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May 30 2024 6:09pm
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "Fame Game" from Betty and Veronica #114: https://riverdalereviewed.wordpress.com/2024/05/30/comics-fame-game/

May 25 2024 9:21pm
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "The Trophy" from Betty and Veronica #110: https://riverdalereviewed.wordpress.com/2024/05/25/comics-the-trophy/

May 12 2024 9:12pm
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "Sweet Smell of Excess" from Betty and Veronica #105: https://riverdalereviewed.wordpress.com/2024/05/12/comics-sweet-smell-of-excess/

May 12 2024 9:12pm
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "Hold the Phone" from Betty and Veronica #105: https://riverdalereviewed.wordpress.com/2024/05/12/comics-hold-the-phone/

Apr 29 2024 6:48pm
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "Camcord Discord" from Betty and Veronica #104: https://riverdalereviewed.wordpress.com/2024/04/29/comics-camcord-discord/

Apr 08 2024 6:55pm
Tuxedo Mark: I review "The Race to Save Face!" from Archie and Friends: Hot Rod Racing: https://riverdalereviewed.wordpress.com/2024/04/08/comics-the-race-to-save-face/

Apr 07 2024 6:47pm
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "Not So Hot!" from Betty and Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #322: https://riverdalereviewed.wordpress.com/2024/04/07/comics-not-so-hot/

Apr 01 2024 6:20pm
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "Only Mysteries in the Building!" from Betty and Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #322: https://riverdalereviewed.wordpress.com/2024/04/01/comics-only-mysteries-in-the-building/

What does your username stand for?

Started by Great Gazoo, April 08, 2016, 08:37:38 AM

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Great Gazoo

Mine is pretty obvious. My all time favorite cartoon character is The Great Gazoo voiced by Harvey Korman from The Flintstones.


*shrug* mine is a contraction of "The Invisible Phan" ← a multiple entendre from university days ... the avatar from the same source (thanks Marsha)


Does it really need to be explained?  ;D


I loved the relationship between Betty & Reggie in Life With Archie. So I decided it has be BettyReggie. Those issues actually showed that Reggie had a heart.



My favorite female character is Betty. My favorite male character is Reggie. I love the idea of the two of them together, they would be good for each other. And my favorite Archie era was in the 1960s. So that's why I chose 60sBettyandReggie  :)


Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on April 08, 2016, 01:52:01 PM
My favorite female character is Betty. My favorite male character is Reggie. I love the idea of the two of them together, they would be good for each other. And my favorite Archie era was in the 1960s. So that's why I chose 60sBettyandReggie  :)

I could totally see 60's Betty and Reggie together. Modern reboot Betty and Reggie... not so much :)


I'm an Archivist by nature.  I PRESERVE!


Quote from: Archiver123 on April 08, 2016, 01:57:42 PM
I'm an Archivist by nature.  I PRESERVE!

Do you actually own anything physically, or is your entire collection of... uh, everything downloaded?

DeCarlo Rules

Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on April 08, 2016, 01:52:01 PM
My favorite female character is Betty. My favorite male character is Reggie. I love the idea of the two of them together, they would be good for each other. And my favorite Archie era was in the 1960s. So that's why I chose 60sBettyandReggie  :)

Betty would be good for anybody. Isn't it bad enough she's set her sights low enough to fall for Archie? Reggie may be better-looking, and a better athlete, but he's got 10 times the character flaws that Archie does. Archie's merely a dweeb, while Reggie is a genuine creep. Unfortunately, Betty's kind of a pushover (unlike Harper, she's just too darn sweet and forgiving for her own good) who would soon be getting the very short end of that relationship.


Archiecomicx = Archie Comics
Fan = I am a fan of Archie Comics
215 = My birthday Feb 15th


Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on April 08, 2016, 02:27:27 PM
Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on April 08, 2016, 01:52:01 PM
My favorite female character is Betty. My favorite male character is Reggie. I love the idea of the two of them together, they would be good for each other. And my favorite Archie era was in the 1960s. So that's why I chose 60sBettyandReggie  :)

Betty would be good for anybody. Isn't it bad enough she's set her sights low enough to fall for Archie? Reggie may be better-looking, and a better athlete, but he's got 10 times the character flaws that Archie does. Archie's merely a dweeb, while Reggie is a genuine creep. Unfortunately, Betty's kind of a pushover (unlike Harper, she's just too darn sweet and forgiving for her own good) who would soon be getting the very short end of that relationship.

If Betty set her sights on Archie any lower, her mind should be screaming "terrain", "terrain", "terrain", before crashing.  :buck2:


Quote from: HarryLuceyFan on April 08, 2016, 01:56:21 PM
Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on April 08, 2016, 01:52:01 PM
My favorite female character is Betty. My favorite male character is Reggie. I love the idea of the two of them together, they would be good for each other. And my favorite Archie era was in the 1960s. So that's why I chose 60sBettyandReggie 

I could totally see 60's Betty and Reggie together. Modern reboot Betty and Reggie... not so much

During the 60's when the two of them would get together to plan how to separate Archie and Ronnie it was so obvious they should forget about A&V and get together instead.

Quote from: DeCarlo Rules on April 08, 2016, 02:27:27 PM
Betty would be good for anybody. Isn't it bad enough she's set her sights low enough to fall for Archie? Reggie may be better-looking, and a better athlete, but he's got 10 times the character flaws that Archie does. Archie's merely a dweeb, while Reggie is a genuine creep. Unfortunately, Betty's kind of a pushover (unlike Harper, she's just too darn sweet and forgiving for her own good) who would soon be getting the very short end of that relationship.

But I am one of those hopeless romantics that likes to think that Betty can definitely change Reggie (don't laugh, don't roll your eyes) from a creep to prince charming, haha, oh boy! :uglystupid2:

DeCarlo Rules

Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on April 08, 2016, 05:26:30 PM
But I am one of those hopeless romantics that likes to think that Betty can definitely change Reggie (don't laugh, don't roll your eyes) from a creep to prince charming, haha, oh boy! :uglystupid2:

You know something, I never spent a great deal of time trying to figure out the whole shipping thing. All of a sudden today something dawned on me that made me see where it's coming from (in relation to the Archie characters, anyway). I just realized in a flash of understanding that it's mostly female fans who comprise the Betty/Reggie shippers, and mostly male fans who comprise the the Jughead/Veronica shippers. Now to me, these two pairings as couples seem to have absolutely nothing in common, but it suddenly occurred to me that there's more to it than just some sort of perverseness of opposites attracting or wanting to see two characters together who "shouldn't", by all surface observations of their behavior, be together.

It's that the ladies like Betty and identify strongly with her, while they feel most strongly attracted TO Reggie among the male characters, for the most obvious reasons -- he's clearly supposed to be (despite the fact that the male characters on average are drawn more "cartoony" than the female characters) the most handsome of all the regular male cast members; he's athletic, confident, dresses well, always drives a nice car, always has spending money (despite not having to have a part-time job). In short, Reggie's the most obvious male type that women would be attracted to, despite his being a rat, a creep, a fink, and an all-around rotter. This, in spite the fact that they should know better because of the severe character flaws he displays in almost every single story (unless it's a Christmas story or something like that). It's pretty true to life that a lot of women would ignore those flaws in favor of his undeniable good looks and self-confidence, figuring that deep down, there's a good guy inside that just needs nurturing and the love of a good woman to be brought to the surface. And let's face it -- there really aren't any regular cast members that can compete with him. Jughead isn't drawn to be especially good-looking, and neither is Archie, and both of them have some very serious quirks, even if they're mostly well-meaning 'nice guys'. Dilton's too nerdy and short (and maybe Chuck is nerdy too, with his comics obsession), and Moose is as dumb as a rock, so what real competition does Reggie have?  They should have kept Adam Chisholm around. He was actually perfect for Betty -- a good looking guy who was sincere and always treated her right (in fact, just like Betty, he had no real flaws). The ideal couple, really (although some would just say 'boring', I'm sure).

The same goes for the Jughead/Veronica shippers -- those guys (mostly guys) identify themselves most strongly with Jughead among the regular male cast, and are most strongly attracted TO Veronica (over Betty). Since they identify with Jughead and find Veronica more desirable than Betty, they're sure that the surface bickering between the two represents nothing more than them both fighting an obvious (perhaps deep subconscious) attraction to each other. Having the character you're most attracted to pair up with the one you most identify with fulfills a secret longing to involve yourself in the story more deeply by having one of the characters as your own alter ego.

At least I'm pretty sure that's what Trula Twyst would have to say about it.

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