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PTF Reviews The Blue Baron 2.3

Started by PTF, June 06, 2018, 10:59:25 AM

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 Finally caught up on Riverdale (see my reviews do relate to Archie Comics!) on my DVR and—well, at least I liked the last episode. Look, I get that this is darker, but I think you can do dark and have likable and intelligent characters. Seriously, out of all of Riverdale, only Fred Andrews is a decent human being at this point. I really liked the first season, but I thought season two was pretty rotten. Really bad writing.

Speaking of bad writing, I'll be posting another Super Sucker fan fic soon. :)

But now onto good writing and everything else that a comic needs....THE BLUE BARON.

When we last left off Blowback was on a rampage, consumed with vengeance on Cedric Carson. Now alone, can The Blue Baron/Ernie Rodriguez defeat the day? And what of the Blue Baron, stuck in a teenage body, facing off against a school bully. How both fights end might surprise you.

The good.

The writing. Whoa. This issue hits like a sledgehammer to the gut. There isn't as much humor as the other issues, but just the emotion, just the reactions to Ernie and the Blue Baron at the end of the issue is heartbreaking because both are in situations where they are helpless to do anything; one because he lacks the maturity and experience the other trapped outside of his life.

And for anyone worried, it's not all depressing. You get some funny moments with Wanda "Mayday Parker Lives On" Rodriguez confronts Ernie Baron after the fight and his deadpan reaction. Jenna, the blond haired girl from last issue, moments with Ernie Baron are sweet and I already like her. And the mirroring of Blue Baron and Ernie and what's going on at the same time was great work.

And the issue leaves you wanting more as potential storylines and threats are introduced. As Rossi and Bishop are set to be more of a presence and a mystery from the first issue is solved.

And let me put it to you this way. Normally, I give details because, this came out in the first of the year, but I think it would be best for anyone who is reading or wants to read this comic to pick it up with a pretty clear mind on what to expect. It's that good.

The art. Ron Frenz is really great here. Just the emotion of the characters. Just the facial expressions of the aftermath is really stunning. This might be the best work that I've seen from him. It certainly stands out. The coloring and lettering for emotional responses were appropriate. The inking really shines in this issue. Excellent work from everyone involved.

Battle Blogs. Yeah, I didn't mention these the last few issues because, well, it was about Start-up and I'd like no spoilers if I ever get more than one issue of the series. But this issue is cool as we have one about Blowback. Nothing special but I was always a fan of the TMNT sourcebooks that went over the history and power of the character...then the stupid internet happen and made it all pointless.

The bad.

I think one character could have used more flexing out. Heck, this issue I just learned he knew Cedric Carson/Blue Baron were the same person. I have gone back three times and I don't see anything that would make me believe this character knew Blue Baron's secret identity.
  • No more Milo. A great loss for us all.
  • He who shall not be named.

What I learned from what I read.

Wanting to go back to where you were held hostage by a supervillain makes you the second stupidest man alive.
  • Volunteering to go back to where you were held hostage instead of the guy who originally wanted to go makes you the stupidest person alive.
  • Congrates Start-up, you're the smartest person in this comic or at least the best detective.
  • Teenage hormones are wretched indeed.
  • I don't even want to think about the possible laws Cedric Carson might be breaking in the next slew of issues
  • Just like in Civil War, I don't blame the hero for what happened. ...But I don't think this is Joe Quesada's fault either.
  • Mr. Baxter is like professional wrestling referees: Only interfering when the good guy is winning!
  • Slater is hardcore like American Kirby.
  • Mr. Shilling is still a dillweed.
  • Don't worry Blowback, we all make little mistakes we have to live with—oh. Right....

Overall: Well, it's not the funniest of the issues, but if you were wanting more drama and gravitas, here you go. My favorite issue up to this point. Everything hits the mark. The art, writing, coloring, pacing it's all superb.

It's an A.

So yeah, this is a series you should be reading. Great quality for an insanely low price.


Thanks for reading and reviewing The Blue Baron, PTF. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!  I'd love to print some of your comments here in issue 3's letters page so please reply or pm me to let me know if that would be okay.

By the way, I'm currently working on the script for Blue Baron 3.1 and you'll be relieved to know that Ernie's father is addressed by name but I won't spoil it here.

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