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PTF Reviews Blue Baron 3.3

Started by PTF, July 25, 2020, 01:26:36 AM

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PTF Reviews Blue Baron 3.3

Well, still stuck at home. Still feel fine. Still having my life wasted.  So might as well do something constructive and review a good comic.

What's worse than being in the body of a hero? How about ending up in a hell dimension? Who is the Wonder Witch and what ties does she have to The Blue Baron? Will Professor Wraith give the world a crash course in evil? And how desperate is Cedric Carson to get his life back to super normal? Find out in—BLUE BARON.

The Good

Writing: Yeah, it's another typical great issue from Darin Henry. One thing I'd like to point out is I like how the A storyline and the B storyline connect. You have demons connected to Cedric in Ernie's body and Jenna as Professor Wraith prepares his spell. Also, I love the two demons reactions as the demon with Cedric/Ernie has no idea what this kid's issue is. And I really liked Cedric and how everything blew up in his face because he is a nice guy and women, no matter the age, are tricky. Seriously, guys, we play checkers, they play chess. Never forget that. We're going to lose. The goal is to not lose as badly as possible.

And I like the Wonder Witch character as she's a super likeable character. Nice, kind, and it's really hard not to root for a character who seems like the universe took a swing at and then forgot about entirely. She connects to the Blue Baron's past and sets up a future storyline with a new villain. And best of all, she never felt forced or shoehorned into the story. And she does contribute to the defeat of Prof. Wraith. And it serves as motivation for Ernie in the future. And I'll admit it, I'm invested in Wonder Witch being saved. Helps that she gave the biggest laughs for this issue.

And really it is a feel good issue that I think was needed. One of my problems with Invincible is that—well, darn if that kid ever did anything right or was allowed a moment of joy. Ernie got that and it's well deserved. After all the kid's went through, he deserved a bit of happiness and respect. And he learned an important lesson about being a grown up.

And for those of you who are more sadistic, there is some tragedy. The Wonder Witch loses her only companion and is left with the same promise that was broken over two hundred years ago. Also...NASDACK.

And I love the last two pages and what is set up. Especially Cedric's as he turns to an unlikely ally to help. Also, what is going to happen with Ernie and his parents is going to be super fun to read. Oh, and also a reminder of the entity that is still looming on the horizon.

The art. Ron Frenz does what he does: draw good comics that only costed me 99 cents. If only all artists could have those two traits...

It's just his typical great work that I've enjoyed since Spider-Girl. I like The Wonder Witch's design. And I like really like some of the angles and positions he took for panels, like when the demons break into Wonder Witch's home with the overhead shot. Also the last three panels we see of The Wonder Witch as we zoom out more and more to show how alone she now is. And I like Cedric in Ernie's one panel where he breaks away from Jenna. Coherent motion in just one panel. Hard to do. And I love the two demons over their heads as they don't know what to make of these two. And as for the best pages to look at I actually like Blue Baron's fight with Prof Wraith as it captures the tone of this book perfectly and looks great.

Lettering, Colors, and inking: I really like the lettering in this comic. You have the pink word balloon and purple lettering when Wonder Witch casts a spell. Nifty. And helps her stand out. I especially love when she gets angry over her friend's death and the WAAAKOOOOM. The colors are again great. I love all the demonsion and the colors and the inking.

I think I'll name my newest Pokemon WABAMMO.


Sigh, I miss freedom.

Super Sleepy. Awww. Fun little story that reminds me of the old Harvey comics I used to read. And not because of how I say Super Sleepy looks like Lil' Audrey. In fact,

Turns out I was completely wrong.

Heh. Waited awhile to do that joke. But now to get to—

Why doesn't Dot have more dots? She's Dot! Oh, um back to the comic review--

The Bad

Blue Baron taking down Prof Wrath. This issue doesn't have the same action as the last. And I can see some people complaining about how easily Wraith went down, especially after we saw what he can do in the last issue. I'm not one of them. Like I said, I think Ernie needed a strong showing. And he did have a magical lamp to aid him. And really, when you read this story in just a single sitting, there really isn't an argument.

Sargasso Lamp. That ain't a lamp. That's a lantern! A lamp has genies and a lantern has the souls contained in it. This is common knowledge! Sheesh!

Law enforcement in this universe: Remember the bad guys from the first story. Released from police custody. And people complain about the revolving door in Arkham!!

Somebody forgot something. Just before Blue Baron returns, we see The Clique and no energy field holding them in place.

Headmistress. Wow. Amazing how you just showed up the second after Blue Baron handled things. You are not fooling anyone here. You are a horrible mentor, robot lady!

Freddy. We never learn why Freddy was mad at Audrey. Was it because of using "like" as a conversational pause or the dumb hat? It's like Ernie's dad all over again and I know it'll be six issues before I get my answer!

Darin Henry. Great, now I have to buy another comic to find out what happens to Wonder Witch. Can't believe this guy wants me to buy his comic that he's making and wants to profit off of it. Wait, I can just illegally—no no, he made a special note against it! Curse you and your foolproof schemes and ironclad foresight Darin Henry!!

The second page. We're getting dangerously too close to hentai for my liking...

What I learned from what I read.

1. Mayday Parker is going to take Cedric Corp to the cleaners!
2. How lucky I am to be an only child.
3. I'd want a pet like Delphyne if I was in the demonsion.
4. Destruction of property, robbery, endangering lives, and fighting the main hero team of this universe is only a slap on the wrist.
5. Wonder Witch is easily the most observant and rational person this comic has ever had.
6. Christopher Carson was a liar!
7. "Platonic friends" had a different meaning when I was a teen.
8. Bean can ski.
9. Wolfbarker knows fake news when he sees it!
10. I'm not the only person who needs his banky to help with sleep.

Overall. A. It's a great job by the team and we have several set up for future stories. Not much more to it then that folks.

So until next time--if I'm not in a makeshift bed in my hospital's ICU—thank you for reading and I hope the reviews were informative and entertaining.

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