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Messages - Gisele

Quote from: The Bee on April 12, 2016, 09:40:49 PM
I read Gisele's post and i don't think she said she couldn't do one, I think she said she wouldn't be asked.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm considered "classic style" over at Archie (even if I can draw in other styles,) and they have this rule in place it seems that artists that are considered "classic style" are not asked. I guess they have their reasons. So yeah, don't blame me! I'm sure they'll print a bunch of blank sketch covers which for the most part will be used by classic style Archie artists to draw on. Funny when you think about it.
I just recently did a Captain Canuck cover (can't show it yet.) I'm starting to dabble in it! hehe
Quote from: The Bee on April 12, 2016, 07:34:44 PM
So you must be the real Gisele. The Archie Meets The Ramones cover is one of my favorites. Actually I just really like the way you draw the Archie characters in general.

Thanks, The Bee! :)
Very happy to see this finally happening. I know it means a lot to Dan and J.Bone. I'll be supporting it.
Quote from: BettyReggie on April 12, 2016, 07:05:36 PM
But you draw an awesome Betty & Veronica.  They look great on the Archie Meets The Ramones cover.

Thanks, BettyReggie, but that's not how it works I'm afraid. ;)
Quote from: BettyReggie on April 12, 2016, 07:01:27 PM
I just wish there was more covers to choose from. What about Gisele & Thomas Pitilli & Fiona Staples & Faith Erin Hicks & Babbs Tarr & Erica Henderson. I hope we can see covers from them for issue #2.

You can count me out. They won't ask. All the others on the list, though, yeah, pretty sure you'll see them.
Cliff has the most interesting one, and they look their age. Plus, I like the Archie outline. A few Fall leaves would've been nice in the hair area on the ground.