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February 08, 2025, 08:46:40 AM

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Feb 06 2025 8:24pm
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "Gift Gambit!" from Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #356: https://riverdalereviewed.wordpress.com/2025/02/06/comics-gift-gambit/

Jan 07 2025 8:46pm
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "Where There's a Wilbur There's a Way!!" from World of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #145: https://riverdalereviewed.wordpress.com/2025/01/07/comics-where-theres-a-wilbur-theres-a-way/

Jan 01 2025 12:18am
Tuxedo Mark: Happy New Year, everyone!

Dec 18 2024 4:10am
DeCarlo Rules: Holy caw, that is crazy -- but if you have $1000 that you're not doing anything with, you can have a nice instant collection of 89 classic Archie Comics in beautifully-designed collectors' boxes.

Dec 16 2024 10:44pm
Hanna Barbera Montana: Macroverse and Archie are teaming up for a facsimile collection via Kickstarter. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/macroverse/archiecomics

Dec 16 2024 3:48am
DeCarlo Rules: Geez, now you can't even depend on a TPB compiling all the year's new stories from the digests...  >:( 

Dec 13 2024 10:59pm
Hanna Barbera Montana: Yes

Dec 13 2024 6:17am
DeCarlo Rules: Was ARCHIE MODERN CLASSICS: MELODY released as digital-only, and not in TPB as solicited??

Nov 21 2024 10:27am
DeCarlo Rules: Seriously, considering that ACP doesn't have a huge output of titles to begin with, the number of things they solicit and then cancel, never to be seen, is just ridiculous.

Nov 19 2024 12:20am
Hanna Barbera Montana: Count the facsimile for ARCHIE'S PAL JUGHEAD #78 as an imaginary comic.

WANTED--Dan Parent Tattoo Prints

Started by Captain Jetpack, January 08, 2019, 08:45:46 AM

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Captain Jetpack

Years ago there were a series of tattoo-style art prints of the various ladies from Archie.
Dan Parent did, em, I think.

I wanted to buy them then, but was distracted by...a shiny thing.  :crazy2:

Anybody know where I can get them?

If individual pieces, Sabrina, Betty or Veronica, preferred, in that order.
Pie is my favorite Vitamin.

DeCarlo Rules

Quote from: Captain Jetpack on January 08, 2019, 08:45:46 AM
Years ago there were a series of tattoo-style art prints of the various ladies from Archie.
Dan Parent did, em, I think.

I wanted to buy them then, but was distracted by...a shiny thing.  :crazy2:

Anybody know where I can get them?

If individual pieces, Sabrina, Betty or Veronica, preferred, in that order.

I have them, but I don't see them listed any more on the Store page at danparent.com. You could drop by there and contact him (it's in the menu) and ask if he still has a few left, or might be considering doing a new printing of those print designs at some point. There was a Josie "tattoo" print design also, by the way. 11"x17" prints go for $20 each, plus $3 shipping. As far as I know, Dan himself is the only person authorized to sell those. I don't even know if authorized is the right word here... it might be more of a "ACP agrees to look the other way as long as you don't piss us off" kind of thing. Heck, I don't know if he has a deal with some local printer to print them in batches, or even if he's got himself a nice printer at home that can crank out copies of any image files he has on a one-at-a-time basis. Doesn't hurt to ask.

Captain Jetpack

Pie is my favorite Vitamin.

Captain Jetpack

No reply from Mr Parent.

Any leads elsewhere?
Pie is my favorite Vitamin.

DeCarlo Rules

Quote from: Captain Jetpack on January 14, 2019, 06:56:34 AM
No reply from Mr Parent.

Any leads elsewhere?

Give it time. He's got a pretty heavy schedule, between his comic work, conventions, and commissions. I believe he and Fernando are still working on getting Kickstarter rewards packages out to supporters of the last DKD series. As I mentioned, AFAIK Dan's the only one who is (or was) selling those prints. At one time or another I might have seen one or two of those as T-shirt designs, but I couldn't tell you where.

Captain Jetpack

No longer matters.
Medical bills & plumbers bills came in suddenly.
No buying stuff for me.
Pie is my favorite Vitamin.

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