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PTF Reviews Super Suckers # 2.1

Started by PTF, March 31, 2016, 07:41:08 PM

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 Hey, the board is still here! We haven't lost an entire two days worth of posts and forums! We're on our way up. And yeah, I save most of my old reviews so if anyone wants I can repost them. But before that...

Back to Dixon College as our favorite vampires must deal with parents, ex boyfriends...and how hard it is to put make-up on without a reflection. And what danger soon approaches? TUNE IN!

The Good

The writing: Well, this is a sitcomic and we've certainly got that right as we've got: Jess and Stewart visiting Jess's parents, an old boyfriend, and Jess caught sucking blood from Stewart in a rather interpretive setting. Kelly needs a vampire mirror and has dragged Vera into that plot, big dumb jock likes girl with attitude. So yeah. Sitcom worthy.

The humor is still great. I like Kelly running around looking like a hobo clown as she freaks out about it. Jess is the queen of one-liners. "This chili dog has no peckers" made me actually laugh out loud. Vera and Stewart faking as a couple and the reactions from the dumber members of RHO Sorority house is funny. So again, good stuff from Henry Darin and new co writer Robin Taylor. And who is Robin Taylor?...wait, The Penguin? I think Google Search might have failed me...

Art: Again it's another solid effort from fictional person Jeff Shultz. The facial reactions are great. Everything is clean, crisp and looks nice. Every character has their own stand out feature. Even Jess's mom with her long pointy noise. The builds and physics help with the new characters as we have the fat Mr. Seaver and the muscle for brains Trevor being introduced.

Modern day vampire problems: I like Kelly's plot with her not being able to apply make-up because...she's a vampire and has no reflection. So she ends up looking like a hobo clown and it only gets worse when Vera helps her out. Again it's a new little take on being a vampire in today's world and a character having to adjust and laughing at the results. Plus the vampire lens. Seriously, in the cartoons and movies where the character wears sun block, fine, I get that—but there eyes would still melt, so kudos for this idea.

Mr. Seaver: Hey, we got an actual antagonist. And he's a sad sack: lost his fiancée to a vampire named Luigi (the better Mario Brother), bad breath, lives with his mom, and the government refuses to fund his million dollar vampire vacuum. So yeah, the way the universe beats up on this poor guy is extremely funny. And I always like a villain who has a valid reason for what he is doing.

Jess's family and pre-college life: I just like their reaction to Stewart. If there's one thing this book does really well is make sure you understand that Stewart is a loser. A likeable loser, but still a loser you're not ashamed to laugh at. Anyway the mom and dad are really witty so yeah, I can see where Jess gets it from. And it looks like an ex-boyfriend will be in the mix. So we're about to have the weirdest, distorted triangle ever since I left my protractor at home during a trig exam.

Sit-Commercials: We get two new ones with Quit Zit and Lab Mice. Quit Zit is my favorite with Flawfinder and especially the ending. Lab Mice is a soap opera about mice adjusting to life as nonspecimens. And while on the subject of soap operas...am I the only one who has a relative constantly call me to talk about them like I actually watch them? Is it just me.

Glen Whitmore: Again the guy is just great.

The Bad

Trevor. Yep, we've got the token meathead roommate who is into workouts and is super dumb. It's just like yesterday when I was watching Weird Science on the USA network...wishing Duckman would come on. I've just seen this type of guy over and over and so far he hasn't done anything to break from the mold. I mean, his letter was funny, but overall, well, this is .1 so there's time to sway my opinion of him until then I'm going to put him here.

Where's the wrapper: There was no candy wrapper on the bed! That was extremely vital to the entire story! Jeff Shultz you have failed us!

Repeat sit-commercial. The Sleep With Me was from last issue.

That stupid hat Adam is wearing: He isn't even in the story save for the front page intro and I already know I'm not going to like him because of that stupid hat. Look like a hobbit with that stupid hat.

What I learned:

Vampires have contact lens for daytime.

  • Bookshelves are involved in 6 out of 10 house hold fatalities.
  • Don't let your girl around a vampire named Luigi.
  • Stewart's family lived in a Winnebago.
  • Nobody appreciates a good evil laugh.
  • Make-up is much more complicated than I thought.
  • Never let Mimi from the Drew Cary Show do your make-up
  • Big Toe photos are romantic
  • The government is not dealing with the vampire crisis like it should! Where is our wall??!
  • Me and the Flawfinder have the exact same taste it clothes it's almost like—hey!!
Anyway, this was a good issue. I enjoy all the plot threads the characters are in...except Trevor. He just doesn't seem that interesting to me because right now I've seen this character over and over and could cut and paste them. But it's his first appearance so maybe he can become interesting. And really that—AND THE CANDY WRAPPER!!!—are my only complaints. And I'm really interesting to see the trainwreck when all the plot lines are pulled together in a wonderful, tangled mess. I give this issue a B+.  This issue is setting things up nicely for the next issues which I'll review SAME TIME, SAME BAT CHANNEL.

And for anyone who wants me to stop ending my Super Sucker reviews with that line...no. :)


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