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Archie & Me: Prank Attack

Started by PTF, June 17, 2018, 01:42:19 PM

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 Page one

Panel one: The setting is a Riverdale High School hallway as Archie is about to open his locker. Peering from a corner is Reggie who looks on with a sneer.

Reggie: Reggie Mantle, you're a no good ne'er do well, but you do bad ever so well!

Panel two: Archie is surprised as twenty small super balls leap out of his locker.

Archie: Whah--!?

Panel three: Archie is stumbling around and falling as the bouncy balls are leaping all around him and are under his feet as he begins to trip.

Archie: Whoa! Hey! One at a time! Be fair!

Panel four: Archie falls on his backside as the bouncy balls seem to target him and begins to bounce on him as he tries to shield his head and back. Reggie looks on with a giant chuckle as several students gather around and laugh at Archie.

Reggie: Looks like you're having a ball, Freckles! Lots of them!

Reggie: Hyuk Hyuk Hyuk!

Archie thinking: I don't know what hurts worse: my pride from embarrassment, my rear because I fell, or my ears for hearing that joke!

Page 2

Panel one: Archie has a rubber band tied to two ends of a hallway as he stretches the giant rubber band out as it has a water balloon on it. Several students look on with perplexed looks.

Archie thinking: I don't care if I get detention! I've been Reggie's punching bag for over three weeks! I want payback!

Panel two: Archie is focusing dead ahead as he does not notice Reggie sneaking up on him.

Archie thinking: A man can only take so much!

Panel three: Archie is still focusing dead ahead as Reggie sticks his index finger at his mouth to signal for the readers to be quiet.

Archie thinking: Where is he?! He's normally here by now so he can step on the back of my shoes while I'm walking to class!

Panel four: Archie lets go of the rubber band as Reggie yells right into Archie's ear startling him.


Archie: AAAH

SFX: Fling

SFX: Splash

Panel five: Reggie is falling on the floor laughing as he points at a drenched Mr. Weatherbee who glares at Archie. In a pool of water, Mr. Weatherbee's hair piece is floating. Archie's face has gone white like he's seen death itself. In the background Chloe is taking a picture while the Twitters are on their phones.

Reggie: Ha Ha Ha! Out of all the people! Only you, Arch! Only you!

Mr. Weatherbee: Mr. Andrews. My office. NOW!

Page 3

Panel one: Archie is in Mr. Weatherbee's office as Mr. Weatherbee is using a blow dryer to dry off his hair piece. Archie has his feet crossed under the chair and is gripping the arms of the chair tightly like he was about to see the executioner.

Mr. Weatherbee: Of all the juvenile, bonehead, idiotic things--!

Mr. Weatherbee: Explain yourself!

Panel two: Archie tries to explain as Mr. Weatherbee happily puts his hairpiece back on his head.

Archie: It's Reggie! For the last three weeks he's been pranking me nonstop! Spoiled milk, itching powder in my gym shorts, gluing me to the flag pole!

Archie:  I just wanted a little payback!

Panel three: Mr. Weatherbee points at Archie to leave as Archie nearly trips over his own feet as he is getting out of his chair.

Mr. Weatherbee: Revenge does not fly in my school, nor in society! An eye for an eye leads to blindness! You've got two weeks of detention! Now hurry to you next class.

Archie: Yes, sir...

Panel four: Ms. Grundy is walking into Mr. Weatherbee's office as Archie has his head and arms lowered and his back arched as he looks totally defeated. Mr. Weatherbee waves it off.

Ms. Grundy: Seems you threw the book at him, Waldo.

Mr. Weatherbee: He launched a water balloon at me! Fair's fair!

Page 4

Panel one: Ms. Grundy is talking with Mr. Weatherbee as Mr. Weatherbee looks over behind his desk at a box filled with various pranks like rubber chicken, paper airplanes, rubber chickens, and whoopee cushions. Just anything you want to throw in.

Ms. Grundy: Spoken like a rational adult!

Mr. Weatherbee: I admit Reggie has far endeared himself as the class clown, but wanting to get back at someone is petty and disruptive.

Panel two: Ms. Grundy is smiling at Mr. Weatherbee as Mr. Weatherbee folds his arms and looks away.

Ms. Grundy: I'm not excusing Archie's actions...but I can't help think back to my days in high school when a certain boy was the butt of someone else's fun.

Mr. Weatherbee: Hmph. I have no idea what you're talking about.

Panel three: Ms. Grundy is walking away as Mr. Weatherbee rolls his eyes upwards as a thought balloon begins to appear over his head.

Ms. Grundy: I'm just saying maybe a certain someone should be more sympathetic to his plight.

Panel four: Mr. Weatherbee has a thought balloon of several pranks pulled at his expense by a big nosed kid with curly hair to a teenage version of himself. One image has the big nose teen clanging cymbals right behind Teenage Weatherbee's ear. The next image has Teenage Weatherbee slipping on a banana peel as the big nose kid eats a banana. The next image is winter where Teenage Mr. Weatherbee has his nose frozen on a flag pole as the big nose kid laughs at him. The final image is Teenage Weatherbee talking with Teenage Grundy as the big nose kid puts a frog down the back of his shirt.

Mr. Weatherbee: Hmmm...

Page 5

Panel one: Mr. Weatherbee cups his hands over his chin as his stern facial expression eases.

Panel two: Mr. Weatherbee looks at the box of pranks.

Panel three: Mr. Weatherbee turns back to his desk and taps his nose with his index finger as he begins to think as he uses his other hand to go in the intercom.

Mr. Weatherbee: Ms. Philips. Please call Archie Andrews to my office.

Ms. Philips. On the dot, sir.

Panel four: Mr. Weatherbee has his hands clasped as he leans in his chair as he has the box of pranks on his desk as Archie enters his office.

Archie: You wanted to see me, sir?

Mr. Weatherbee: Yes. As I was sitting here, I thought of a new punishment for you to teach you against pulling absurd pranks on school grounds.

Archie: (Gulp)

Page 6

Panel one: Mr. Weatherbee motions at the box of pranks on his desk as Archie walks up to his desk.

Mr. Weatherbee: As a symbolic act that you understand pranks, gags, and shenanigans have no place in Riverdale High, I want you to dispose of these years of collected "humorous" items.

Panel two: Archie frowns as he begins to take the box, but Mr. Weatherbee holds up a hand to stop him.

Archie: I'll just place them in the dumpster out back and head back to detention sir.

Mr. Weatherbee: Archie. You are not listening to me.

Panel three: Mr. Weatherbee has a mischievous smile on his face as he talks to a confused Archie

Mr. Weatherbee: I don't want these on school grounds. PERIOD. You can take them anywhere else and do with them as you may as long as its not here.

Panel four: Mr. Weatherbee winks at Archie as he punches his open hand with a fist. Archie is all smiles as Archie reaches for the box.

Mr. Weatherbee: Understand?

Archie: Do I!

Panel five: Archie dashes out of Mr. Weatherbee's office with the box of pranks as Mr. Weatherbee turns his chair to the side and leans back as he has a smile from ear to ear.

Archie: After detention, I'll take care of it right away, sir!

Mr. Weatherbee: That's a good boy.

Page 7

Panel one: Reggie is sitting at a chair at The Chocolate Shop as he leaps out of his seat in alarm as it sounds like he farted. The panel should be a lower view to show that a small walkie talkie is taped to the seat. In the background, we can see Archie making the nose. Jughead is walking by Reggie, pinching his nose while eating a burger.


Panel two: Reggie is talking with Veronica in Pickens Park as an air plane with a small chute at the bottom drops several ice cubes down Reggie's back as Reggie's tilts his body back and shivers. Veronica looks on with a smile.

Panel three: Reggie is running down a district of Riverdale past Moose and Midge as he has several toy teeth biting his rear. Moose nearly falls over laughing as Midge has to hold him up while giggling at Reggie.

Panel four: Reggie is in his bathroom looking in a mirror to see that the shampoo he washed his hair with has turned his hair purple.

Reggie: !!!

Panel five: Archie is outside of Reggie's house in the early morning as Reggie has a ball cap over his head as he is just outside. Archie is peeking from the side of Reggie's house as he blows on a dog whistle. Reggie is confused as he is holding up a T-bone steak left out for him that reads: FOR REGGIE.

Panel six: Reggie is being pounced on by Hot Dog, Rebel, Runty, Vegas, and several other dogs as they try to get the steak.

Page 8

Panel one: A happy Archie is walking down the hallway as he waves hello to an arriving to his office Mr. Weatherbee who is wearing a long coat and hat.

Archie: Hello, Mr. Weatherbee.

Mr. Weatherbee: Archie.

Mr. Weatherbee: I trust you took care of that rather nasty box.

Panel two: Mr. Weatherbee and Archie turn their heads as a battered, bruised, tattered clothes wearing, purple haired Reggie is staggering towards them.

Panel three: Reggie looks at Archie in pure fright.

Panel four: Reggie begins to run away from Archie as several students move out of the way of the panicking Reggie. Mr. Weatherbee is pretending that he is covering his mouth for a cough while he is secretly laughing at Reggie.

Reggie: AAAAHHHHH!!!

Archie: Yes. Yes, I did.

The End

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