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PTF Reviews Super Suckers #1

Started by PTF, March 30, 2016, 06:24:53 PM

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Brought to us by Sitcomics...

Wait. Sitcomics? Sit Comics? Yeah, I guess most people sit and read comics, but I read comics standing up like a man!  Eh, maybe there's more to the name, but highly unlikely.

Brought to us by Darin Henry behind shows such as Seinfield, KC Undercover, and Futurama. Actually, just one episode of Futurama wrote—but it was the one with popples and I always like to call people Wingus and Dingus so this is clearly his greatest accomplishment.

We also have Jeff Shultz who may or may not be real, as has been debated on these forums. Me? I think he's a time displaced robot with a glass hand, which circuits contain the digitally encoded human survivors and is waiting for the day to release them. Until then, he's doing comic art to buy some time. Or he's a vampire.

Speaking of vampires in a very transparent transition...

Jess and Kelly just met and they have two things in common: the same ex boyfriend and they are now vampires. With a wild roommate, a handsome vampire hunter, and a guy who lets them drink blood for money, college should still be a breeze, right?

The Good

The writing: Well, if this was supposed to feel like a TV show it did the job. You had two acts and two commercial breaks (more on those later). But more importantly, it did what a first epis—er, issue should do: introduce the characters, the plot, and what the series will be about. And it's a fun premise; two college girls suddenly become vampires and have to rely on sucking the blood of a loser to make sure they don't kill anyone they are infatuated with. It's a new little twist on the vampire lore and in a fun setting that is open.

Both girls are likeable. Kelly is flighty, friendly, outgoing, and popular. Jess is more of a loner, sarcastic, outsider. And I like how they actually do develop a friendship. Stuart actually gets some decent character development going from a hustler, a jerk, to someone who actually cares about his new friends. Still a loser and a coward, but a noble one. Vera...she's a force of nature that does not abide by our norms or laws and it is amazing.

The humor is great. Just filled with a number of one liners. I really liked the three sorority girls and the one, Paisley and her dry wit is great. "It's also rectangular." You also have a lot of other jokes such as "dorsal vein" so the jokes range for everyone. I can't think of one joke I didn't like.

The art. Jeff Shultz is his always solid self. He sticks with his Dan DeCarlo Archie style and it works really well. Heck, for Vera it helps her really stand out because—someone who is not gorgeous drawn in that style? She also has my favorite freak out facial expression that made me laugh. This is some of his best work. One problem I always had with his art was the background. He could get lazy at times. But not this time as we have people walking about, talking with friends, reacting to various things so it gives me even more of a reason to go back and read.

New vampire twist: Fitting for the scenario, blood lust is connected with love lust. Meaning without blood for someone repulsive, they'll try to drink the blood of whomever they are infatuated with. That's a nice new twist. You also have the drinking the blood of someone like Stuart who acts like a cold shower. And he is a loser as he apparently uses the money for comics. And I kind of figured sunblock would be used, but I'm glad Henry thought of the eyes and needing sunglasses to go out in the sun.

The price: 3.99 for 64 pages. I likey.

Sit-Commercials: Wait...SITCOMics...sitCOMICs. Ohhhhh. I get it...me smart.
Anyway, to help with the illusion of this being like a sitcom, we get commercials ranging from deodorant to stop morons to super awesome serial to magic insurance. All are done in various styles and they all are really good. My favorite is Nina Ninja. All the art is different and varies for those who like a bit of everything.

Little interview: Well, it's more of a talk show introduction (fun take on a letter page). And it's pretty fun and informative. We even get music list of songs the writer and artist listened to while working on the issue. What, no Skillet?! And yes, colorists do rule the world. Speaking off...

Glen Whitmore: For the main story he does his usual solid job. The colors are all nice and everything flows, but its with the sit-commercials where he shines. You have the solid colors for the American toon based Mating Season Animal dating to the more traditional, elegant of Shhh! For the different style of art, the different brands of commercial he adapts flawlessly to it.  He's so great and sells more books than anyone else on the staff, he gets his name in the good section. Because I respect greatness.

The lettering. Marshall Dillon does a fine. When Jess is sick Kelly is disgusted with Stuart the word balloon drips appropriately to capture the tone better. Cheers of joy and confusion are big, bold words. I also love the log with the dripping blood. Nice touch.

Richard: He's supposed to be British but I never go that. Probably needed an accent. I mean, he's probably going to be here and gone character, but it would have been nice to help distinguish him a bit. Give him a bit of a stiff upper lip, what for cheerios, shagadelic baby, yeah!

Questioning my Eastern Europe knowledge. I minored in Eastern European culture for six years!  I do not need a caption box to tell me how to pronounce a fairly common place dialect, thank you very much!

My dog: I finish one segment, dog goes to door and makes me walk her around the yard for a few minutes over and over and over! My left pinky finger is numb and fee hurt! Seriously, she's 16 years old. How in the world is she running? She should be a motionless mass! How can I maintain the quality of reviews that two people read with all of these interruptions!?!

The art. This isn't for me, but you know that some people will see the style and be turned off. And I guess you could point out...eh, why not say it? What's Jeff Shultz going to do? Walk up to me and punch me in the nose? Jess and Kelly look like Midge and Kelly.

What I learned:

Vampires make bad boyfriends.

  • Blood loss leads to bladder control loss
  • 1 out of every 3 sorority girls are dumb-dumbs
  • Jess is—was a vegetarian
  • Vampires can get drunk.
  • Vera is here and we just have to grin and bear it or close our eyes and vomit.
  • Shhh! Would have helped me with a few dates.
  • RHO RHO RHO is the best sorority house!
  • Nina Ninja should get her own comic series.
  • If you say Jess and Kelly look like Midge and Melody, Jeff Schulz will walk up to you and punch you with his glass hand...ow...

Yeah, this is a great book. It's just an extremely well done book on every level. My only real compliant is Richard wasn't British enough...and honestly, do we really need the British at the point? I give Super Suckers 1 an A.

Next will be Super Suckers 2.1. so until then, to complete the sitcom theme, reread this review and make it a rerun! 

And I'll post that tomorrow so be here, same time, same Bat Channel!

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