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Started by Tuxedo Mark, September 12, 2016, 12:50:04 PM

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Quote from: Alexandra Cabot on February 03, 2017, 11:26:41 PM
Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on February 03, 2017, 06:10:39 PM
We simply cannot trust in the media anymore. Bunch of liars.


About California being a festering communist crap hole, recently at UC Berkely, liberal protestors tried to murder people at a speech by Milo Yiannopoulos, an extremely gay ethnic Jew, because SHOCKER he has conservative views and criticizes political correctness.  For that they labeled him a Nazi and attacked his speech by starting a riot, destroying their student union, burning down part of the campus, pepper spraying a woman wearing a Trump hat in the face and beating a supporter of Milo's in the head with a pipe so badly he almost died on the street.  Milo had to be rushed out the building because people broke into it with the intent to kill him.  The mayor of Berkeley told the police to stand down and cried about Milo being a bad guy during the riot on Twitter.  The police did nothing to stop the riot.

California is so incredibly biased that you can't be queer and disagree with liberals anymore or Californians will try to murder you.  This is what most people outside the state now see when they think of California:

So I ask you SAGG and SteveintheCity, why should I kiss your state's ass when treating people who disagree with the left like that is now common place?  Why do you have no awareness about how your state is perceived by outsiders?  That's not an isolated incident, there's plenty more examples over the course of the past year to choose from (btw, expecting silence here, especially from StevieintheCity).
I completely understand how the state is perceived at least through my reading and viewing of national news. That sort of thing obviosly doesn't get by me. And no need to "kiss any State's (derriere)", I'm just wondering why the need for such a gross generalization of a populace?  I'm not sure I understand how California, NY, TX. FL, PA, etc. would have harmed the country as a whole through policies that they as individual States have every right to enact?

As for the whole Milo thing, my understanding is he was going to speak in front of 100 or so students, but social media exploded with that news and everybody rushed in to throw fuel on the fire.  Nothing of any consequence would have happened if not for "SnapFace" or whatever the relevant, informed portion of the public is into as a social media source that motivated hundreds or even thousands of others to get involved in a measure of protest.


Alexandra Cabot

Oh boy, no more sarcasm.  Well, I guess I made my point well enough if you have to actually respond now.

QuoteI completely understand how the state is perceived at least through my reading and viewing of national news.

The national news is pretty much owned by the left at this point to the level where it's beyond self-parody.  Remember this one that was plastered all over the media?

If you're relying on the national news for what people think about California, than surely you are completely in the dark.

QuoteI'm just wondering why the need for such a gross generalization of a populace?

Because it's true, and pointing out the truth makes you uncomfrotable for some reason.  If you have an issue with me ripping on Commiefornia, you may as well be defending Sweden or something.  The state is that far off the reservation.

QuoteI'm not sure I understand how California, NY, TX. FL, PA, etc. would have harmed the country as a whole through policies that they as individual States have every right to enact?

This is where the unawareness comes into play.  California is already harming the rest of the country through policies that your state shouldn't have the right to enact in defiance of the federal government.  Your pro-illegal immigration stance has lead to the cartel backed drug trade and gang violence being exported to the rest of the states.  That's a fact.  People have died and are dying over your state's absurd white guilt nonsense.

QuoteAs for the whole Milo thing, my understanding is he was going to speak in front of 100 or so students, but social media exploded with that news and everybody rushed in to throw fuel on the fire.  Nothing of any consequence would have happened if not for "SnapFace" or whatever the relevant, informed portion of the public is into as a social media source that motivated hundreds or even thousands of others to get involved in a measure of protest.

First, you're ignoring the last post I made.  The most violent person in that "protest" (which is code for riot in California now I guess) was an employee of the school.  Explain that one.  You're also referring to it as a protest.  What part of peaceful protest involves bashing in windows of businesses and attacking ATM machines?  What part of protest involves a liberal man pepper spraying a conservative woman in the face over politics?  What part of a protest involves clubbing people with pipes?  Come on, Steve, tell me how that's a "protest" and not just political fueled criminality.  Why should I ever trust the left again when even people like you have to deflect and defend that kind of crap?

And the fact social media was involved is not a counter-point of any kind.  These were your citizens, your students, these were liberals who got away with almost killing people and destroying property because places like Berkely place their BS Marxist hypocrisy over other people's rights now.

I've followed Milo for a long time now.  His main shtick is criticizing political correctness and social justice warriors in a funny and mocking way.  He's not calling for violent over throw of the government like the left is right now every day, even with millionaire celebrities like Sarah Silverman.  His shtick is pretty freaking tame honestly.  So why does the left want to kill him and is still advocating for violence against this flamboyant man?  Why did he have to hire a security detail of ex-marines that whisked him out of a building at a California university becuase rioters broke into the building with the intent of physically attacking him? 

It's because he's unabashedly queer, and the fact he doesn't agree with leftist garbage anymore like a lot of us do means he should be killed I guess.  The left treats minorities like slaves.  No independent thought allowed.  You have to be a one issue voter and suck up to the left on every ridiculous insane whim they have like let's say placing the biggest institutional killers of LGBT on the face of the Earth on a pedestal free from any kind of criticism.  No thanks.

It's a joke. The left is a joke right now, and the echo chamber it created in which anyone who disagrees is cast as a monster even to the point a gay ethnic Jew is called a "Nazi" is making it unhinged.  The left is going to continue to go down in flames if people don't reign in the grassroots they allowed to get radicalized to this point.  California is certainly ground zero for that right now.  So yeah, California deserves its fair share of blame.  People on the left also referred to us as "fly over country" for 8 years in favor of your state and the like minded tech industry that funds your politicians.  Of course we don't like you anymore.  We're not stupid.


Quote from: Alexandra Cabot on February 10, 2017, 12:15:04 AM
Oh boy, no more sarcasm.  Well, I guess I made my point well enough if you have to actually respond now.
I responded out of courtesy.  You brought my name into a conversation in a manner that didn't seem as merely rhetorical or as a "for instance" and included me as a reference point.

My apologies if what came across as sarcasm was viewed negatively.  Rest assured I pretty much say nothing that comes from an intent of being mean spirited.  Silliness, is more likely.  I'm not even sure what I've ever said on the boards that would draw me into this conversation.  I'm not even sure what the conversation is about to be honest.   I'm guilty of something nefarious apparently, and I should be brought to task. :P 

QuoteI completely understand how the state is perceived at least through my reading and viewing of national news.

QuoteThe national news is pretty much owned by the left at this point to the level where it's self-parody.  Remember this one that was plastered all over the media?

If you're relying on the national news for what people think about California, than surely you are completely in the dark.[/size]

QuoteWhere should I get my news?  I'm all over.  Random stations I pull up on Stitcher to BBC to whatever I come across.  I enjoy hearing a variety of perspectives. 

QuoteI'm just wondering why the need for such a gross generalization of a populace?

Because it's true, and pointing out the truth makes you uncomfrotable for some reason.  If you have an issue with me ripping on Commiefornia, you may as well be defending Sweden or something.  The state is that far off the reservation.[/size]

QuoteI'm not even sure what you're "ripping" exactly, just that "those people" are bad. :-\  [/size]

QuoteCome on, Steve, tell me how that's a "protest" and not just political fueled criminality.

It is absolutely politicall fueled criminality, I don't think I said it wasn't.  I was more thinking along the lines that if Milo spoke to the hundred or so attendees at his talk, this never would have made news or caused the disruption to businesses and the community nearby. I was more advocating free speech and disparaging the way some social media devotees turned the whole scenario into a circus.

I still stand by my statement that I very much enjoyed the Sears "Wish Book" as a kid.  Great fodder for daydreaming that was.

My apologies for the "quote fails". I'm just not up to this as I don't even know ultimately what we're supposed to be debating or discussing. 

Alexandra Cabot

QuoteI responded out of courtesy.  You brought my name into a conversation in a manner that didn't seem as merely rhetorical or as a "for instance" and included me as a reference point.

Oh yeah, after you tried mocking me multiple times with your 90 year old grandma tier wit.  You sure were on a high road then.   ;D   I referenced you because of your massive and completely transparent butt hurt.  And now that you're forced to respond to my points without your attempts at snide one liners, you're pretending to not know what we're talking about.  Wew.   ;D

QuoteIt is absolutely politicall fueled criminality, I don't think I said it wasn't.  I was more thinking along the lines that if Milo spoke to the hundred or so attendees at his talk, this never would have made news or caused the disruption to businesses and the community nearby. I was more advocating free speech and disparaging the way some social media devotees turned the whole scenario into a circus.

He didn't get a chance to talk because your fellow "tolerant" Commiefornians tried to kill him.  One of them was a 40 something year old man that worked for the school, the one who almost bludgeoned someone to death.  This happened because of the political climate the left has fostered in your state.  Notice how students at Indiana University aren't trying to kill people.  This was the left, and it was exacerbated even more by how absurdly Marxist California is with its indoctrination of people.


Quote from: steveinthecity on February 09, 2017, 02:39:45 AM

As for the whole Milo thing, my understanding is he was going to speak in front of 100 or so students, but social media exploded with that news and everybody rushed in to throw fuel on the fire.  Nothing of any consequence would have happened if not for "SnapFace" or whatever the relevant, informed portion of the public is into as a social media source that motivated hundreds or even thousands of others to get involved in a measure of protest.

So then social media is to blame for the riots and violence and hatred?? Typical, that they blame everything but themselves. They blame Russia, they blame this and that and now apparently they blame social media  ;D  This is ridiculous.


Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on February 06, 2017, 01:05:26 AM
Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on February 05, 2017, 10:59:19 PM
^ The sad thing is that the liberals do not care. In fact they were applauding what happened at Berkeley. Those terrorists- because that's what they are- destroyed property, burned things, beat people up all in the name of "free speech and love" and no one batted an eye. Even the police did nothing to stop the destruction. Unbelievable. This really should have been a wake up call for the left side, but nope, they are so blind with their hatred they don't want to see.

A wake up call for who? If the police did nothing, does that imply that they're all liberal terrorists too, at least passively? Or maybe they needed to follow orders from the Police Commissioner or something -- which I guess makes him a suspect as a pawn of the left wing. But possibly it was a tense situation where if the police took action, they risked touching off a powder keg of escalating violence. There have always been radical extremists, but they're not conscripts in some sort of Liberal Army that can be court-martialed. They're acting on their own, not following some sinister liberal conspiracy master plan. Maybe they'll become the new cliche comic book villains, replacing the 'crazy as a bag of cats' right-wing conservative nutcases. It could happen. I'm sure I've probably already read a dozen stories with radical eco-terrorists, so it probably will. And yes, you will have some people who would never act on it, but will cheer them on, just like there were people saying "Nuke Iraq!" after 9/11.

I guess it's probably just easier to divide all people into a Red Team and a Blue Team, and make sure they always wear their uniforms so we can all tell each other apart and know who's the enemy. And if someone refuses to wear the uniform and show team spirit, then they must be a player for the opposite team, so you know you can't trust them. That's just a mental exercise in visualization, but what really happens is that people latch onto a word for identifying the enemy, and then proceed to start rubber-stamping everyone with one name or the other (purely for the purposes of keeping the Bad Guys sorted out). If you're doing it, then you can guarantee someone else is doing it to you. We don't need no stinking badges. It is amazingly difficult to be a terrorist or even a radical without an ideology. Even an anarchist has an implied ideology, whether he'll admit to it or not. Just accept the fact that the minute you start sorting people into lists of USes and THEMs, you become part of the problem, not part of the solution. Is it any wonder I hate politics?

True story: The Pledge of Allegiance was changed in the 1950s to include the words "One nation, under God" in the hopes that it would help root out Communists in our midst. Because it's a well known fact that all Communists are Atheists, and thus it was assumed the reverse also applied. I'm not really sure if the intended effect was more along the lines of spontaneous human combustion or just a bad actor being dumbstruck in the middle of a performance.

"A wake up call for who?" Oy, Seriously?Like I said, people are blind. They just don't want to see.
And when should the police take action then? They need to wait until someone dies? How many need to die before they intervene 1, 2, 10?? 

DeCarlo Rules

Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on February 10, 2017, 09:02:12 PM
"A wake up call for who?" Oy, Seriously?Like I said, people are blind. They just don't want to see.
And when should the police take action then? They need to wait until someone dies? How many need to die before they intervene 1, 2, 10??

I don't know why the police didn't take action. I mentioned a few guesses, but that's all they were. I wasn't there, and have no insider knowledge of police procedure. You tell me why, or why you think they didn't.

You seem to be hinting at some obvious solution, but you don't really say what it is. Maybe some mistakes were made, and I'm sure the police have already done a post-situational analysis. No amount of "should haves" at this point changes anything that happened.

I get that you're angry and that you blame "the liberals" for... well, whatever.  Maybe you're just venting, I don't know, but I don't see where anger really leads to any real solutions to problems. Isn't that exactly what got the demonstrators into trouble? Just a bunch of anger with no constructive solutions.

Alexandra Cabot

Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on February 11, 2017, 12:47:42 AM
Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on February 10, 2017, 09:02:12 PM
"A wake up call for who?" Oy, Seriously?Like I said, people are blind. They just don't want to see.
And when should the police take action then? They need to wait until someone dies? How many need to die before they intervene 1, 2, 10??

I don't know why the police didn't take action. I mentioned a few guesses, but that's all they were. I wasn't there, and have no insider knowledge of police procedure. You tell me why, or why you think they didn't.

Do you have reading comprehension problems?  I already said multiple times the mayor, who was an anti-Milo SJW whining about him on Twitter around the time of the riot, told the police to stand down.  If you can't see bias in that situation, yeah, you're dumb.

QuoteYou seem to be hinting at some obvious solution, but you don't really say what it is.

Well it could start with people on the left stop being hypocritical asshats who throw fits over things like the 1st amendment and then put on masks to start terrorizing voters after they lose a fair election.  Also perhaps the people who have slithered their way into power in academia and the media could stop giving these scumbags a pass and enabling them with rhetoric and ideology that brain washes them into thinking this is acceptable behavior.


Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on February 10, 2017, 08:45:29 PM
Quote from: steveinthecity on February 09, 2017, 02:39:45 AM

As for the whole Milo thing, my understanding is he was going to speak in front of 100 or so students, but social media exploded with that news and everybody rushed in to throw fuel on the fire.  Nothing of any consequence would have happened if not for "SnapFace" or whatever the relevant, informed portion of the public is into as a social media source that motivated hundreds or even thousands of others to get involved in a measure of protest.

So then social media is to blame for the riots and violence and hatred?? Typical, that they blame everything but themselves. They blame Russia, they blame this and that and now apparently they blame social media  ;D  This is ridiculous.
No, it's not social media per se, that's just an avenue that rabble rousers or potential pot stirrers use imo to find the next target.


Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on February 10, 2017, 08:45:29 PM
Quote from: steveinthecity on February 09, 2017, 02:39:45 AM

As for the whole Milo thing, my understanding is he was going to speak in front of 100 or so students, but social media exploded with that news and everybody rushed in to throw fuel on the fire.  Nothing of any consequence would have happened if not for "SnapFace" or whatever the relevant, informed portion of the public is into as a social media source that motivated hundreds or even thousands of others to get involved in a measure of protest.

So then social media is to blame for the riots and violence and hatred?? Typical, that they blame everything but themselves. They blame Russia, they blame this and that and now apparently they blame social media  ;D  This is ridiculous.
No.  Of course everything comes down to the individual and points back to my concern regarding any gross generalizations.

Also, I've certainly never "mocked" you by the way.  I might have Granny style wit, but I'm thinking you're confusing me with someone else. 

Why would I mock or have an issue with you to begin with?  This whole exchange baffles me, for real.


The last two responses are for Alexandra Cabot.

I don't even know how I got drug into this.  Please point me to the posts I made that caused this to happpen. Anyone.

Alexandra Cabot

Quote from: steveinthecity on February 12, 2017, 02:16:10 AMAlso, I've certainly never "mocked" you by the way.  I might have Granny style wit, but I'm thinking you're confusing me with someone else. 

Why would I mock or have an issue with you to begin with?  This whole exchange baffles me, for real.
I don't even know how I got drug into this.  Please point me to the posts I made that caused this to happpen. Anyone.

Okay sure thing, Steve:

QuoteHas California not been wildly progressive in their politics the last few decades?  Holy Cow.  I hate everyone in Connecticut, by the way.  They just don't look like proper Americans to me.  They smirk sometimes in photos. Connecticut is full of communist sympathizers, by my account. They're probably all commies. Every last one of them. North Carolina is also on my list, as is Maryland.  I'm just getting warmed up. South Dakota better hope I don't look your way!

QuoteExactly what party is that?  Hopefully it's one with a proper stock of full to the brim red Solo cups. How is it you enjoy excoriating or bearing such malice towards large swaths of people? You must be from South Dakota.

Sarcastic ass comments directed at me, mocking what I said.  These were your first comments in this discussion chain.  So can you please stop with "duh I didn't say these things I said a few pages back, why was I referenced, it's a mystery duhhhh" debate style and leave it in the internet of 2002.  It's pathetic.

QuoteNo.  Of course everything comes down to the individual and points back to my concern regarding any gross generalizations.
QuoteNo, it's not social media per se, that's just an avenue that rabble rousers or potential pot stirrers use imo to find the next target.

The left has gone completely off the rails.  If you don't think so, I really think you're completely out of touch honestly.  Anyone who has been paying attention for the past several years let alone the past few months should know that it's the truth.  And card carrying Democrats and the left in general DESERVE the blame, because they won't reel in the stupidity going on in the grass roots.  It's disgusting.  But I guess one electoral rebuke isn't enough to learn the lesson yet.  It's going to take two or three more national elections it seems.  Calling these people isolated incidents is false.  They're just living out the rhetoric that has been everywhere the left talks for the past five years.  This Frankenstein Monster didn't create itself.  It's this Marxist, revolutionary, identity politics BS manifesting itself to its logical conclusion.


Quote from: Alexandra Cabot on February 12, 2017, 03:19:55 AM
Quote from: steveinthecity on February 12, 2017, 02:16:10 AMAlso, I've certainly never "mocked" you by the way.  I might have Granny style wit, but I'm thinking you're confusing me with someone else. 

Why would I mock or have an issue with you to begin with?  This whole exchange baffles me, for real.
I don't even know how I got drug into this.  Please point me to the posts I made that caused this to happpen. Anyone.

Okay sure thing, Steve:

QuoteHas California not been wildly progressive in their politics the last few decades?  Holy Cow.  I hate everyone in Connecticut, by the way.  They just don't look like proper Americans to me.  They smirk sometimes in photos. Connecticut is full of communist sympathizers, by my account. They're probably all commies. Every last one of them. North Carolina is also on my list, as is Maryland.  I'm just getting warmed up. South Dakota better hope I don't look your way!

QuoteExactly what party is that?  Hopefully it's one with a proper stock of full to the brim red Solo cups. How is it you enjoy excoriating or bearing such malice towards large swaths of people? You must be from South Dakota.

Sarcastic ass comments directed at me, mocking what I said.  These were your first comments in this discussion chain.  So can you please stop with "duh I didn't say these things I said a few pages back, why was I referenced, it's a mystery duhhhh" debate style and leave it in the internet of 2002. 
This is entirely incorrect.  I have no issue with you, nor would I mock you. Like, ever, that I can imagine.

If it's my South Dakota comment, I apologize. It was meant as silliness.


Alexandra Cabot

QuoteThis is entirely incorrect.  I have no issue with you, nor would I mock you. Like, ever, that I can imagine.

If it's my South Dakota comment, I apologize. It was meant as silliness.

Yeah, I copy/pasted quotes, you can stop the weak gaslighting now and stick it up your keister.  (btw, I never told you to stick anything up your keister, stop being silly, I would never say anything like that to you   :P ).  BTW, I know you're a Democrat because I've been reading this forum since before all the posts disappeared.


Enough with the boring politics talk. Speaking of the downfall of Kmart, this guy made one about Target in Canada:

I hope he makes one about Sears when the time comes.

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