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Fan Fiction / The Fox: Scurvy Dog
July 27, 2016, 08:33:32 PM
Page 1

Panel one: A close-up on Paul Patton, Jr. as he has a fake smile on his face as he has a notepad and pencil ready as looks ahead. Around his neck is an old fashion camera.

Caption: I'm Paul Patton, Jr: Husband, father, photojournalist and local superhero The Fox.

Paul Patton, Jr.: Mr. Griffin, for the Impact City Gazette, I'd like to thank you for your time. We know you relocated to Impact City after Griffin Enterprises acquisitioned Bright Industries and you've hardly had time to finalize...

Caption: Oh, wait. I forgot one.

Panel two: Paul Patton Jr. begins to write shorthand on his notepad as he keeps his eyes looking ahead at the still unseen Mr. Griffin. His short hand is very unreadable with lines and slashes along the pages and along the side of it are games of Tic-Tac-Toe where he manages to lose every time.

Mr. Griffin off panel: Not a problem at all. My staff has done an excellent job locating, obtaining, restructuring and purchasing facilities to suit our needs. What I find hard is introductions.

Mr. Griffin off-panel: Doing this interview is the best way to introduce myself to my new home.

Caption: Freak Magnet.

Panel three: Paul looks up as Mr. Griffin says something that snaps him out of his deep thought.

Mr. Griffin: I hope my appearance isn't too offsetting, Mr. Patton.

Paul Patton Jr.: Er—no. And call me Paul...

Panel four: Paul Patton Jr. is faking a grin as he tries to not to show his concern for what he is seeing off panel

Mr. Griffin off-panel: As you wish, Paul. Would you like a drink, something to eat perhaps? My personal chef makes a religieuss to die for.

Paul Patton, Jr.: That's one lethal sweet tooth.

Caption: Ever since I put on my full body spandex pajamas and acted like it was Halloween at comiccon, I'm attracted every sort of costumed creep, mutilating mutant, and interdimensional ignoramous.

Page 2

Panel one: A shot inside a skyscraper office as we can see Paul sitting at a desk. Behind the desk sitting is a man around 6'2 wearing a black business suit and tie with his hands and head covered in bandages and wearing dark sunglasses. He has a computer on his desk, various files, and a small bowl of mints. He is handing a mint to Paul as Paul reluctantly reaches to take it as he has a uneasy smile on his face.

Caption: So trust me when I say—this is a bad guy.

Mr. Griffin: Hah. Yes. I suppose it would be at that. How about a mint then?

Paul: Sure.

Caption: Make that super villain.

Panel two: Paul begins to unwrap the mint as Mr. Griffin talks.

Mr. Griffin: I suppose I should give you the basic details of my life.

Caption: 5:1 this mint is poisoned.

Paul: You're the man of the hour.

Panel three: Mr. Griffin' cups his hands as he places them on the front of his desk as he calmly begins to go over his life.

Mr. Griffin: My name is Aster Wells Griffin. I come from an affluent family. My family's wealth began with pharmaceuticals and grew to include computer engineering, communications, and manufacturing.

Caption: 2:3 he only has facebook friends.

Panel two: Mr. Griffin holds out his hands to show off his bandages.

Mr. Griffin: As is apparent, I have a skin condition. Sadly a genetic trait that runs in my family. A sever case of photodermatitus. My skin and eyes have a rather very violent reaction to UV rays.

Caption: 3:2 says he's a vampire.

Panel three: Mr. Griffin stands up and looks out the windows to his skyscraper.

Paul: Mr. Griffin—

Mr. Griffin: Aster.

Paul: Aster. You're worth more than most countries combined and if we liquefied your assets, it'd overflow out of the building and raise the ocean level by ten feet--

Paul: What was it specifically that drew you to Impact City?

Panel five: View from outside of the window as Mr. Griffin looks straight ahead as the reflection of the city is upon the window.

Mr. Griffin: It wouldn't seem like the best place to relocate, no?

Mr. Griffin: The crime rate is twice as high as the next two metropolises'. Not a day seems to guy by where a villain jeopardizes innocent lives. The police are underfunded, politicians who prefer a hand out over falling on the sword...

Mr. Griffin: ...But there is also a city that knows how to rebuild stronger than ever. Communities that hold firm to basic moral decency. An inner strength to treat the extraordinary mundanely.

Panel six: Mr. Griffin turns back to Paul as Paul smiles at him. On the notepad we can see a picture of Mr. Griffin crushing the world between his hands.

Mr. Griffin: Ah. Listen to me rambling. Let's just say I see a bright future ahead for Impact City.

Paul: Oh keep rambling. Pure magic is coming out of your mouth.

Caption: Even odds says we'll be punching each other within a week.

Page 3

Panel one: Paul begins to write on his note pad as he thinks.

Caption: Now I comes the standard questions and that I already answered the night before using wikipedia. So boring time.

Caption: Not that I mind. Gives me time to think.

Panel two: Paul stares at his notepad as he thinks. Behind him is an image of what happened in the last story arc with Ghost Fox (his son Shinji) being held captive by Mr. Smile as She-Fox is lying on the ground with the left side of her body having just been blasted while The Fox looks on helplessly.

Caption: Like how horrible of a husband and father I am.

Caption: Like how, when I tried to leave The Fox behind and lead a normal life, it resulted in my untrained son picking up the mantle, being captured, and my wife being injured—

Panel three: Same shot only with She-Fox snapping Mr. Smile's neck while The Fox and Ghost Fox look on in horror.

Caption: --And my wife having to kill Mr. Smile, the big bad of Impact City, to protect us all.

Panel four: Paul looks up as he nods his head and smiles. In the background is an image of the family posing. Mae has grown her hair out on the left side to cover up her scarred face ala Tailia Al Ghul from Batman. Both Mae and Shinji look content while Paul has this weird nervous smile and rolls his eyes towards the other two.

Caption: And now Shinji is a hero in training so he can learn to run into radioactive monsters than can punch through concrete the right way and Mae...she's handling it better than I am.

Caption: So the more things change the more they stay the same.

Panel five: Paul is standing up and shaking Mr. Griffin's hand as the interview is over. In the background is The Shield talking with The Fox and She-Fox (all in costume) The Shield shows a video of Fly Girl as she attacks Ragnarok from Dark Tomorrow

Caption: And now my daughter—she's had it rough. First, she has me as a father and secondly... her mother was killed with a lot of my old super buddies and after a recent mission...

Caption: She's had nothing but bad days for way too long.

Panel six: A close-up on Paul's face as he has a wide dopey smile as he continues to act super friendly to Mr. Griffin. In the background is an image of Fly Girl and Kelly Brand.

Caption: She's going to be staying with us and that makes me happy—really, but--

Paul Patton: How about a few pictures? If you don't mind with your condition, I'd understand completely if--

Caption: God, please don't let me make her life worse than it is. Just this one miracle, please?

Page 4

Panel one: Over the shoulder of an alarmed Paul Patton as he looks past Mr. Griffin to see a dark blue Pirate ship hovering in the air and shooting off an anchor that is rocketing towards them. Mr. Griffin doesn't notice as he stands up and complies

Caption: Okay, let's dodge the giant anchor from the pirate ship in the air, take this pic, and bond with my daughter!

Mr. Griffin: I don't mind at all. I'm sure no one will notice the small stain on my suit.

Caption: ...Wait. What was that first thing?

Panel two: Paul leaps over the desk and pushes Mr. Griffin to the ground as the anchor is just a few feet away.

Paul Patton: Get down!

Panel three: The giant anchor crashes through the glass windows of the office and out the office door as it kicks up a dust cloud that begins to spread though the room. Paul reaches Mr. Griffin just in time and pushes him to the ground.


Caption: Freak magnet.

Caption: Metal anchor from a pirate ship hovering over the city.


Caption: 'Natch.

Page 5

Panel one: A close up on Paul as he looks down to check on Mr. Griffin as he tries to push away the dust cloud that is blocking his view.

Paul: Mr. Griffin, are you okay? Is anything broken?—besides your office and faith in this city I mean.

Caption: Not what I was expecting today. The title to my autobiography.

Panel two: a close-up on Paul's surprised eyes.

Panel three: Over the back of Paul Patton as we can see that Mr. Griffin is gone and all that remains is his bandages, his sunglasses, and the rest of his clothing.

Caption: And chapter 14 will be titled: Somewhere in Impact City, a multibillionaire is streaking.

Panel four: Paul stands up and pulls his shirt open to reveal his Fox costume as he prepares to fight crime.

Paul: Sigh.

Caption: ...And I wanted to wrap up the day so I can be home when Kelly arrives and just give her the biggest hug ever.

Panel five: The Fox is in full costume as he is beginning to climb the anchor chain as he looks up at the pirate ship.

Caption: Costumed villains and not being there for the people I love. The story of my life.

Fan Fiction / Re: Fan Art Thread
July 26, 2016, 07:45:29 PM
Love the Fox pic. That sums up the character perfectly. :)
Wow all caps.

Still, as doing what you love and being happy is the best revenge. :)
Page 12

Panel one: Stewart is leaning in his doorway with a smug look on his face.

Stewart: Hey, Trev. How's the date going?

Panel two: Zoom out to see Trevor is all covered up in the middle of his bed in a trembling ball as he is hiding after being frightened by the ghost. Stewart still has the smug expression.

Trevor: This is not that, pleb! This is ghost camouflage!

Panel three: Trevor peeks out from his cover as he looks over at Stewart as Stewart is acting as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening as he lies down and begins to read a Z People comic.

Trevor: ...Say, weren't you with Jess and Kelly?

Stewart: Was, and now I'm not.

Panel four: Trevor bursts out of the bed in full clothing and wearing rocket brand shoes as Stewart continues to just read his comic unapologetically.

Trevor: You left those helpless girls alone in that haunted dorm?! What if they need help?!

Stewart: What have you seen from me that leads you to believe I can or want to help with anything?

Panel five: Trevor's hand grabs Stewart by the front of Stewart's shirt collar and drags him off the bed by his stomach.

Stewart: C'mon! Why does everyone keep yanking me around?!?

Panel six: Trevor is dragging Stewart out of the room as Stewart vainly thrashes and protests.

Trevor: I'm gonna save the girl I love and the catoptrophobiac whose make up I do!

Stewart: Why do I have to come?!!

Trevor: Because I'm going to throw you at the ghost, and while it's tearing you apart like a granola bar wrapper, I'll save the two people who actually matter!

Page 13

Panel one: Lyric and Summer are dusting the wall with its new wallpaper as Paisley is cleaning under Vera's bed and pulling out dirty underwear you could hang on a pole as a flag. Paisley sticks her tongue out in disgust.

Lyric: Paisley, me and Summer feel bad.

Paisley: Understandable.

Panel two: Lyric and Summer are talking with Paisley as Paisley kicks the dirty underwear back under the bed with the heel of her shoe. In the background Vera is checking the dust on a wall as an exhausted sorority sister with a duster looks on.

Summer: Kelly's our president and our friend, shouldn't we be helping her?

Paisley: No, because we could die. And dying is the worse thing that can—

Panel three: Paisley turns her head as Vera show her non dust cover finger at the sorority sister as she tries to reason with Vera. Nearby two other sorority sisters, look on as they clean the nearby window.

Vera: Look at this! A speck of dust! You've got to pull my weight if you want to stay!

Vera: And don't look at me, look at those spots you missed! Make like magician with ODC and make them disappear, presto!

Panel four: Paisley leads the way as all the girls drop their brooms, wash clothes, spray bottles, and dusters as they follow her lead. Lyric and Summer hold hands and celebrate as they are excited at going back.

Paisley: On second fault, better a quick death than a slow torture.

Panel five: Vera chases after them.

Vera: You can't leave! I've got corn fields that need proper tending!! Spinach in my teeth needing flossing! I need someone to play Bucketmon Went while I nap!

Page 14

Panel one: Possessed Jess is pulling the suspended helplessly in air Kelly towards her as Kelly tries to break free. Possessed Jeff has her fangs out in a sardonic grin.

Possessed Jess: I think I'll bite your throat out.

Kelly: "You think"? So no final decision, right??

Panel two: Possessed Jess notices a small piece of paper hanging out of Kelly's left pocket.

Possessed Jess: What's this? Knowing your selflish kind, a victory speech for your "award." Pathetic.

Kelly: But it's not. It's—

Panel three: Possessed Jess grabs the paper out of Kelly's pocket.

Possessed Jess: Don't lie to me! I heard you earlier! All you care about is winning! Just like Emma! Just like everyone!

Panel four: Possessed Jess begins to read the letter as she rolls her eyes as it goes how she thought it would.

Possessed Jess: "Hi, girls. It's your president, Kels-Bels. I want to bring a matter to order about the Samaritanina award. I have a nomination I'd like for us all to support."

Panel five: Possessed Jess's eyes widen and her mouth gaps open as she continues..

Possessed Jess: "...Fran Wright."

Page 15

Panel one: Possessed Jess continues to read the note as Kelly is gingerly lowered to the ground.

Possessed Jess: "I did some research and she helped out the community, youth centers, and painted phone booths (whatever those are)."

Possessed Jess: "She was humble and kind and did it never expecting anything in return. Not only should we vote her as the winner...but we should rename the award the Fran Wright Award..."

Possessed Jess: "...She deserves the praise and it's a much better name."

Panel two: Possessed Jess looks at Kelly.

Possessed Jess: were going to do this for me...?

Kelly: Yeah, did some thinking after Jess reamed me out earlier...and did some research.

Kelly: I read about all you did and thought it wasn't right you're remembered as a scary ghost instead of a good person.

Panel three: Kelly smiles sincerely at Possessed Jess.

Kelly: And I decided that, yeah, I'd like to be remembered—but how I'm remembered matters the most.

Panel four: Possessed Jess closes her eyes and smiles.

Possessed Jess: I...I've been so angry...weighed down--but it's gone. Finally. I can move on.

Possessed Jess: Thank you, Kelly.

Panel five: Kelly looks on as the ghostly image of Fran Wright waves goodbye to her as she ascends from Jess's body and disappears into a white light just above her.

Kelly: Bye!

Kelly: And if you see my grandmother, tell her I'm really sorry for stopping giving her kisses when her face turned ultra wrinkly!

Page 16

Panel one: Kelly is looking at Jess with a relieved smile as a bewildered Jess is droggy and getting her bearings back together.

Jess: Whu...? What happened? I remember a blue light and lots of red flashes and—

Panel two: Jess' eyes widen and her lips sink into her mouth as Kelly looks on confused.
Kelly: ??

Panel three: Jess begins to cry out in pain as she bends over and holds her back and her jaw as she is now feeling all the pain Kelly had afflicted on her when she was possessed.

Jess: Owwwwww!!

Jess: My ribs are killing me and I can taste my shattered vertebrae in the back of my throat—and my jaw!! Is it cracked??—awwwh--!!

Panel four: Kelly feigns innocence and looks away she tries to change the subject as she turns her head.

Jess: There is something very, very important you want to discuss with me.

Kelly: Well, sure, um...hey, do you hear a small girl screaming?

Panel five:  Stewart is flying in the air over the two as the both girls just ignore him as Kelly sinks in her face as she doesn't know how to answer an angry Jess.

Jess: It's just Stewart.

Jess:  Now why do I feel like a ten car pile up bodyslammed me?

Page 17

Panel one: Trevor runs up to Jess as the rest of the RHO sorority girls and Vera follow after him. Vera's face is distorted rage after she hears Trevor's comment. On the ground, Stewart looks like a crumbled up rag doll as he has stars circling his head.

Trevor: Yeah! How you like that, ghost? Next I toss the fat girl at you! Just come within two inches of me!

Vera: WHAT?!

Panel two: Kelly calms Trevor down as she looks back at the girls to ease their tension.

Kelly: Trevor! Girls! Wow, you won't believe this—but it was really just a gas pipe leak! We were all just hallucinating eerie lights and floating.

Panel three: Kelly looks back at Jess who is on her knees as she is holding her back as she grimaces in pain while giving Kelly a death glare. Stewart is beginning to pull his battered and tossed body off the ground.

Kelly: And then gas pipe fell on Jess while we were fixing it. That's what happened, right. Winkedy wink wink.

Jess: Yes. That's what happened.

Panel four: Lyric and Summer are happy and cheerful as Paisley is skeptical.

Lyric: It makes sense!

Summer: It does.

Paisley: No it doesn't. We don't have gas in our home and—

Panel five: Paisley shrugs her shoulders and gives in as Summer and Lyric give her a hug.

Paisley: Forget it. As long as I'm not murdered in my sleep, I'm content.

Lyric and Summer: YAY! CONTENTMENT!

Page 18

Panel one: Jess is still holding her head and back as she is hunched over as Trevor reaches to help her.

Trevor: Hot Thang, you're in no condition to walk. I'll carry you back to your dorm.

Jess: Thank you, Trevor. I really, really appreciate it.

Panel two: Trevor is carrying Jess over her shoulder as Jess winces in pain. Jess has several red pain stars and orange lightning bolts to show how much pain she's in. Trevor has a smile ear to ear as he thinks he is being super romantic. In the RHO house, various sorority sisters are waving goodbye to Jess as they don't see she's in pure agony.

Jess: And I thought being a vampire would be why I'd need a coffin.

Panel three: Kelly is talking to the RHO members as they are all excited. Lyric and Summer are the happiest while Paisley just sighs and gives in to the fabrication with a smile. Vera is dragging Stewart out of RHO house as she waves off the idea of helping clean up. Stewart is leaving with her as he quips at her.

Kelly: Okay, gal pals,  let's make our home pre-gas pipe! It won't take long if everyone helps!

Vera: Forget that! This ain't my mess! 'Sides I need my beauty sleep.

Stewart: No arguments here.

Panel four: Kelly is clapping as she is signally for everyone to get to work.  In the background is the glass display with all the winners of the Good Samaritanina award.

Kelly: Alright! Let's get to it!

Kelly: And while we're at it, there's something I wanted to talk to you all about--

Page 19

Panel one: A shot of Kelly and Jess staring ahead. Kelly has a smile ear to ear as Jess has a bandage wrapped around her head, but is pleased with Kelly.

Kelly:'re not mad at me, are you?

Jess: Nah. Vampires heal fast and concussion dreams are amazing. And everything did work out in the end.

Panel two: Kelly and Jess are walking out of RHO house. The glass display now has a banner reading The FRAN WRIGHT AWARD: A GOOD DEED HERE FOR HER. With the glass case now having a new photo next to Emma Dotson's, an old picture of Fran Wright who has a small smile on her face.

Kelly: Say, Jess, me and the girls are organizing a food drive. I was wondering if maybe—

Jess: I've got a helping hand and a few cans of corn.

Panel three: A close up on Fran Wright's picture next to Emma Dotson's.

Kelly off-panel: Great! And we've got other projects lined up, too! Washing stray dogs, Listening to old people, tying shoes for the fat fingered...

Panel four: Same shot only with the picture of Fran Wright has her eyes rolling towards the photo and frame of Emma Dotson.

Panel five: The picture of Emma Dotson falls flat as the picture of Fran Wright has an even bigger smile on her face.


Thanks to anyone who read and please support the real comic. :)

There's so many.

Just for scope, characters, and actions, I'll go Robotech.
TITLE:  Kung Punch Bear Brigade.

Panel one: A close-up on four different types of humanoid bears wearing karate gis. One is a giant brown grizzly bear wearing a red gi and red bandana over his head. The next is an eye piece sporting polar bear wearing a black gi as he is holding out a bo staff made of ice. The next is a very human looking female bear holding out two war fans with a red paw print on each one. Next is a smaller than the rest, brown bear wearing an orange gi with bushy hair, cross eyes and is hitting himself with his nunchuks.

Caption: Based on an ultra violent comic created by two drunk frat guys, comes the latest installment to a franchise that we must all grin and BEAR IT!


Panel two: A close-up on the bear with the red bandana as he punches a ninja lobster as the lobster's two eyes bang into each other.

Caption: Rex. He's bold. He's bland. He's the one wearing red. He's the leader!

Rex: I don't steal picnic baskets, I deliver knuckle sandwiches!

Panel three: The polar bear humanoid (Felix) is using his ice staff to ward off an evil doctor and vicious mutated fanged apple. Felix has a mini-computer out as he is doing calculations while fighting for his eyes.

Caption: Felix. He's the smart one and wearing glasses so you can tell.

Felix: ...Carry the decimal, the diameter of the equator plus twelve feet...a pinch of pepper—

Felix: Excelsior! I just cured the common cold!

Panel four: The female Kung Punch (Cammie) is using her fans to force the smell of an evil garbage man with various bits of junk for a body back at him as he begins to gag.

Caption: Cammie. The girl and the one who most looks like a human and who lonely furries will dedicate their fan art too!

Cammie: Guy, like, I know I'm an action girl, but FYI, I just had a pedicure—so no I am not dealing with his!

Panel five: The smaller, dumber bear (Bounce-bounce) has just pushed a red button in a high tech lab as red lights begin to flash and several nearby computer monitors read: DANGER. SELF DESTRUCT ENGAGED. Bounce Bounce's pants have fallen down to reveal him wearing blue boxers with rockets on them.

Caption: Bounce-Bounce. The one that appeals to kids, has a nifty catch phrase, and is dumber than dirt.

Bounce-Bounce: I pawed it up again!

Panel six: The Kung Punch Bear Brigade are standing in front of an evil alien hand being carried by a seven foot tall robot, a middle age safari hunter with a net, a female panther twirling a lasso, and body builder evil veterinarian who is holding out clamps and a scalpel.   

Caption: The Kung Punch Bear Brigade! Watch the cartoon, and the older cartoons, and the new movie, and the old movies!

Caption: Oh! And buy the toys! That especially!!


Panel one: A teenager wearing blue jean shorts, a red shirt, and a white baseball cap is walking down a sidewalk sadly in a suburban area. Behind him, on the street, is a traffic jam with various size and brands of cars each with a demonic driver who is beeping their horns like lunatics.

Caption: Can't ride a bike. No license and parents won't take you anywhere. All you can do is just plain ol' walk from place to place. Such wasted minutes...

Panel two: The teen looks at the reader and shrugs his shoulder to show he has no clue.

Caption: You know what you need?

Panel three: The kid is now wearing a pair of rocket shoes (with mini pulpulsars in the heel of the shoe) as he zooms in the air above the traffic jam.


Panel four: The kid is zooming around the world over and over as the world has a face and eyes. The earth's eyes are rolling rapidly as it tries to keep up with the kid.

Caption: Subsonic in the atmosphere. FTL capabilities in space so tie those shoes in double knots and go, go, go, go!

Panel five: The teen is reentering earth's atmosphere in a blaze of fire that is not causing him harm as a group of other teens are waiting outside of a teen gathering place called THE HUB.

Caption: You'll never need travel any other way--

Panel six: The teen is being carried on the shoulders of the other teens as they celebrate how amazing he is.

Caption: --unless everyone loves you for buying rocket shoes and carries you around like a god!


Nut Punch Guy.

Panel one: A giant robot dinosaur is stomping through a metropolis, smashing buildings with his metallic tail, throwing buildings aside, and stepping on cars. In the background, smoke and vast explosions are happen randomly. On the ground, a villain wearing purple armor has an old man's mouth on a curb and preparing to stomp his head.

Caption: Metropolis XYZ. Super villains curb stomp old people. And giant beasts of destruction ravage the streets on a daily basis.

Caption: Who can save the day.

Panel two: A red gloved hand taps the purple armored villains on the shoulder.

Panel three: Nut Punch Dude (Wearing a dopey orange and green uniform with a small string of blond hair on his head) does a leg split as he punches the purple armored villain in the crotch so hard that is shatters  his armor and the villain is down to his undies as he flies off while holding his crotch as he is in tremendous pain. The background is completely blue with white stars.


Panel four: Nut Punch Guy is upper cutting the robot dinosaur at its crotch as the robo dinosaur's eyes buldge and cross as it tries to reach for it's crotch but can't because of it's too short arms. The background panel is just flannel (mix of colors that make no sense, but it's an anime, so who cares)


Panel five: Nut Punch Guy is standing on the street yawning like nothing out of the ordinary happened as the old man tries to shake his hand while taking out his dentures to show they're okay. In the background the formerly armored villain and the robot dinosaur are both in the fetal position as they are still feeling the affects of their low blows.

Caption: Rochambeau is the power and responsibility of the greatest anime hero ever.


And I'll put the rest of the story up tomorrow. :)
Thanks to everyone who is reading. :)


Page 1

Panel one: Upward angle Kelly is backing away from a possessed Jess who is shrouded in darkness with only silhouette and blue eyes in view of the reader. Possessed Jess' hand is the only thing out of the shadows as she is motioning with her index finger for Kelly to come to her. Possessed Jess does not have her fangs out. Near Kelly is a fallen chair that is beginning to vibrate.

Caption: Made possible by viewers like you.

Kelly: Okay...Fran Wright, right? That's you in Jess...? Good, we can talk.

Kelly: Like why you are being so oogie boogie scary angry!!?

Panel two: The chair moves towards Kelly's legs and trips her as she falls backwards. Possessed Jess is now out of the shadows and in full view as her eyes are glowing blue (To show she's possessed).

Possessed Jess: Let's see...

Panel three: A close up on angry Possessed Jess' face as she looks on totally enraged as she points at Kelly with her left index finger and herself with her right thumb at her nose.

Possessed Jess: You resumed an award that lead to my imminent demise by head into sternum after a fifteen foot drop--

Possessed Jess: Because of you I met a guy who smelt like burnt koosh kins put out with New Coke--

Possessed Jess: Oh. And your bestie punched me!!

Panel four: Kelly is struggling to her feet while she tries kicking the chair away from her legs.

Kelly: Um, sorry?

Possessed Jess: Not yet you're not.

Page 2

Panel one: Kelly is back on her feet as she tries to use the chair to hold off Possessed Jess as she continues to stalk towards her.

Kelly: I didn't mean to hurt anyone! I just wanted to be remembered for something special!

Panel two: Possessed Jess narrows her eyes at Kelly as Kelly bumps up against a wall as she's cornered. Possessed Jess is knocking away the chair as it sails across the room as Kelly looks on with increased fear.

Possessed Jess: Don't worry. Everyone will remember the girl who got ripped apart.


Kelly: Yikes

Panel three: Kelly regains her confidence as she points ahead.

Kelly: Hah! I'm not worried!

Kelly: Jess is my BVFF! She wouldn't let anything happen to me! I'm sure of it!

Panel four: Possessed Jess is staring right at Kelly.

Kelly: Definitely!

Panel five: Possessed Jess leans closer to Kelly as Kelly is less confident.

Kelly: Probably.

Panel six: Kelly realizes how much trouble she's in as Possessed Jess leans in closer as Kelly begins to slide down the wall.

Kelly: Maybe...?

Panel seven: Kelly has slid all the way out of view as Possessed Jess begin to reach downward.

Kelly below panel: eep.

Page 3

Panel one: A still battered but walking better Stewart is walking in the hallway leading to Jess's room.

Stewart: I oughta charge Jess and Kelly for all the blood that seeped out of my ears.

Stewart: Can't even remember what reboot BS Comics is on...

Panel two: Stewart is knocking on the door as Vera answers on the other side.

Stewart: But I know where I can get some TLC and lovely ladies to tend this warrior's wounds.

SFX: Knock Knock.

Stewart: It's me. Stewart. Vera, you there? If not, that's cool. Preferred even.

Panel three: Stewart gives the reader an aside glance as Vera answers. Stewart has a thought balloon of a rat kicking a small pebble angrily.

Vera on other side of the door: Ugh. What do you want?

Panel four: Stewart begins yelling at the door as he takes off his hat to point at a giant lump on his head where he got rammed into the ceiling of the RHO house.

Stewart: Darn it, Vera! Let me in! I need the real ladies to check out my warrior wounds. My lump needs kissing.

Vera on other side of the door: I can't. The door's stuck...

Panel five: Stewart is listening to the door as he hears various scrapping noises as he has a confused expression on his face.



Panel six: Stewart's eyes go wide in shock at Vera's response.

Vera on other side of the door: Yeah. I'm remodeling the room and I decided "furniture against the door" keeps the feng shui in and keeps out the chuan wei.

Page 4

Panel one: Inside of Jess's room as the girls begin to move the beds back as they struggle to do so. Paisley looks angrily at Vera as Vera is eating a bag of chips watching them. In the background, a girl is spit shining a pair of Vera's shoes.

Lyric: So you had to push all the beds against the door because...

Vera: Principle.

Panel two: Vera looks on as Lyric, Summer, and Paisley struggle to put Jess's bed back in place. In the background, two girls are struggling to put up new wall paper as the paper keeps slipping one girls head as the other is using a roller to place glue on the wall. Background is to show that Vera is working them to the bone.

Summer: And you're not helping because...

Vera: Well, I did my job putting them at the door. Don't see why I should do all the hard work.

Vera: Plus, you are getting free room and board or the night. You're really taking advantage of me.

Panel three: Lyric and Summer nod and agree with Vera's logic as Paisley just falls across the bed to show she's just given up trying to reason with anyone.

Lyric: That make sense.

Summer: Yeah, we're being ungrateful.

Paisley: You have to be kidding me—

Panel four: Lyric and Summer are talking to Vera as Vera throws the bag of potato chips across her head as it hits another RHO member across her head as she is pushing the other bed back in place. Another member is vacuuming where the other bed was as there is a rectangular dust outline showing underneath the bed has never been cleaned.

Lyric: But don't you want to see your boyfriend?

Vera: Oh it's a game we play. Hide 'n' No See. As long as I never lock eyes on him, I win.

Panel five: Summer is asking Vera a question as Vera flops down on her bed as the other girls have put it back in place and are exhausted.

Summer: Vera, you think Jess and Kelly are fine?

Vera: Sure.


Panel six: Vera gets cozy as the other girls look angrily at her for hogging the bed and making them do unnecessary work.

Vera: Jess is a prude, a sour puss, boring, and she has a boy's haircut, but she's capable and strong. I bet she's handling things just fine.

Lyric: Yeah! And Kels-bels has a good head on her shoulders!

Page 5

Panel one: A close up on Kelly as she is in a headlock and grimacing in pain.

Kelly: Ow Ow Ow!

Kelly: Quit it!

Panel two: The reader can see Possessed Jess has Kelly in a headlock and is grinding away on her neck as Possessed Jess sneers down at Kelly.

Kelly: This really hurts my neck, y'know!

Possessed Jess: When I said, "what bone you want broke first" you shouldn't have said neck!

Kelly: I meant left pinky toe!

Possessed Jess: No take backs.

Panel three: Kelly is looking up and trying to see if she can get Jess to break free of her possession.

Kelly: Jess! It's me, Kelly! You've got to fight her! Think of all the good times we've had!

Kelly: ...Like when we both dated Dragos Ferferferfer! He was great, right?

Panel four: Possessed Jess begins to rub her knuckles against the top of Kelly's head as Kelly cries out in pain.

Possessed Jess: This is more here than it is me.

Kelly: Wah! Why am I so horrible under pressure?!?

Page 6

Panel one: Possessed Jess continues to grind the headlock as Kelly struggles to free herself.

Kelly: I thought you were a nice person!! Does dying make you a jerk!!?

Panel two: Possessed Jess snarls as she looks down at Kelly.

Possessed Jess: It does when some bimbo doesn't respect the curse you put on the award that got her—

Panel three: Possessed Jess has a baffled expression on her face as she looks down.

Panel four: A close-up on Kelly's face as she enraged with her teeth gritted and her eyes with small flames in them to show how angry she is.

Kelly: Bimbo?

Panel five: Kelly in a feat of rage, breaks free of Possessed Jess's grip.

Kelly: BIMBO??

Page 7

Panel one: Kelly hits Possessed Jess with a forearm across her face.

Kelly: I hate hate hate it when people call us blonds bimbos!


Panel two: Kelly knees possessed Jess in her midsection causing her to bend over.

Kelly: We blonds are just as smart and capable as brunettes...and we have more fun!


Panel three: Possessed Jess looks up as Kelly has the wooden chair over her head and is prepared to strike her with it across the back.

Kelly: It's a horrible stereotype!

Panel four: Kelly hits Possessed Jess across the back with the wooden chair, breaking it in several pieces.

Kelly: Kristen Wigg is our generation's greatest actress!


Panel five: Possessed Jess is staggering and has her back to Kelly as Kelly wraps her arms across Possessed Jess's waist. Several feet away is a nearby coffee table that is conveniently placed for a professional wrestling table spot.

Kelly: I bet you didn't know that Elvis Presly was a natural blond!

Kelly: And blonds have founded several cities and communities like Brock Lesnar and--

Page 8

Panel one: Kelly release German suplexes Possessed Jess into the coffee table as it shatters into several pieces.



Panel two: Kelly is looking at the seemingly unconscious Possessed Jess.

Kelly: Huff Huff. Wow. I'm awesome when I'm mad.

Panel three: Kelly turns her back and begins to pose like Hulk Hogan as she celebrates.

Kelly: Yay! Did it! I stopped the ghost!

Panel four: Kelly does the ear pose as she continues to celebrate. In the background, Possessed Jess begins to sit up like the Undertaker from the WWE.

Kelly: What'cha gonna do when the president of RHO RHO RHO Ghostbusts on you!?!

Panel five: Possess Jess is sitting up and turning her head to Kelly as Kelly stops posing as she's scared stiff.

Possessed Jess: I may be controlling your friend's body, but that does not mean I feel the pain inflicted on her person.

Page 9

Panel one: Kelly begins to back away and feigns a smile as she looks to her left to the nearby hallway. In the foreground, Posssessed Jess is dusting herself off like nothing had happened.

Kelly: Oh. Wow. Wish I had known that earlier...

Panel two: Kelly points ahead as Possessed Jess looks at her.

Kelly: Look! Taylor Swift!!

Panel three: Possessed Jess continues to look straight ahead at Kelly.

Possessed Jess: I have no idea who that is.

Kelly: ...

Panel four: Kelly continues to point as she has mouth wide open as she cannot think of any words as she shrugs her shoulders. Possessed Jess is taking a step towards her.

Kelly: I'm not my mom. I have no idea who was famous in the 90s.

Possessed Jess: That's no problem. I'll hum a few Hanson tunes while I break your face.

Page 10

Panel one: Possessed Jess is approaching Kelly with clenched fists as Kelly extends he arms trying to get her to back off. Kelly is pointing at her with her right index finger.

Kelly: Okay, Fran, you need to step off right now, or I'm going to have to get tough.

Possessed Jess: As if. How are you going to do that? Point at me with two fingers?

Panel two: Kelly extends her fangs to show off that she's a vampire.

Kelly: I was thinking of two different pointers.

Panel three: Kelly leaps at Possessed Jess as Possessed Jess takes a step back as she begins to raise her right arm.

Kelly: All fangs bulletin coming your way, Samara!!

Page 11

Panel one: Kelly still has her arms stretched out as she does not yet notice she's stuck in mid air as Fran keeps her right arm raised to show that she's using her ghost powers to suspend Kelly.

Kelly: Any second now...

Panel two: Kelly notices that she's stuck in the air as she tries to kick herself out of place like kicking a motorcycle into starting.

Kelly: Okay, I'm new to this vampire thing—do I have air breaks that I don't know about?

Panel three: Kelly looks down as Possessed Jess begins to put the pieces together.

Possessed Jess: You're a vampire. Like that old Buffy movie I rented on VHS.

Kelly: "VHS?" Is that a disease?

Possessed Jess: ...And that's why this girl was able to hurt me earlier. You're both supernatural.

Panel four: Possessed Jess goes into vampire form as her fangs are out. Kelly looks on with dread as she struggles to break free.

Kelly: Gulp. I have a bad feeling I'm going to be even more supernatural.

Caption: Jess is possessed! Kelly is in trouble! Will Stewart come back to help? And where is Trevor? Nonstop action and answered questions are about to happen!...

Caption: After these messages.
Page 12

Panel one: Trevor wearing his ghost costume stumbles through an open window to RHO House as the entire environment of the house is gloomy and creepy. Trevor falls flat on his face. On a nearby wall, a spider is working on a web and so far has spelt out the letters "CHAR" on it.

SFX: whump

Trevor: Hah! Stealthy!

Panel two: Trevor stands up and puts his hand on the window seal as he tries to act cool as he boasts to himself. With his free hand he is pulling the sheet off his head. The window begins to shake to show that something is about to happen.

Trevor: Climbing two stories and only fell twice. Even steven.

Panel three: The window suddenly slams on Trevor's hand as Trevor just turns his head to it like it was nothing.


Panel four: Trevor looks at his hand still under the window and gives a small smile.

Trevor: Pfft. It'll take more than that to hurt me with these hand muscles.

Panel five: The window begins to come up and down and just crush Trevor's hand repeatedly as is face turns bright red and his lips are sucked in as his entire body tenses.


Page 13

Panel one: A low angle view of RHO House as it looks extremely creepy as the win dblows and a thunder cloud over head strikes with lightning that lights up the sky and makes the remaining clouds look like scary images like skulls and vampire bats. In a second floor window we can see a silhouette of Trevor reacting in pain as he clutches his hand.


Panel two: High angle view as we can see the previous panel was from the view point of Jess, Kelly, and Stewart. Stewart is struggling to keep his hat on as the heavy winds nearly blow him down while Jess and Kelly are just fine.

Jess: I don't remember this place being this...eerie.

Kelly: Well, it is night, the deathly bellow, the lightning striking overhead, the ominous wind blowing clouds to deadly images...

Kelly: Oh. And we didn't have a ghost before a few hours ago.

Page 14

Panel one: Jess is about to enter the house as Kelly stops her.

Jess: Nothing to it, but to do it.

Kelly: Wait! What if the ghost set up booby traps??

Jess:  What? You think we're dealing with The Phantom of the Home Alone?

Panel two: Jess and Kelly turn and look at Stewart.

Jess: Fine. We'll assume the worse.

Jess: And when you suspect there are booby traps, send in the biggest booby you can find.

Panel three: A confused Jess and Kelly looks on as Stewart stares at Jess' chest.

Panel four: Stewart does the same as Kelly looks over at Jess for any hint on what Stewart is doing.

Panel five: Stewart points at Kelly as Kelly smiles. Jess is much less amused.

Stewart: Kelly's the winner.

Panel six: Inside of the RHO House as Jess is kicking Stewart inside.

Stewart: Sore loser.

Page 15

Panel one: Trevor is looking from behind a corner as Stewart motions for the girls to come inside. Stewart is dusting himself off with his hat as he looks back towards the door with an annoyed expression.

Stewart: Okay, I didn't die, so you girls can come in!

Trevor thinking: Heh heh. Perfect. I'll have them scared out of their wits and right into my loving arms.

Panel two: Trevor, as he puts the sheet back over his head, tilts his head as he thinks about what he said. Not noticing a bright glowing blue light just behind.

Trevor thinking: ...Well, Jess mainly and maybe a quick comfort hug for Kelly. Stewart touches me, I break his twig arms.

Panel three: Trevor notices the blue light shining on him.

Trevor: Wha—

Panel four: Stuart is rubbing his rear end as he looks back at the doorframe as both Kelly and Jess peek in.

Kelly: You're sure it's safe?

Stewart: Look, if something was gonna happen it woulda happened!

Panel five: Trevor (still in full costume) is running over Stewart as he makes his way to the door as he is scared out of his wits. Stewart is hit hard enough that he turns a complete flip while his hat spins in the air. Nearby a spider has spelt out LOSER on a web as it looks at Stewart.



Page 16

Panel one: Trevor runs out of RHO House and dashes past Kelly and Jess as they both look on. Jess points at the fake ghost as Kelly waves her arms denying that he was the ghost.

Jess: Please tell me that was not your ghost.

Kelly: No, I swear there's a real ghost, Jess! That's just a guy with a weird laundry fetish!

Panel two: Stewart is picking himself up as he smirks at the approaching Kelly and Jess.

Stewart: Hah! I knew there wasn't a ghost. You girls probably told yourself a ghost story or saw a shadow and got spooked.

Panel three: From the point of view of Stewart as he is suddenly three feet taller than both girls as Jess and Kelly look on wide eyed with their jaws dropped.

Stewert: ...Did I just have a growth spurt?

Panel four: Jess and Kelly look up at Stewart as Stewart is levitating with his head just a few inches from the ceiling of the room. Kelly is pointing at Stewart and smiling at Kelly as Jess sarcastically acknowledges Kelly was right.

Stewart: Oh crud. I'm Peter Pan.

Kelly: Hah! See?? A ghost!

Jess: Fine. The talking mystery solving dog had it wrong. Score one for you.

Page 17

Panel one: Stewart looks around as he doesn't see an immediate threat as he he's just hovering a few inches from the ceiling.

Stewart: This isn't so bad. Maybe this one of those weak, sissy ghosts that can only do lame stuff like make doors creek or pull down sheets.

Panel two: Stewart's head is rammed into the ceiling.


Panel three: Kelly and Jess look on with concern as Stewart is repeatedly rammed up and down on the ceiling. Behind Stewart a blue ghost orb is beginning to form as Kelly and Jess focus on it.


Panel four: Jess and Kelly squint there eyes as they focus their eyes.

Kelly: You see that?

Jess: Yeah...

Panel five: Jess dashes and punches the blue ghost orb from the end of last issue as it is just behind Stewart's legs.

Jess: ...I do!!


Page 18

Panel one: Jess looks at her fist as the ghost orb ricochets down a hallway. Stewart falls to the ground as he has several stars over his head as his hat is heavily dented. Stewart's eyes are glazed over. Kelly rushes over to grab Stewart and stop him from falling to the ground.

Jess: Hh. Vampires can punch ghosts. Awesome.

Stewart: Grrllk mmmphh geeerrkk

Panel two: Kelly pushes a heavily dazed Stewart towards the door as he wibbles and wabbles as he is completely unsturdy.

Kelly: Stewart. I really appreciate your help—but maybe you should go back to your room and lie down...

Stewart: Brllrrrk

Kelly: Oh. Sure. I'll buy that trade pack for you. It's the least I can do.

Panel three: Kelly looks on worriedly as Stewart zigs and zags as he walks outside

Kelly: You think he'll be fine on his own?

Jess: No, but I didn't think that before he became a human hand ball.

Panel four: Jess goes down one hallway as Kelly nervously goes down another.

Jess: Okay, let's split up. If you find the ghost, text me.

Kelly: I don't think this is a good idea.

Jess: Kel, we are vampires who can punch ghosts. We're good.

Page 19

Panel one: Kelly is smiling as she notices a book hovering as she enters a room with a book shelf nearby.

Kelly: Jess' right. I mean. Super strength and one little book is all the ghost's got?

Panel two: Kelly looks on wide eyed as the entire book shelf is being launched at her. On the bookshelf is a teddy bear with an afro wearing red karate gear as it falls to the ground.

Kelly: Aw nertz.

Panel three: Jess is in front of a door as she is being to open it as she turns her head back as she hears a loud noise.


Jess: Kelly?? That you?!

Panel four: Jess turns and sighs as Kelly responds off panel.

Kelly off-panel: ...yeah. Just catching up on my reading.

Panel five: Jess is still looking off panel not noticing the door is opening behind her all the way with a bright blue light shining.

Jess: Stop messing around! If you've ever seen a horror movie, you know what happens to the person who is distracted by a noise!

Panel six: Jess is pulled into the room by an invisible force as the blue light shines even brighter.

Jess: HEY!!

Page 20

Panel one: Kelly is in the living room quarters of her dorm as she carefully kicks the love seat with the tip of her toe to make sure it's safe. The entire room is a mess with pictures knocked down or out of place with furniture turned over everywhere.

Kelly: Okay. It's not flying. It's dead. Dead carved tree and cushion and not flying at my head. That's good. That's normal. Super duper.

Panel two: Over the shoulder of Jess as she is looking into the living room from the door frame as Kelly breathes a sigh of relief. Jess has her eyes closed as she walks towards Kelly. As Kelly puts the loveseat back in place with one hand.

Kelly: That you, Jess? Seen the ghost the last few minutes?

Kelly: Me neither.

Kelly:  I'm thinking maybe the ghost got bored and left, right? Or just gave up and found a new place to live.

Panel three: Over the shoulder of Kelly as Jess opens her eyes to reveal them glowing bright blue. Kelly has a look of fright on her face as she shifts her eyes to her left shoulder as she sees Jess has been possessed by the ghost. Possessed Jess is baring her fangs and her face tightens to make her look slightly demonic.

Possessed Jess: You're half right. The half you'd rather not be right about.

Kelly: (Gulp) Different sounding voice and glowing blue eyes are never good. Never ever.


Panel one: A close-up on a man wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee as he reads a newspaper. He shifts his eyes as he sees a camera lens pointed directly at his face.

Caption: Meet Frank, TV's newest reality TV star!

Panel two: Frank is shopping for groceries as he is at the dairy section. Frank is looking at a two gallon bottle of milk as he is looking at the expiration date. Walking by Frank is a mother and daughter with a grocery cart as the girl points at the reader/camera man.

Caption: Watch as Frank carefully examines the expiration date of his milk! Is that skim? Tune in to find out!

Panel three: Frank is sitting at his couch looking through his DVR (Which contains six episodes of Super Suckers, two episodes of Blue Baron) and shrugs his shoulder.

Caption: Cheer for him as he deals with life's many disappointments...

Caption: ...Like not setting his DVR timer correctly and missing a movie he wanted to see!

Panel four: Frank is walking out in the rain to get his newspaper at that is only ten feet from his front porch. Walking across the street is a man with an umbrella who is trying to walk around two camera men focusing their complete attention on Frank.

Caption: Marvel as Frank braves the elements for the scripture of daily knowledge!!

Panel five: Back in the house as Frank is trying to sleep but two camera men have their camera's right at his face as a stage hand has a spot light over Frank's head shining a bright light on him.

Caption: From the producers who brought you Dogs Chasing Their Tails and Man Aging a Day at a Time—

Caption: --This fall. The Wonderfilled Life of Frank!


Panel one: A shot of Planeteer expies the Earthlings summoning General Earth as they shoot their ring's beams high into the sky. The Ma-ti expy is at the end of the line shooting his pink beam.

Chopper: Volcano!

Lydia: Hurricane, da!

Mattie: Love.

Panel two: The other Earthlings and General Earth are pointing and laughing at Mattie as he sheepishly rubs his right forearm and holds his head down in shame.

Earthlings and General Earth: HA HA HA HAH!!

Caption: Are you a super hero with a "lame" power? Do you feel like you're the weak link of your team?

Panel three: A dorky looking hero dressed as a time clock is taking Mattie by his arm and leads him away. His clock is lit up with the second hand at the twelve showing him using his power to turn back time.

One Minute Man: I'm One Minute Man. People told me that being able to rewind time by a minute was stupid. And my name went along with my relationship with most women--

Panel four: Mattie is reading a self-help book titled POWER IS GREATER WHEN SMALL. One Minute Man is winding the clock on his chest back a minute as the background turns blue.

One Minute Man: But there's no such thing as a "lame" power. Just one not properly used!

One Minute Man: But with my self help book, THERE IS NO LAME POWER—for only 14.95, you can show how great you truly are!

One Minute Man: Don't take my word. Here's a demonstration....

Panel five: Back to the original panel as the Earthlings are summoning General Earth only Mattie has his arms crossed and not joining in. General Earth is forming but he is looking more demonic showing that without Mattie's love, he's turning evil.

Panel six: Mattie is paying One Minute Man for his self-help book. In the background, an evil General Earth is using heavy winds, lightning, and earthquakes to massacre the other Earthlings.

One Minute Man: Read my book and you'll believe...

Mattie: ...That there is no lame power!

Jersey Rude Dudez.

Panel one: A shot of a timid man wearing a business suit as a line of people are complaining or trying to make him buy something. One guy is wearing a light blue shirt, purple shorts and is holding up a giant picture encyclopedia on apples. The next is a girlfriend who is holding out her hand wanting money. Another is a fat guy wearing a tank top too short for his fat hairy gut.

Salesman in purple shirt: Learn about all apples. Look! Pictures!

Girlfriend: Gimme yo' monah! I don't get beautiful cheap!

Relative: No need me as'ing if I can stay with yah fer a month. Got any good food?

Caption: Are you too nice for your own good? Can't say "no" to horrible, annoying people?

Panel two: A red van blinged out and spray colored with RUDE DUDEZ on the side. Opening up the van are three jersey types. One is a Snooki expy with tall hair that she is spraying with conditioner and looks like a rock solid mass, the other is smaller, wearing a black vest and jeans, and has a blond Mohawk an tattoos over his body and the last one is wearing no shirt and is using weights to work out as he kisses his muscles. All Rude Dudes should be heavily tanned so they are a bright orange.

Caption: Then it's the Jersey Rude Dudez to the rescue!!

Jersey Rude Dudez: Boom Shakalaka!!

Panel three: The tattooed Rude Dude is knocking the apple encyclopedia out of the salesman hand while trying to act tough. The Rude Dude female is spraying the girlfriend in the eyes with the hair conditioner and it burns the girlfriend's face, The Muscular Rude Dude is just tossing the annoying relative off-panel. The timid guy is doing the cabbage patch as he rejoices that his problems are over.

Tattooed Rude Dude: How you doin'?

Female Rude Dude: Take a step, tease!

Muscular Rude Dude: Flex the muscles. toss the flab, batta-bing!

Caption: Don't try this at home. You can't teach this.

Panel four: The Rude Dudez are celebrating with the timid guy as they are up in his grill. The Rude Dudette's hair fumes are making the timid guy sick, while the muscular guy has the timid guy's head on his flexing muscles as he shows off his tan. The smaller Rude Dude is climbing up on the timid guy's shoulder, making him unsteady.

Rude Dudez: Bubbies, you got a problem---? We're Brick City hardcore with a side of disco fries! Hollah hollah, ring a ding ding, and what you got goin' ain't no thin'!

Caption: Certified G's guaranteed.

Other Media / Re: Archie's Weird Mysteries
July 10, 2016, 09:12:27 PM
I actually think AWM is pretty well animated. Especially for that 1999. And I liked it. I think if you're an Archie or Veronica fan, you're probably happy because they get the most focus out of everyone.

And when I read the comics, I always read them using these voices.
Part II

Page one

Panel one: Jess is lying on her bed reading a book titled THERE IS NO LAME POWER as Vera is in front of her strutting her stuff as she showcases her body. Jess isn't even paying her one bit of attention. Vera is moving about in four continuous separate motions. The first she is acting like a headbanger and nodding her head up and down. The second she is acting like a ballerina doing a twirl on her tippy toes. The third she's transitioned to the cabbage patch. Fourth she is doing the dinosaur.

Caption: Audio captioning for the visually impaired.

Vera first dance: You know what your problem is, Jess?

Vera fourth dance: You don't flaunt what you got and attract the boys.

Panel two: Jess puts her text book down as Vera is now doing a mix between Walking like an Egyptian and a moon walk as she approaches the door as it is being heavily banged on.

Jess: And those gyrations will?

Vera: They'll be knocking our door down.


Panel three: Vera begins to open the door as she looks back at Jess as she smirks in victory at her. Jess sits up startled as she raises her right eyebrow and her lips curls to her right.

Vera: See? When you got it, you got it.

Vera: Now I'm gonna get to getting.

Page 2

Splash page as Jess looks on in shock as Kelly, Summer, Lyric, Paisley and several other members of RHO RHO RHO begin to rush into Jess's room. All of the sorority girls look like they're being chased by the hounds of hell. Vera tilts her head in confusion at seeing all girls.

Vera: Did I just find something out about myself?

Kelly: Hey! Mind if we crash? No? Super duper!

Page 3

Panel one: Jess stands up as several RHO girls begin to jump on her bed and just mess it up. Three of those girls are Paisley, Summer, and Lyric. Other RHO girls are sitting on the ground or standing.

Jess: Okay? What's going on?

Panel two: Kelly is still shaken up but trying to hide it as she puts her right arm around the shoulder of Vera as Vera smiles ear to ear. Vera doesn't seem to care one way or the other.

Kelly: Well, we have an...infestation, so we thought our newest pledge could room us for a bit.

Vera: Just bring the boys and we're cool like Frosty.

Panel three: Jess tilts her head in confusion as the three RHO girls listen on.

Jess: Infestation?

Jess: You mean like roaches and rats?

Panel four: Jess goes wide eyed as Summer talks and Lyric nods her head and points at Summer to show she agrees with her. Paisley shakes her head in aggravation.

Summer: More like manifestation and ghosts and ghoulies.

Lyric: Our sorority house has turned into a haunted house.

Panel five: Jess glares at Kelly as Kelly feigns innocence.

Kelly: Um, I'm pretty sure you need more than one ghost to make a haunted house.

Page 4

Panel one: Trevor is peeking out from the room he was knocked in earlier. On the bed, the girl who was eating brownies is lying on her bed and is mesmerized by the back of her hands. Stewart is walking towards Jess room in the hallway.

Jess in her room: WHAT??!

Trevor: Sigh. Those lung muscles are amazing.

Stewart: Trevor? What are you doing in there?

Panel two: Trevor glares at Stewart as Stewart is startled and jumps back

Trevor: I'm watching the woman I love without her knowing about it! It's romantic as hell!

Panel three: Stewart walks past Trevor as he shrugs his shoulders at Trevor's actions and just decides to leave it at that. The girl now has her feet and hands up in the air as she wiggles her fingers and toes and giggles.

Stewart: Looks like breaking & and entering and stalking to me.

Trevor: How about my fist breaks your nose, enters your face, and stalks for your eyes?

Stewart: Nah. You just remain a law abiding citizen....

Stewart: ...while I serve and protect the ladies the twit-chat said came this way.

Panel four: Stewart enters the room as all the girls, Vera, Jess, and Kelly look at him.

Stewart: I'm here for you, ladies!

RHO Girl: You for your girlfriend, Vera, right?

Panel five: Stewart rolls his eyes at Vera as he reluctantly acknowledges her. Vera has the exact same facial expression.

Stewart: Oh. Yeah. My beloved butter donkey. Yipee.

Vera: Nice to see you to, bladder spaz.

Panel six: Trevor is kneeling at the now closed door as he has a glass against it. A college girl going into his dorm room looks at Trev with a confused expression as she unlocks her room.

Trevor: Let's hear what's going on.

Page 5

Panel one: Jess is talking with Kelly as Kelly sheepishly rubs her right arm.

Jess: I can't believe you people! You all can't stay here!

Jess: --And why would you have a ghost now all of a sudden??

Panel two: Kelly responds as she can't even look Jess in the eye. Jess puts her thumb on a throbbing vein on her forehead as she tries not to lose her patience.

Kelly: know that "Good Samaritanina" thingie? Turns out someone was killed for it and is now a ghost reaping unholy vengeance.

Kelly. Oopsie doopsie whoopsies.

Panel three: Jess turns to Paisley as Paisley is very straight laced about everything Jess is saying.

Jess: Paisley. You have a good head on your shoulder, firm grasp of reality, right?

Paisley: Indubitably.

Panel four: Jess has calmed down as she stands in front of the sitting Paisley.

Jess: And you know that the idea that ghosts is just nonsense.

Paisley: It's preposterous.

Jess: So what do you say about helping me get you girls back to your abode?

Panel five: Paisley keeps the same facial expression as the previous panel with Summer and Lyric nodding in agreement with Paisley. Jess gives the reader an aggravated aside glance.

Paisley: I wouldn't go back there if Zac Efron was waiting with a million dollars and a thousand kisses.

Page 6

Panel one: Trevor takes the glass of the door as he snickers.

Trevor: Heh. Typical girls. Saw their own shadows and got spooked. What they need is a man to protect them.

Panel two: Trevor has a very dimly lit cracked light bulb over his head to show he has an idea.

Trevor: Say, when I protected Vera from that fat loser psycho, Jess couldn't keep her hands off me.

Caption: Not totally accurate, but see episode two anyway.

Panel three: Trev is running back into the room as the girl is now eating a bag of Doritos and drinking Fuss soda as she finally notices Trevor.

Trevor: Hah! I'm going to prove that my second biggest muscle is between my ears, not between my legs!

Panel four: Trevor has a white sheet as and is using a black marker to draw in two black dots at the bed of the girl as she looks on in confusion as she is still zoned out.

Trevor: I'll sneak in to RHO house and when my Jess comes, I'll prance around like a ghost, run off...

Panel five: Trevor has the sheet over his head as it only covers up to his ankles and he has his arms sticking out making the costume even more stupid. The girl tilts her head in confusion as she pinches her arm to see if this is really happening.

Trevor: ...Then I'll trounce the sheet, show my machismo, and I'll have Jess holding my hand and picking my nose hairs in no time!

Panel six: Trevor keeps the costume on as he runs into the door frame of the room. The girl goes back to eating her chips as she decides she's just seeing things.

The Stoned Girl: Heh. I need to make another batch of special brownies.

Page 7

Panel one: Jess is talking with Kelly as they are in front of Vera's occupied bed with only the middle part left as Vera looks on trying to figure out how to get in between all the girls.

Jess: You really believe ghosts exist?

Kelly: I threw a sofa at me. That's proof enough for me.

Panel two: Kelly is whispering to Jess as Jess begrudgingly agrees with her as she feels her own fangs. In the background, Vera is leaping into the air and rolled up like a ball as she jumps towards the open spot in the bed as the other girls panic.

Kelly whispering: ...'Sides, vampires are real and we have the fangs to prove it. So why can't ghosts or even unicorns be a thing, too?

Jess: Good points...

Panel three: In the foreground, Stewart is trying his best to charm one of the RHO Girls who frowns and looks away. Stewart is flexing his no existent muscles at her. Kelly and Jess are walking towards him. In the background, Vera is in her bed while the other girls were knocked off of it and lying on the floor around the bed like rag dolls.

Jess: Okay. We'll check with an expert about the validity of ghosts.

Kelly: And unicorns.

Jess: And no.

Stewart: When they made me, they broke the mold.

RHO Girl: Yeah...I wouldn't want to make that mistake again either.

Page 8

Panel one: Jess grabs Stewart by the shirt collar as he leads her and Kelly into the hallway. The RHO smiles as she's glad Stewart will be away from her.

Jess: I need this for a moment.

Stewart: Sheesh! Can't you just ever say, "Stewart, come here please"?

Panel two: Stewart straightens out his shirt as he glares at Jess as Kelly carefully closes the door and waves back at her sisters.

Kelly: Hee. No worries. Leave everything to us.

Stewart: Okay, what do you want?

Jess: We need conformation on a particular matter.

Panel three: Jess is talking to Stewart as Stewart takes a step back away from Jess.

Jess: Stewart, Kelly says she has a ghost in her frat. Is that possible?

Stewart: Course. Ghosts are real. Haven't you watched primetime late night reality shows?

Panel four: Stewart is explaining about ghosts.

Stewart: Ghosts are souls given power through current or past emotion and bound to the earth by unfinished business. Or they're really peeved off about something.

Stewart: Don't take my word for it. You girls are vampires now. Supernatural. So you should be able to see ecto slime or orbs or shifting shapes.

Panel five: Stewart holds his arms at Kelly as Kelly to prove he was right as Kelly makes an O shape with her right hand.

Kelly: Yeah. I saw an orb. And I don't think the other girls saw it. Course they were busy screaming in terror.

Page 9

Panel one: Jess is talking with Stewart as Stewart sticking his finger in his nose as he thinks.

Jess: Well, what can we do about it? Sharing a room with Vera is bad enough, but an entire sorority house--?

Jess: No thank you.

Panel two: Stewart explains what they can do as Jess agrees as Kelly is nervous.

Stewart: Well, like I said. You're supernatural. So you might actually be able to hurt it.

Jess: Good enough.

Kelly: Good enough how?

Panel three: Jess holds out her fist as she encourages and builds up Kelly as Kelly begins to smile.

Jess: C'mon, Kel. You're the president of RHO. You're a vampire who can break down a door! You really going to let some spook put the screws to you, or are you going to fight back??

Panel four: Kelly extends her fist only with her thumb stuck in the middle as she agrees with Jess.

Kelly: I'm going to fight back!!

Panel five: Jess grabs Kelly's hand and begins to move her fingers around to form an accurate fist.

Panel six: Kelly looks in awe at her now perfect fist as Jess looks on nervously.

Kelly: Oh.

Kelly: Nifty.

Page 10

Panel one: Stewart is trying to walk back into Jess's room as he waves goodbye to the two vampires.

Stewart: Have fun being female Ghostbreakers. Hope the feature presentation looks better than the trailers.

Stewart: I'll just keep the girls company while you two bruisers are away...

Panel two: Kelly's hand and Jess's hand grab an arm of Stewart's respectively.

Kelly off-panel: Oh, you'll be keeping girls company...

Jess off-panel: ...It'll just be us!

Panel three: Jess and Kelly are dragging away Stewart as Stewart vainly tries to kick and squirm his way free. The stoner girl from across the hall looks out into the hallway as she is mixing another batch of brownies in a bowl and is whisking it.

Stewart: Why couldn't I know gargoyles?!

Stewart: They sleep during the day, don't involve others in their problems, and make any building structure look classy!!

Page 11

Panel one: Vera is standing in front of the other girls as Vera as Vera soaks in their appreciation. Summer, Lyric, and Paisley are sitting on Jess's bed as the other girls are sitting down behind them or on the ground in front of them.

Lyric: Vera, you're great for letting us stay here.

Vera: I'm great every way, shape, form, perception, angle and thought.

Panel two: Summer is talking with Vera as Vera has a smirk on her face.

Summer: How can we ever repay you?

Panel three: A close-up on Vera's face as it looks devious as her eyes flash and her smiles goes from ear to ear as several shades and shadows make her look even more villainous.

Vera: Yeah. I was thinking about that? How about a few little chores?
Panel four: A shot of all the RHO Girls as the all have the same fearful expression as they realize they've gotten themselves into something possible far worse.

Panel five: Same panel only with Summer and Lyric smiling and happy as they agree. Paisley hangs her head down as she knows she's in for some bad times.

Summer: Sure!

Lyric: It never hurts to help~

Paisley: That's what my cousin said when she needed a bone marrow transplant.

Paisley: She lied.

Caption: Back to the show after these messages!
Yeah. She's special. :)

Fun fact: I hadn't bought the latest issue of Super Suckers when Trevor grabs Jess, she was a lot more angry with Trevor in the first draft instead of feeling bad about possibly injuring him.
No. I wrote this story long before New Archie. Back when Kevin first got his own title.

I don't mind New Archie at all. I'm not a fan of the Jughead issues I read and Sabrina was awful, but Archie's great, Afterlife is good. I wish the classic was given more respect, but new Archie isn't bad. Heck, it looks like good art is on the way for Jughead.
Fan Fiction / Re: Jughead is Canceled.
July 05, 2016, 04:48:26 PM
Sorry. That title was a lot cuter years ago. I'll change it to something else to avoid confusion. :)
Fan Fiction / Jughead in Getting In Shape.
July 05, 2016, 04:25:20 PM
 Page one

Panel one: A dejected Jughead is walking along a sidewalk in a suburban area as Sandy Sanchez, who is in jogging clothes, is running towards him. It is late in the afternoon. Along the road several cars drive past. One car is driving by a man who can barely see over his steering wheel. And he certainly can't see the man crossing the street.

Sandy: Jughead! You're face is as long as your nose. What's wrong? Pops wants you to pay your tab?

Jughead: If only it was. Then I'd be able to reason with a rational person.

Panel two: Jughead is slowing walking along as Sandy is running in place as she talks with him. A pedestrian narrowly avoids being hit by the car as he dives into someone's yard.

Sandy: Who are we talking about?

Jughead: It's my mom. She says that I'm lazy, eat too much, and won't let up on me unless I do something about it.

Panel three: Jughead is even sadder as he relays his situation to Sandy. Sandy is rolling her eyes good-naturedly. The pedestrian is being helped to his feet by several attractive ladies as his mood shifts from terror to joy.

Jughead: She won't even let me sleep two extra hours late and only two helpings of desert for breakfast.

Sandy: How ever will you survive?

Page two:

Panel one: Jughead slumps over and places his hands in his pockets as he walk ahead. Sandy is enthusiastically talking, trying to cheer him up. Jughead is walking along like he's walking towards his execution. The girls are carrying the pedestrian over their heads, as if he's too injured to walk on his own.

Jughead: I don't know, Sandy. I just don't know...maybe a few burgers at Pops and crashing on Archie's sofa will give me a few ideas.

Sandy: Hey, how about I help you with your procrastination?

Panel two: Jughead is walking away and waves his hand at Sandy as the idea. Sandy places her hand over her face as she shakes her head despondently in response to Jughead's reply.

Jughead: No, I don't need help with that. I'm already too good at it. That's what's the problem.

Panel three: Sandy has darted in front of Jughead to stop him in place and to explain what she means. Jughead is in mid step as he stops. Sandy has both arms stretch out as if to block him from leaving before she explains her meaning.

Sandy: No! I mean, let me help you get physically fit! You getting exercise should satisfy your mom. I'll be with you every step of the way.

Panel four: Jughead is scratching his chin as he is debating whether he should actually try to exercise. Sandy is tugging at Jughead's arm, as if trying to get him started already before he has made his mind up.

Jughead: I don't a pain in the neck worse than aching all over?

Sandy: I usually have to exercise alone, and I'd enjoy the company! C'mon, I promise it'll be fun!

Panel five: Jughead shrugs his shoulders as he reluctantly relents to an overly enthusiastic Sandy.

Jughead: You really shouldn't make promises you can't keep...but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Panel six: Sandy runs off as Jughead looks on puzzled as if he doesn't understand the meaning of Sandy's words as they're not doctrine that Jughead uses in his everyday life.

Sandy: Super! I'll be by your house bright and early tomorrow!

Jughead: "Bright and early"? What an odd thing to say. I wonder what she could possibly mean?

Page three:

Panel one: Jughead is in bed as his mother is opening the curtains just above his bed to let a strong beam of sunlight shine on his face as he tries to hide his head in his pillow. The alarm clock on Jughead's stand reads 7: 35 AM. In his room are stack of comics, empty soda bottles and cans, and various posters of food along the wall.

Caption: Bright and early the next day...

Mrs. Jones: Forsythe Pendleton Jones! Your friend has been waiting outside for twenty minutes!

Jughead: Just tell her it will be just as bright later. Later like tomorrow of next year.

Panel two: Jughead, dressed in his usual clothing only wearing a black pair of shorts is greeted by Sandy. Sandy is wearing a Riverdale T-shirt and blue shorts and running shoes. She is on her knees petting Hot Dog, who enjoys the attention.

Sandy: It's about time! You'd be late for your own funeral, Jug.

Jughead: I'd want to be early or on time?

Panel three: Jughead is walking towards his dad's car as Sandy grabs him by his right arm and pulls him towards the sidewalk. Hot Dog is looking on with a hint of amusement at his master's predicament.

Jughead: Dad's on a fishing trip with friends, so borrowing the car shouldn't—

Sandy: No cars!

Sandy: You and I are going to jog all the way to Pickens Park.

Panel four: Sandy is pushing Jughead along as they jog down the sidewalk. Jughead, as you would expect, is hesitant as he still has his eyes shut as he points to fingers at them to illustrate his point. Hot Dog is looking on as he is waving goodbye to Jughead.

Jughead: Jog all the way?! Pickens Park isn't in immediate eye range!

Sandy: It will be after a mile or two....

Panel five: Same shot only with Sandy and Jughead further along in the distance and Hot Dog having fallen asleep in just a few seconds.

Sandy: ...And that should be good enough for the warm up. When we get to the park is when we really get to work.

Jughead: If that's what's in store for us there...let's go somewhere else.

Hot Dog: ZZZZZ

Page four:

Panel one: Sandy is jogging into Pickens Park as Jughead is gasping for breath as he is barely dragging himself behind her. Several park goers look in his direction with surprise and concern. An elderly couple is bird watching. On another tree just beside Sandy and Jughead, three squirrels are pointing at Sandy and Jughead and seem to be interested in them. In the distance, we can see the General Pickens' memorial statue.

Sandy: Jughead, isn't it great to fill your lungs with fresh morning air?

Jughead: You bet...(huff puff) It's much more special when it's your (huff huff) last breath...

Panel two: Sandy is leading Jughead towards a grass area near a pond as several ducks look at them. One duck is swimming in the pond on its head with its legs kicking up in the air. The squirrels are racing down the tree to follow along. One squirrel is motioning for the others to follow with its arm.

Jughead: Now what?

Sandy: I think about fifty jumping jacks would be a great way to loosen up your arms and legs.

Jughead: I think I prefer them attached to the rest of me.

Panel three:  Sandy is doing the jumping jacks as she begins to break a sweat. She is looking straight ahead, focusing on her own workout, not turned to Jughead. She is listening to what she believes is Jughead doing the jumping jacks.


Sandy: Sounds like you're doing great! After the next ten, let's add touching the ground between jumps!


Panel four: We scan over more to see Sandy happily doing her jumping jacks while Jughead is standing beside a tree clapping his hands to sound like he is doing jumping jacks. On top of the tree the squirrels are imitating Sandy and doing jumping jacks. One squirrel looks down on Jughead with ridicule.

Jughead: Let's not and say we did.


Page 5

Panel one: Sandy and Jughead are on a path in the park in a fairly forested area. Several people are running along the path. Sandy is pointing along the path, showing where they will be running. Jughead has his hand along his brow as he is peering out into the distance. The three squirrels are behind Jughead as they follow Sandy's finger with their heads.

Sandy: Here's something I like to do: run as fast as I can before I hit the wall.

Jughead: Wall? Don't you mean a tree? Or can't I see it because of the forest?

Panel two: Sandy is explaining as displeased Jughead his arms folded over his chest and his head turned away from Sandy. Sandy continues in her hopeful ways.

Sandy: No. I mean, I like to run at full burst and see how far I can go before I hit the wall, catch my second wind, and push on through.

Jughead: I seem to recall you promising this experience would be fun at some point in time—

Pane three: Sandy and Jughead are running at full speed. Sandy is zooming ahead as Jughead is struggling to keep up. The squirrels from before are racing along side them. One squirrel is hurdling over a tree branch that had fallen on the path.

Sandy: This is fun!

Jughead: No. the words "fun" and "run" rhyme. That's as close as the two get to ever being alike.

Panel four: Sandy has gotten her second wind as she is running. She has a determined smile on her face as she wipes her brow.

Sandy: And there was the wall and the breakthrough to a second wind!

Sandy: How about you?

Panel five: Sandy turns around to see Jughead just behind her collapsed on the path as he is dead tired and looks like a doll thrown against a wall. Two of the squirrels are standing on Jughead's hat, shaking their heads in disappointment. One squirrel is trying to cool Jughead off with a leaf.

Jughead: I hit the wall...but it hit back like a hurricane!

Page six:

Panel one: A disgruntled Jughead is running along a path as Sandy has a stop watch and begins to time him. Two of the squirrels are along side Sandy while one squirrel follows beside Jughead. Jughead is talking to the squirrel, the first time the squirrels' presence has been acknowledged, as it looks up and shrugs its shoulders at Jughead.

Sandy: Okay, follow this path and it will lead you around in a circle for a good mile. I'll time you and we'll work on doing better and better each time.

Jughead: Where does she get the idea that I'll ever be doing this again?

Panel two: Jughead is running down a hill as Sandy looks on proudly with stop watch in hand. The stop watch shows fifteen seconds have elapsed. The sun is shining as it would if it was around noon.

Sandy: Go, Jughead, Go! I know you can do it. I believe in you!

Panel three: The sun has moved about the sky to show that a good deal of time has passed. Sandy is concerned as she looks at the stop watch as it reads: 1 hour and 25 seconds.

Caption: Later...

Sandy: Of course, I believed in the Easter Bunny until I was fourteen, too...

Panel four: Sandy is walking down the hill as the two squirrels follow. The two squirrels seem to be conversing as they look to be worried about their lost companion. Sandy is talking to herself and not the squirrels.

Sandy: I just don't understand it. He couldn't have gotten lost, and even if he had walked he would have been back by now...

Panel five: Sandy turns to find Jughead sleeping under a tree, his arms behind his head in a relaxed sitting position. Around Jughead are several hot dog wrappers. The missing squirrel is right beside Jughead with a wadded up hot dog wrapper as a pillow. The sleeping squirrel is motioning with a hand for something to continue, going along with what Jughead is mumbling in his sleep. Both of their stomachs are pouched out. In the distance we can see a hot dog bender and his cart selling hot dogs to a mother, father, and their son. Sandy has her hands at her hips as she is a mix of anger and disappointment. The two squirrels are along side her with the same body language.

Sandy: ...Unless he got distracted.

Jughead: zzzz ...yeah...just pile on the relish and cover it with mustard my good man...zzzz

Page seven

Panel one: Sandy is stomping away from an apologetic Jughead, as she is fed up with him and his lack of effort and no success. Jughead has his hand over his mouth as he simultaneously burps and pleads with Sandy. Behind Sandy are the squirrels. The two squirrels that were with Sandy seem to be lecturing the squirrel that was with Jughead as it hangs its head in shame.

Sandy: I'm sorry, Jughead. I tried, but I couldn't have wasted my time more if I attempted to stack ice cubes from here to the sun!

Sandy: Argggh! I could have spent my morning studying for chem.!

Jughead: Sandy! (Burp) I'm sorry.

Panel two: Sandy has stopped as she is still angry, but not as much as a repentant Jughead talks to her.

Jughead: You're trying to help me, and I really do want to enjoy a run in the park and the like—but I'm just not motivated the way you are!

Jughead: I don't enjoy it just to do it or look at nature. The only time I ever run is to be first in the lunch line.

Pane three: Sandy is thinking as she is just finalizing a plan to help Jughead.  Jughead has a hopeful look in his eyes as he is surprised by Sandy's words.

Sandy: And you do that so you can get...

Panel four: Sandy smiles and turns to Jughead who gives her a thumbs up. The squirrels leap in joy as they sense a turn to the positive.

Sandy: Okay! If you're serious about working out and making up for today, come back to this spot tomorrow morning. I have a plan that's sure to work!

Page 8

Panel one: Sandy is looking at her stop watch as a sweaty and exhausted Jughead is running up to her at full speed. Jughead has his tongue hanging out. We cannot see Sandy's other arm, but we can tell that she is holding something in her hand.

Caption: Same place tomorrow after five miles under fifteen minutes.

Sandy: Looks like my new training method is a success.

Jughead: It sure is, Sandy!

Panel two: Sandy holds out a plastic bag containing five cookies as Jughead reaches out for them as he begins to salivate more than sweat now.

Sandy: And here is another bag of my special low fat cookies. No butter and sugar, but cream cheese and apple sauce. And still with a great taste!

Jughead: They may be low calorie...

Panel three: Jughead continues to run along the path in a blue as he munches the cookies as he goes. Sandy is standing along the path as we can see she has a small pile of plastic bags containing her cookies as she waits for Jughead to run another mile to hand him another bag. Several other runners are looking at Sandy with a confused expression. The Squirrels are looking on as the three are sharing a cookie as they chew merrily.

Jughead: --But they're fast food to me!

Sandy: Proper motivation. That's all it takes sometimes.