tired and looks like a doll thrown against a wall. Two of the squirrels are standing on Jughead's hat, shaking their heads in disappointment. One squirrel is trying to cool Jughead off with a leaf.

Jughead: I hit the wall...but it hit back like a hurricane!

Page six:

Panel one: A disgruntled Jughead is running along a path as Sandy has a stop watch and begins to time him. Two of the squirrels are along side Sandy while one squirrel follows beside Jughead. Jughead is talking to the squirrel, the first time the squirrels' presence has been acknowledged, as it looks up and shrugs its shoulders at Jughead.

Sandy: Okay, follow this path and it will lead you around in a circle for a good mile. I'll time you and we'll work on doing better and better each time.

Jughead: Where does she get the idea that I'll ever be doing this again?

Panel two: Jughead is running down a hill as Sandy looks on proudly with stop watch in hand. The stop watch shows fifteen seconds have elapsed. The sun is shining as it would if it was around noon.

Sandy: Go, Jughead, Go! I know you can do it. I believe in you!

Panel three: The sun has moved about the sky to show that a good deal of time has passed. Sandy is concerned as she looks at the stop watch as it reads: 1 hour and 25 seconds.

Caption: Later...

Sandy: Of course, I believed in the Easter Bunny until I was fourteen, too...

Panel four: Sandy is walking down the hill as the two squirrels follow. The two squirrels seem to be conversing as they look to be worried about their lost companion. Sandy is talking to herself and not the squirrels.

Sandy: I just don't understand it. He couldn't have gotten lost, and even if he had walked he would have been back by now...

Panel five: Sandy turns to find Jughead sleeping under a tree, his arms behind his head in a relaxed sitting position. Around Jughead are several hot dog wrappers. The missing squirrel is right beside Jughead with a wadded up hot dog wrapper as a pillow. The sleeping squirrel is motioning with a hand for something to continue, going along with what Jughead is mumbling in his sleep. Both of their stomachs are pouched out. In the distance we can see a hot dog bender and his cart selling hot dogs to a mother, father, and their son. Sandy has her hands at her hips as she is a mix of anger and disappointment. The two squirrels are along side her with the same body language.

Sandy: ...Unless he got distracted.

Jughead: zzzz ...yeah...just pile on the relish and cover it with mustard my good man...zzzz

Page seven

Panel one: Sandy is stomping away from an apologetic Jughead, as she is fed up with him and his lack of effort and no success. Jughead has his hand over his mouth as he simultaneously burps and pleads with Sandy. Behind Sandy are the squirrels. The two squirrels that were with Sandy seem to be lecturing the squirrel that was with Jughead as it hangs its head in shame.

Sandy: I'm sorry, Jughead. I tried, but I couldn't have wasted my time more if I attempted to stack ice cubes from here to the sun!

Sandy: Argggh! I could have spent my morning studying for chem.!

Jughead: Sandy! (Burp) I'm sorry.

Panel two: Sandy has stopped as she is still angry, but not as much as a repentant Jughead talks to her.

Jughead: You're trying to help me, and I really do want to enjoy a run in the park and the like—but I'm just not motivated the way you are!

Jughead: I don't enjoy it just to do it or look at nature. The only time I ever run is to be first in the lunch line.

Pane three: Sandy is thinking as she is just finalizing a plan to help Jughead.  Jughead has a hopeful look in his eyes as he is surprised by Sandy's words.

Sandy: And you do that so you can get...

Panel four: Sandy smiles and turns to Jughead who gives her a thumbs up. The squirrels leap in joy as they sense a turn to the positive.

Sandy: Okay! If you're serious about working out and making up for today, come back to this spot tomorrow morning. I have a plan that's sure to work!

Page 8

Panel one: Sandy is looking at her stop watch as a sweaty and exhausted Jughead is running up to her at full speed. Jughead has his tongue hanging out. We cannot see Sandy's other arm, but we can tell that she is holding something in her hand.

Caption: Same place tomorrow after five miles under fifteen minutes.

Sandy: Looks like my new training method is a success.

Jughead: It sure is, Sandy!

Panel two: Sandy holds out a plastic bag containing five cookies as Jughead reaches out for them as he begins to salivate more than sweat now.

Sandy: And here is another bag of my special low fat cookies. No butter and sugar, but cream cheese and apple sauce. And still with a great taste!

Jughead: They may be low calorie...

Panel three: Jughead continues to run along the path in a blue as he munches the cookies as he goes. Sandy is standing along the path as we can see she has a small pile of plastic bags containing her cookies as she waits for Jughead to run another mile to hand him another bag. Several other runners are looking at Sandy with a confused expression. The Squirrels are looking on as the three are sharing a cookie as they chew merrily.

Jughead: --But they're fast food to me!

Sandy: Proper motivation. That's all it takes sometimes.


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