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Riverdale episode 13: The Sweet Hereafter

Started by PTF, May 11, 2017, 11:47:55 PM

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Hey, there's going to be a season six of Total Drama Island.




I finally have enough money saved to get a 3DS. I'm thinking Litten as my stater.


"Cliff hanger" heh-heh. Jughead, you witty person you.

Turns out you can't get rich from Maple Syrup as it was just a front for drug trafficking from Montreal...the evil part of Canada. Mayor Josie's Mom decides she's going to stomp out corruption kind of like how Donald Trump has dinner with James Comey. Instead of focusing on herself or the Blossoms, she's going after the easy targets: Those loveable scamps The Serpents.

Sheriff Dummy wants FP to give names for a lighter sentence but FP says the Serpents don't deal in heavy drugs, just weed and bros before your only son.

At the jubillee...seriously there was just a prom a few days ago!!!... she is going to have Betty and Archie front and center to sing and give a speech as the heroes of the town. Okay, Archie is no hero. He only contributed at the end said contributions were breaking and entering and putting on a dead kid's jacket.

Betty points this out, but Mr. Blackbee doesn't have the integrity of his white comic counterpart (Hey, I'm the not the writers making nearly every black character on this show evil or a jerk!) and tells her to shut up and go along.

Betty's got other problems as her family is trying to ignore what happened and acting like one big happy family. Veronica and Archie finally tell Betty that they are seeing each other and she's cool with it since she's with Jughead, a true blue hero...

Who is being sent to the South Side to a foster home and having to transfer out of Riverdale. Apparently Fred Andrews is disqualified because of money and a DUI off screen (Boo! Show don't tell!)

And it's not easy on the workside as Hermoine has lapsed into being a ...witch and fired all the Serpent workers and want's him to sell his stack in the land before Hiram comes back. She even wants Veronica to seduce Archie to help with that. Veronica, being one of the only five people worth a flip in this show) disapproves. I'm thinking Smithers lied about Hermoine.

Cheryl is acting weird (well besides the usual bi-polar of being really mean and then being nice) as she gives up being captain of the vixens, apologizes to Jughead and even gives him something to pawn for money.

And Penelope is in real...witch mode herself as she is cold to Cheryl and won't even let her stay home....also why did Sheriff Keller leave that rope up in the barn? He is horrible at his job. Eh, like that will have an effect on her.

Archie goes to FP where FP tells him Jughead will go into the darkness and he needs to be there for Jughead before that happens. He of course doesn't.

Jughead decides to give in and go to South Side High where...dear lord. You know those 90 movies that have horrible schools like the Substitute? Times that by ten and add in North Korea. That's about what South Side is. Betty and the gang (well not Kevin because...where the heck is he??) get him and show he's loved.

Too bad Cheryl is trying to kill herself in the frozen Sweetwater lake. She falls in but Archie (with no time to take of his shirt to show his abbs) breaks the ice with his bare, bloody hands, pulls her out, and breaths life back into her body! Okay, fine. Archie finally did something heroic.

Veronica takes her home and Hermoine is still being a...witch.

Jughead sees his dad. Jughead don't turn heel! If I can believe in Megatron being heroic, I know you can overcome this.

Archie and The Pussycats sing, Betty gives a speech that inspires Riverdale to overcome the darkness that is engulfing Riverdale! That Archie is Riverdale! Veronica is Riverdale! Whenever Kevin is there, he is Riverdale! Reggie is...well, he's not Riverdale. Fred regains his faith in humanity and refuses to sell! Puppies and kittens are playing together in the streets!!

And the gang goes off for shakes at Pops and everything's happy! Yeeeeeeeaaaahhhhh!

(Looks at watch)

Huh. There's about seven minutes left.

And this is the CW Channel. With the guy who decided "Zombies in Riverdale" as the creator of the show.


Archie and Veronica make out...ah. There's those abbs.

Jughead and Betty are making out in FP's trailer when the Serpents show up and offer to help Jughead, don't take that jacket Jughead...don't....NOOOOOOO!!!

Cheryl burns down the mansion. Whatever.

Huh. I don't see Nana Rose...eh whatever.

Oh and there's a robbery at Pop's where Fred Andrews gets shot. Whatever.

Jughead turned heel. and I feel like I did when my hamster died... :(

Anyway, pretty good episode. I do have a few problems with it but those problems are the same through the series but it was great. Great cliffhanger, storylines were advanced. The acting was good. Archie actually did something worthwhile. So until next season...or I get around talking about what I liked and didn't like about the show.



It was awesome. My favorite part was when Jughead & Betty were about to hook up & someone knock on the door. And it was the South Serpents who gave him a jacket to join the gang. And Betty looked so worried.


So many questions unanswered that i cannot wait until season 2. I cannot wait until the premiere date is announced :smitten:

Tuxedo Mark

My thoughts:

"Something wicked this way comes" turned out to be in reference to the battle between regular folks and the Serpents. I love the way that Betty says it, though, like she's mocking the whole idea.

Is FP reading "Chilling Adventures in Sorcery" in his jail cell?

I wish Betty, not Veronica, had taken Cheryl home, so they could do some familial bonding. (In general, neither girl seems to be reacting to the fact that they're related.) Cheryl's in a very bad emotional state right now. She needs to be given reasons to live. Betty and Polly are the best people to offer that to her.

Cheryl burns the mansion down. That's a bit of an...overreaction. I mean did she really burn all of her belongings and all of the photos of Jason? Or did she have those placed in storage elsewhere beforehand? Also, where's nana? And do the Blossoms have servants?

The rescue scene was epic. KJ Apa actually broke his hand during filming, so I'm guessing the cast that Archie's wearing in Pop's is genuine.

LOL at Archie looking at himself in the mirror and giving himself that "I totally got laid" look.

So Betty was gonna have sex too, but then she got snake-blocked.

Does Jughead have an ulterior motive for joining the Serpents?

Holy crap, who shot Fred?! There's a theory going around that it's the Black Hood. Jughead calls the incident "anything but random". Is Luke Perry signed for season 2?
Riverdale Reviewed
Every episode of "Riverdale", "The New Archies", and "Archie's Weird Mysteries" reviewed.
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Tuxedo Mark

Riverdale Reviewed
Every episode of "Riverdale", "The New Archies", and "Archie's Weird Mysteries" reviewed.
My digital wish list


Argh, Fred was my favorite character (other than Cheryl, natch).


I finally just got to watch the final episode tonight! Had been so busy with work these days fell behind on watching and the gossip here!

Okay so NO FRED!! I hope he doesn't die- Archie's dad is so great reminds me so much of my dad.
So Cheryl - why didn't they take her to the hospital she could of had  pneumonia and needs her head checked! She's craazzzzzyyy

Happy jughead got offered the south side serpents jacket I think that story is going to go really well I hope it goes all Sons of Anarchy 😜


I gotta be honest, when Cheryl talked about how Clifford's hair turned white by seeing the ghost of great grand murder papa Blossom...I kind of wanted to see the season finale become the lead in to Afterlife with Archie. :)

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