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PTF Reviews Blue Baron 3.2

Started by PTF, July 22, 2020, 03:14:04 AM

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PTF Reviews Blue Baron 3.2

Well, still quarantined and it seems that the test will take two weeks. So yeah, no problem, just missing filing my taxes, helping my aunt keep her health insurance...plus I'M IMPRISONED IN MY HOME—again! Oh, and I could possibly have a virus that could put me on a ventilator. I'm just so angry and filled with hate for my fellow man...

So perfect time to review a Blue Baron Comic.

Ernie has found that being The Blue Baron/Cedric Carson to not what he thought it would be. So far he has alienated himself from The Hero Union, Carson Corporation is facing financial ruin and he's struggling with the pressure of being a hero. So what's to do? Try joining a group of heroes your own age—The Clique. Too bad all they see is some silly old Boomer. And as for Cedric Carson, it's unwanted high school drama. Oh, and new villain Professor Wraith has come to teach what pure evil is to—THE BLUE BARON

The Good

The Writing. Darin Henry delivers his usual great issue. It's a really good issue that shows the depth of Ernie. Yeah, he's an annoying whiny teen (very common) but he really is alone and wants acceptances nearly as much as he wants to do good. Even when The Clique humorously defeat him, you do feel for him as he ends up reflecting on how bad he's handling things—will he effortlessly stops a hold-up and is given praise for it. And he shows maturity going to help The Clique as soon as he hears they are in trouble.

You also have Cedric just being bored out of his mind with junior high school as he is so used to hero science AKA techno babble that staring out a brick wall is more interesting than a typical lecture about moogle electrons. And he's having his own body swap problems as calling Union Headquarters doesn't help, as he seems like a crazy fan. Oh, and Jenna has developed a crush on him.

There's a good deal of various action. You have Blue Baron vs. The Clique. It's action packed, it introduces the Clique and their powers more and you learn helpful information (Jock doesn't control water—that's sweat. Ick. And Class Clown is a girl) and comical. It ends with Blue Baron's pants around his ankles. Then you Prof. Wraith just being a ruthless creep, who brutally, strategically and systematically takes The Clique down while displaying all of his supernatural powers. And you get a nice little hero moment with Blue Ernie vs. regular criminals. And every character has their own disposition and characteristics. The most glaring example is Stoner who...well, is rightfully scared. So yeah, action while being informative and developing characters to the reader at the same time. What a concept.

And you have other characters getting moments like Rossi and Bishop trying to turn around Carson Corp. A really fun page and probably my favorite humor wise.

It's a great story with an awesome set up as The Clique are captured and Blue Baron isn't faring much better.

Professor Wraith. Wow. He's a lot more awesome than I thought he would be. I like the design as it perfectly fits the book as it's a mix of humor and terror—like all the great clowns. And he's a good evil counterpart for The Clique as an evil teacher who takes them to school. He shows a great display of powers and creativity. From messing with Teacher's Pet morphing, to draining Jock, to using an incanchatment to take out Bully. And I love his reply to Bully's scratch my nose comment. Yeah, that's what a real villain would do! And I like his plan. He wants to give every person a demon that will possess them and either kill them or corrupt them. Haven't heard of that one, so yay for inhumanly cruel originality.  How evil is Professor Wraith? So darn evil he cut ahead of the artist section!!

Art. Ron Frenz. Honestly, this is the best I've seen his art. I have a ton of his comics and nothing else springs to mind that competes with this issue. It helps that you have so many different characters that you can only be impressed with how much work he had to put in this issue. All the action is really well done and easy to follow. And unlike my latest Super Sucker review, I don't see a single panel where I feel he took the easy way out. He just banged it out and showed how much range he has. If I had to pick out the best of the best pages, The Clique vs. Professor Wraith for the action and atmosphere. And for range and emotional response, Blue Ernie saving the couple where he goes from depressed to confused to happy to conflicted. So yeah, nothing I can point out that I didn't like. Closest is not knowing Class Clown was a girl, but that's a character dressed as a clown with the most loose costume...and probably my favorite of the Clique.

Inking, Coloring and Lettering. Well, it's an action packed comic so we get a lot of action packed sound affects and they're all pretty awesome. Every comic needs a good KRAK WHAKK. So yeah you have sound effects enhancing the action and putting in some gut punch. Most of all, I like the blue around Professor Wraith's word balloon as it really helps his stand out from all the other characters. The coloring is again excellent. I mean, just a wholr lot of different shades, tones that set up atmosphere. And the inking is great as it doesn't take away from the art. If I had to go favorite page that combined everything; it would be the last page that sets up for the next issue. So great work from by the trio of inkers, Marshall Dillion and Glenn Whitmore.

Super Sleepy: Okay, I'd admit, that's a lot of cute in a two page story.

The Bad

Banishing The Blue Baron. I don't mind Prof. Wraith banishing Blue Baron to a demonsion (I like that word). Very evil with a warped, twisted logic to it. And sending someone to a hell dimension is acceptable evil. My problem is the reasoning. Instead of trying what he did to The Clique, he talks about how in his old life he used to admire him and banishes him instead of trying to kill him. And while he was a teacher on heroics, he never shown any admiration to The Blue Baron. This could have been helped in the first issue by having him bring up The Blue Baron in his lecture or when in his study show some sort of Blue Baron memorabilia. Or just some newspapers framed of The Blue Baron. It's make sense for his professions since...well, Blue Baron is one of the first heroes in this universe.

It's just a minor complaint. I just think it would have enhanced the story a bit and made a connection to The Blue Baron just to make William Wharton's fall from grace sting a bit more to the readers.

Small grammatical errors. When Audrey--kid wearing the kind of hat I think is dumb-- walks by, there should be a comma before the word "like". Also we have the other kid talking and I'm pretty sure the word "tell" is left out.

Dumb knitwit hat kid's friend: Yeah, well, sucks to be them. Now can you please me why Freddy got so mad at you in study hall?!

Granted, the sentence is funnier, but still pretty big boo-boo.

That stupid college student with the question. GOOD WORK!!! There should be an issue where Prof. Wraith goes after her to answer her stupid question.

Audrey. For wearing that stupid hat...and a bandana? Makes me sick to my stomach it does.


Fine we'll wrap things up.

What I Learned From What I Read.

1. Class Clown is a girl.
2. Jock has to be smelly.
3. No matter the problem, think of it as a broken down car and how you'd fix it. (Might not work if the problem is a boat not working)
4. Demonsion is my new favorite word.
5. Mood rings work.
6. It's always sad when some poor demon doesn't have a person to possess
7. The difference between recessive, genetic, and kinetic bonds.
8. Don't tell a bad guy your nose itches.
9. Headmistress, another in a long line of leaders or instructors of heroes who never leave HQ.
10. I am really invested in why Freddy was mad at Dumb Hat Audrey. Can't wait to find out!!!

Overall. Yeah, it's a great issue. I mean, I had nitpicks but that's all they are. And there are the two grammatically errors. Everything about this comic was great. You have great writing, action, art, and a great cliffhanger to set up the next part. I'll go B+

Well, until next time when I review Blue Baron 3.3. And who knows maybe I'll have my test done by the time I post the review. THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE, BLUE BLAZE IT ALL TO HECK.

So thanks for reading. And remember to social distance, wear your mask, hand sanitizer...and try to find someone else to help take elderly relatives to about ten different doctors in eight different places. That last one if just a personal tip.

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