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Jughead in The Flzz and the Flat

Started by PTF, May 04, 2016, 12:21:06 PM

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 Page 1

Panel one: Archie and Reggie are looking over at the Jones yard from the sidewalk as Jughead is actually working feverously as he is using a push lawnmower to mow the yard. Jughead is mowing over several small toy and the garden hose as he strains to push the lawnmower. Jughead is sweating, but he has a smile on his face, which takes Archie and Reggie by surprise. Both Archie and Reggie have presents prepared. Archie's is half done and taped up every which way, while Reggie's is perfect and has wrap paper of himself smiling.

Archie: Wow. The world just got more perplexing.

Reggie: You ain't kidding, Freckles. Jughead Jones hard at work...

Archie: ...With a smile from one enormous ear to the next?

Panel two: Jughead turns the mower off as he goes to Archie and Reggie. Reggie glares at Jughead suspiciously while Archie is far more greeting.

Jughead: Look at you layabouts, don't you have anything you two can do to keep yourselves busy and out of trouble?

Archie: Okay, Jug, we give up. What happened to change hardly work to hard at work?

Panel three: Archie has a thought balloon of Jughead doing several jobs. One has him outside a bank dressed like Uncle Sam and doing the Uncle Sam point at someone who jumps back and the other has Jughead as a grocer sleeping on a stack of cans, and the last has Jughead cleaning a store window with cloths in both hands and his teeth as he wipes all at once. Jughead wipes sweat from his brow as he acts indifferent to Reggie pointing his finger insistently at him.

Archie: ...I mean, the last few weeks you have taken every job available!

Reggie: Spill, hose nose! What's your angle?

Jughead: Obtuse.

Page 2

Panel one: Jughead reaches into his pockets for a wadded up newspaper clip he had ripped out as Archie and Reggie look on.

Archie: C'mon, Jug. No way would you be working your tail off for nothing.

Jughead: Does anyone? But yeah, something caught my little closed eyes...

Panel two: Jughead shows Archie the wadded up newspaper clip as it is a picture of a red and blue soda machine called SODA STORM 3058! Reggie waves off Jughead and begins to leave in disgust.

Archie: A soda maker?

Reggies: Feh. Should have known it would be something stupid--!

Panel three: Jughead turns around and wads the newspaper back into his pocket as Archie walks towards him. Jughead avoids the rake placed on the ground but Archie is coming towards it as he rolls his eyes as Jughead talks.

Jughead: Perish the parched, Archie! Not just a soda maker--The soda maker!

Jughead: The Soda Storm 3058 is capable of making any sodas, fizzies and tonics!

Caption by rake: Hasn't been put up for two years...!

Panel four: Jughead licks his lips as he thinks about the drinks he'll soon be making as Archie has stepped on the rake and is falling backwards with his the gift he was holding flying into the air.

Jughead: All the carbonated combinations of sodas I can concoct to wet my whistle will make the aches and blisters I've endured worth it--!


Panel five: Jughead catches the gift in the air as Archie is flat on the ground with a rake impression on his face as his eyes are glazed over and he has several stars and planets zooming around his head.

Jughead: Say, what's this?

Archie: ...Fer  Mother's day, I'd go give it to 'er, but this merry alien guy wants to fly me to the moon...!

Page 3

Panel one: Jughead is going inside his house as Archie is making like an airplane in the Jones yard, circling his present for his mother, as he is still not quite in our reality just yet. Jughead seems puzzled as he tilts his head.

Jughead: Times flies while you sleep your life away... 
Panel two: Jughead peeps into the kitchen to see his father setting up decorations for a party for Mrs. Jones. Mr. Jones is putting up a banner reading MOTHER'S DAY as he is on step ladder tying the banner to a string .as Jellybean is in her high seat looking on and Hot Dog is sitting at the table reading a magazine. A cake with blue icing with writing reading 4 D Best Mom on it is in the middle of the table as the plates and eating utensils are set for a party.

Jughead: Pop, did you know that it was mother's day?

Mr. Jones: I just noticed it out the corner of my eyes, son.

Panel three: Jughead begins to walk over to the cake as he begins to salivate. Mr. Jones jerks around in alarm as Jellybean turns towards Jughead and Hot Dog's bristles begin to rise up as he shows his teeth as he slams the magazine on the table.

Jughead: Funny, you throwing a party and not telling me about it...

Panel four: Mr. Jones blocks the path with both arms as Hot Dog is in front of him looking like he might attack as he guards the cake. Jellybean has her fists balled as if she was going to fight Jughead off.

Mr. Jones: It's not funny when you go over your history involving food and parties!!

Jughead: You eat five birthday cakes in one year, and the trust is scattered to the wind like birthday candle smoke.

Panel five: Mr. Jones asks Jughead what he has for his mom as Jughead holds out his arms to signal a hug.

Mr. Jones: You do have your mother a present, don't you? She's only going to be gone for another few hours running errands.

Jughead: I was just now planning on giving her the biggest hug!

Page 4

Panel one: Mr. Jones shakes his head as Jughead scratches his head as he seems to give in.

Mr. Jones: Hugs stop being a gift when you can walk to the bus stop alone.

Jughead: Overachieved far too much far too soon.

Panel two: Jughead begins to leave the kitchen as reluctantly complies. Mr. Jones holds his hands to his face and sighs.

Jughead: Well, I guess I do have a few extra dollars to spare after I pick up my soda maker. Be back in a few.

Mr. Jones: Take your time! The appreciation for the woman who gave birth to you and loves you unconditionally is crowding out all the oxygen!

Panel three: Jughead is walking along in Riverdale as he is in front of Gem's Jewels as several pearl necklaces are out on display as Jughead slouches along. On the window is a sign reading: MOTHER DAY SALE (because some of us wish we had a mother to give presents to...)

Jughead: I have given mom the same library book for a gift the last two years, so maybe something permanent would be a nice change of pace.

Panel four: Jughead tilts his body back as he looks at the pearl necklaces. One pearl necklace in the middle with a price tag of 105 dollars catches Jughead's eyes. The other pearls are different weird colors. A red set has a price tag reading: ARM AND LEG. A blue set of pearls has a price tag of: More than your house.

Jughead: Now, those oyster stones are just the kind of sparkles that women love...

Panel five: Jughead takes out his paper clipping of the soda maker as has his left hand on his chin as he examines the situation.

Jughead: But those overpriced marbles would nearly drain me dry, and I'd go thirsty.

Panel six: Jughead shrugs his shoulders as he begins to take a step away.

Jughead: Eh. It's the thought that counts, and I did think about it.

Page 5

Panel one: Jughead stops in midstep as he looks back, lurching his back at an angle like someone is pulling at him.

Jughead: ...

Panel two: Jughead begins to weigh the pros and cons of what to do on each hand as his left hand is slightly lower than his right.

Jughead: Okay, okay, on one hand, I get what I want, and I'm happy!

Jughead: On the other, I get my mom what she would like and she's happy—but I might not be!

Panel three: Jughead is looking through the glass window of the jewelry store as he sees an image of himself with mountains of soda glasses as he has a looping, overlapping labyrinth of straws to each as he drinks and drinks to his stomach's content; to the point various mutli-colored bubbles are coming out of his nose and his stomach is blown up like a water balloon. Jughead nods approvingly.

Jughead: Mmm-hmmm...

Panel four: The image of the window has now changed to his mom wearing the pearls and smiling as the pearls glisten like the sun. Jughead cups his chin as he nods approvingly.

Jughead: Uh-huh.

Panel five: Jughead has the newspaper clipping on one hand and all of his wadded up money in the other as he looks down at it. In the background is the jewelry store window with the pearls angled towards Jughead.

Jughead: Well, when in doubt, go with my gut feeling--

Page 6

Panel one: Mrs. Jones is sitting at the head of the table as the birthday party has started with her opening several of her gifts. On the table is a hand drawing that Jellybean has done right next to a paw drawing that Hot Dog has done. Hot Dog seems jealous of Jellybean's drawing as he glares at her; Jellybean's reply is making faces at Hot Dog. Mr. Jones has given his wife the first season of Girls in the City DVD Set.

Mrs. Jones: This is just wonderful! Thank you all!

Mr. Jones: Well, we've got one more gift...if he ever shows.

Panel two: Jughead is entering the kitchen as he has a gift wrapped that looks the shape of a book as Mr. Jones frown in disappointment. Jughead's facial expression is blank as we don't know what he decided to do.

Mr. Jones: And here comes the prodding along son now...

Panel three: Mrs. Jones takes the gift from Jughead as Jughead smiles back.

Mrs. Jones: So...I haven't read How to Make Carrot Soup since last year. Thank you, Jughead...

Jughead: Actually, I was thinking of getting you the movie, but it hasn't come out on DVD--

Panel four: Mrs. Jones begins to unwrap her present as she sees it is a small red box instead of a book.

Jughead: -- So you're just going to have to settle for what I could pick up as I went on my way.

Mrs. Jones: ?

Panel five: A shot of Mrs. Jones and Mr. Jones looking into the box as it gives off a radiant white light as the gaze down into the box.

Mrs. Jones: Jughead...I don't believe...

Page 7

Panel one: Mrs. Jones holds up the pearl necklace for the entire family to see as Jughead looks on with a slight smile as he tries to act laid-back about his gift. Hot Dog looks at his hand and Jellybean's hand as he notices the lack of a thumb for himself.

Mrs. Jones: They're lovely!!

Jughead: As far as rocks go, sure.

Panel two: Mrs. Jones is giving Jughead a hug as he tries to hide a smile,

Mrs. Jones: Now, if you could clean your room, this would be the perfect day!

Jughead: Women...always wanting more....

Panel three: Jughead and Mr. Jones begin to talk as Mrs. Jones puts on the pearl necklace and shows them off to Jellybean who reaches up and wants to grab them with her small hands. Hot Dog looks on with a smile as he wags his tail as he's happy for Mrs. Jones.

Mr. Jones: I'm proud of you, son.

Jughead: There's nothing to be proud of. A son should get his mother the best gift he can.

Page 8

Panel one: Jughead looks on proudly as Mrs. Jones looks down at her pearls and smiles. Mr. Jones is talking with Jughead as Jughead is focused on his mom's happiness.

Mr. Jones: What about your soda maker? You worked hard and saved your money for that for weeks.

Jughead: This is mom's day. Besides, you can get it for me later.

Mr. Jones: I will...?!

Panel two: Jughead motions towards his happy mom as she begins to sit down and motions for The Jones Males to join the party. Mrs. Jones is preparing to cut the cake into several slices. Hot Dog is standing on his hind legs to rest his head on the kitchen table.

Jughead: When you get down to it there's a day for mother's and a day for father's...

Panel three: The Jones family is sitting at the table as they all begin to eat a slice of cake; save for Jughead who has half the cake on his small plate. Hot Dog is on his stomach as he is eating a dog bone. Jughead is diving into his cake as he has icing all around his face. Mrs. Jones is still gleaming about her pearls and Mr. Jones rolls his eyes comically at Jughead as he watches Jughead scarf down a slice of cake.

Jughead: But the rest of the days on the calendar belong to the kids!

Mr. Jones: Until your eighteen, Jughead. Never forget that.

Mrs. Jones: Sigh. He'll always be my sweet little boy....!



Really nice story, PTF! Jughead did the right thing, and he'll still get what he wants out of it!  :2funny:


Thanks. Figured I'd post it since Mother's Day was coming up.

And good news, I think I've got redone all the stories that were missing. And I even improved them because I leave plenty of room for improvement. :)

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