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I'm Really Surprised No One Has Mentioned This Yet...

Started by SAGG, September 08, 2016, 05:49:07 PM

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...But 50 years ago today, NBC premiered an unknown sci-fi series that was depicted by its creator, Gene Rodenberry as a "Wagon Train in space". "Star Trek" (the original series) made its debut! Happy 50th birthday ST:TOS! :)

Which is your favorite Star Trek TV, NOT movie, and why? I'll sit back and read everybody else's opinions before I write anything. Discuss! :)

DeCarlo Rules

I'm a huge Trek fan. The only TV series that I couldn't get into was Deep Space Nine. "Boldly sitting around on a space station waiting for something to happen each week." Plus it got way darker, way quick. Too dark for me for Star Trek. As a side note, that's exactly the same reason I walked out of the theater halfway through the latest feature film Star Trek Beyond.

As for the rest of the series, I'd rank them like this:

1.  Star Trek (TOS) [I'm also including Filmation's animated series, which was pretty good]
2.  The Next Generation
3. & 4. (tie)  Voyager and Enterprise


I like the original Trek series and even TNG, but don't have a good memory for titles and details.  The one where Spock needs to mate is cool and of course "Trouble with Tribbles".  I've always like this series and I'm not a sci-fi person.  It's just adventure in space. 

Captain Jetpack

I love the whole, darn saga.
Except for the two recent movies. :tickedoff:
Star Trek is not Star Wars, and the Enterprise crew should not be teenagers. :knuppel2:

Star Trek, The Animated Series, is out on DVD, & worth the buy. If only for M'Ress. :smitten:
Pie is my favorite Vitamin.


TOS over TNG ONLY because without TOS, TNG would not have existed, the same for the other Trek series. TNG to me has the more fleshed out characters, while TOS has the iconic characters. In TNG, there's really no back and forth bantering like TOS's Spock and McCoy had. Kirk vs. Picard? Classic argument. I think Kirk for the action, and Picard for the deep thinking and rationale. Yeah, I wussed out, so sue me! :P

Deep Space Nine's getting some flack they don't deserve. Sisko was pretty cool, the same for Dax, Bashir, Quark, and Odo. They only improved even more when Worf came over, and they got a Klingon ship to kick butt. Fully developed characters, religious themes, and later, war stories. The Dominion was nasty!

Voyager was okay. Having a starship rely on itself to survive with the Federation clean over on the other side of the universe really was an interesting challenge.

Enterprise was the weakest, obviously, but it had a few goodies. I liked the Mirror, Mirror Terrain Empire stories...

DeCarlo Rules

Quote from: SAGG on September 10, 2016, 10:40:10 AM
Deep Space Nine's getting some flack they don't deserve. Sisko was pretty cool, the same for Dax, Bashir, Quark, and Odo. They only improved even more when Worf came over, and they got a Klingon ship to kick butt. Fully developed characters, religious themes, and later, war stories. The Dominion was nasty!

Yeah, that's probably where we part. To me "kick(ing) butt", "war stories" and "nasty" are not what Star Trek is about. Maybe an episode now and then involving other peoples' war stories, but Star Trek was never about the military to me. "To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life, new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before..." THAT's what Star Trek is about. Okay, just checking. Nope, nothing about kicking butt. You want butt kicking and war stories, then there's Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica and Starship Troopers for that kind of thing. JMO.

Tuxedo Mark

TNG/DS9 for me. ENT was okay, but I wasn't really interested in them going backwards. Same with the upcoming Discovery. (Loved the ENT shout-outs in the new film, though.) Voyager was so-so but ultimately completely pointless. I really wasn't interested in the Delta Quadrant. It really was a superfluous series.

As for TOS, I...don't care for it. I watched the entire series on Netflix recently (as well as the rest of the franchise). TOS just doesn't do it for me, and I believe it's because of the 1960s look and melodramatic music, because I like most of the TOS movies just fine (except 1 and 5, of course). If TOS had been produced in the 1980s or 1990s, I might like it better.

Also, TOS, early TNG, and most of VOY were planet-of-the-week stuff, which I hate. These stories have no impact on anything, because the ship is off to its next adventure next week. This was an outdated form of storytelling. Even ENT did this from 2001 to 2003 until they finally realized they had to do something that mattered, hence the Xindi arc in season 3 and the various short arcs in season 4.

The reboot films are fine. I enjoyed them. I just wouldn't have done them, because "alternate version of the past" is not where I wanted the franchise to go (see ENT). I wanted them to pick up in the late 24th century or even skip ahead to the 25th.

Discovery's gonna be a 13-episode story arc. We'll see how that goes. I'm glad that they're not doing a full season, though. It means less filler.
Riverdale Reviewed
Every episode of "Riverdale", "The New Archies", and "Archie's Weird Mysteries" reviewed.
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DeCarlo Rules

Now that you mention it, I miss the kind of television series where you didn't have to commit to it for the duration of the series to get anything out of watching an hour of TV. Or at least, split the difference and do the "Plot A/Plot B" format where Plot A tells a complete story, and Plot B continues an ongoing subplot.


Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on September 11, 2016, 04:29:14 AM
Now that you mention it, I miss the kind of television series where you didn't have to commit to it for the duration of the series to get anything out of watching an hour of TV. Or at least, split the difference and do the "Plot A/Plot B" format where Plot A tells a complete story, and Plot B continues an ongoing subplot.
That's an interesting point.  I'd never enjoy a show like Weeds or Sons Of Anarchy if I just watched random shows, or in todays market watched them out of order.  It was nicer to just watch a show because you enjoyed the theme or characters.  Sitcoms and Detective shows lent themselves best to that, I think.  The original Star Trek did that for the most part.  I think one could cherry pick any episode as a first time viewer and follow along.

Tuxedo Mark

Quote from: steveinthecity on September 13, 2016, 04:54:24 AM
Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on September 11, 2016, 04:29:14 AM
Now that you mention it, I miss the kind of television series where you didn't have to commit to it for the duration of the series to get anything out of watching an hour of TV. Or at least, split the difference and do the "Plot A/Plot B" format where Plot A tells a complete story, and Plot B continues an ongoing subplot.
That's an interesting point.  I'd never enjoy a show like Weeds or Sons Of Anarchy if I just watched random shows, or in todays market watched them out of order.  It was nicer to just watch a show because you enjoyed the theme or characters.  Sitcoms and Detective shows lent themselves best to that, I think.  The original Star Trek did that for the most part.  I think one could cherry pick any episode as a first time viewer and follow along.

To slightly derail the thread, I used to watch a bunch of sitcoms growing up (basically, ABC's entire line-up plus "ALF" on NBC). Now, I'm reading episode-review blogs about those shows, and it's incredible how little that the content in any given episode actually mattered, because, for the most part, it'd be forgotten once the episode was over and never mentioned again. Mind you, this was way before I had the Internet or even an NES, so I had nothing else to do with my free time but see how Balki guilt-trips Larry to get his way this week or what ALF destroys this week.

I also used to watch stuff like "The Commish", "The Practice", and "CSI: Miami" before I realized I'd be better off NOT watching depressing series about cute girls getting raped and/or murdered. I should have just stuck to playing video games.

Now, I get most of my entertainment from the Internet or Netflix. I still watch "Supergirl" on TV, as well as the evening news (ABC's "World News Tonight"; I don't care for the local crap), but that's it. If my mom wasn't still living with me, I'd cancel the $30+ monthly TV service, but she's gotta have her weekly "Dancing with the Stars" and her glut of cop shows on Ion Television to keep her entertained.

Oh, yeah, I also watch "The Big Bang Theory", because my mom got me into it, but most of the stuff that goes on on that series just don't matter. I bet I could easily edit each season down to a feature-length film.

I recently started watching series from the 1990s that I didn't watch back when they were new. I'm at the season 6 finale of "Charmed", and ugh this stupid show I can't even. I'm also on season 2 of "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers", but, while it's more enjoyable (and the running time is very short), it takes forever for developments to occur.

So what I'm getting at is I prefer my series serial, not episodic, and lean.
Riverdale Reviewed
Every episode of "Riverdale", "The New Archies", and "Archie's Weird Mysteries" reviewed.
My digital wish list

DeCarlo Rules

Yeah, that's about the size of it. Both comic books and television have gone the same way. No such thing as a casual reader/viewer; make up your mind, you're in or you're out, and no place to begin but at the beginning. It's about the same as picking up a 500 page novel and trying to get something out of it by just reading a chapter here and there at random.

Then you get a TV series like LOST, where every episode seemed fraught with important and meaningful bits and clues, but when you get to the end of five years, it turns out you completely wasted your time, because none of that stuff ultimately meant a thing.  >:(

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