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Topics - terrence12

As you all  heard, Diamond comic distributors has gone bankrupt because of their worse decision especially that some of the major comic book industries like DC and Marvel and major indie ones like image, Boom comics and Dark Horse have their own distribution systems and have left Diamond comic distributors like with Image comics recently.

While small to medium comic book companies rely on diamond comic distributors and Archie is one of them and with Diamond comic distributors bankrupt, this leads us to discuss in the current topic, what will happen to Archie comics now that diamond comic distributors is bankrupt?
Since the Barbie movie from 2023 has become a hit alongside with Oppenheimer which lead to the "Barbenheimer" trend, although Oppenheimer became a best picture for the Oscars. I thought I will give my take of what a Archie movie would be like if it follows the trend of the Barbie as the film is both a parody and love letter to the Barbie toy franchise which should be the same for Archie comics as its known for its characters and universe with its slice of life and surreal escapades and its changing trends over the years and that it must reflect on its history and its tropes of their stories like the never ending love triangle for example especially that its mostly famous for what it's truly known for , Humor and laughter which in other words comedy . So here is a pitch of what an Archie movie is like if it receives a barbie movie like treatment.

The film will start off  in 1941 where the narrator gives  the symbolical history of comic books which is mostly populated with the popular genre superheroes that everyone reads  them but some bored  and some want something different but then came one person appearing in the scene and riding in his bike is the golden age Archie Andrews nicknamed Chick who does the similar thing in his first appearance in a bike  and he does funny slapsticks that people laughed and liked it that  they ignore some of the superheroes  and begin to read Archie instead .

And after the title card "Archie" , we see Archie and the gang in their original 1940-s 1950s forms  along with the town of Riverdale , they go through various versions all over  the years like the 1980s version, the spy version The man from Riverdale, the child version of archie and the gang Little Archie, the superhero version super teens , Al Hartley's religious version of Archie , the 1970s filmation limited animation version,  the zombie afterlife with archie version along with Archie horror versions , the surreal CW "like it or hate it" Riverdale series and much more and the narrator states that the Archie comics may be outdated in this current era  but they are still ongoing and thriving ever since .

We then cut to the town of Riverdale  in a form of a different comic book dimension separated  from the real world where many versions of Archie and the gang  lived including , Josie and the pussycats, That Wilkin boy, the MLJ heroes like the shield , black hood, the fox, Sabrina  and more and although the 1950 to the 2000s Archie versions  lived there, they aged but interact each other very well, they can even interact with the previous and current version of the archie and the gang along with MLJ superheroes .

And speaking of the current version , we are then introduced to this current version of archie Andrews who is the modern version of Archie but follows through his predecessors traditions in typical shenanigans  like going to high school, dealing with the never ending  betty and veronica love triangle , end up in crazy shenanigans that lead to trouble like  with Mr. Weatherbee and Mr. Lodge, hanging out with the gang in the chocklit shop ,  beach parties and even interact with holiday themed archie characters like Jingles and Sugarplum and different versions of the Archie and the gang.

 And through out the first half, Archie went through his usual routine but slowly he gets bored and he begins to question the logic of this world and the situations around it, that's when the next day as Archie goes through his typical routine he does some things normal and this is a problem for him that the whole gang and even the other versions of archie himself in this world consider him "a freak" , so Archie with the advice from his friends Jughead , the teen genius Dilton and Sabrina the teenage witch  went to a different and discontinued version of Jughead from the early 1990s a nod to the Jughead who is infamous for his outdated skate punk appearance and seek his advice , the 90s jughead suggested Archie to go to the Real world and interact with the creator of him (the current version) to remove his current problem.

So Archie went on his journey to the real world along with Jughead and Betty and Veroncia who are coming along with him by having their witchy friend Sabrina and Dilton create a dimensional gate  that is shaped like a comic book panel and enter our world through a sealed comic book in a comic book shop  and with Archie entering our world to find his creator, Reggie Archie's rival who is jealous of Archie's popularity in the real world and the town of Riverdale decided to conquer the world of Riverdale and became the popular top guy in comic book history , he gathered various version of Reggie's like Evilheart, Dr. doom (not the marvel one but the mad scientist type) and the MLJ supervillains took over the world of Riverdale and imprison versions of Archie and the gang so Reggie and his different versions will continue their reign.

In the real world ,Archie and the gang are finding the creator of his current version but end up in wacky situations until Archie meets a young, troubled kid named Brian , who turns out he doesn't read Archie comics because the Archie  comic books still feels outdated especially that it turns out he is related to the current Archie's creator, so Archie and his friends went to Archie comics (which unlike the real life office version is a fancy comic book building like Marvel and DC) and they have to go secretly through a tour , when Archie unknowingly is separated from the tour , he saw a room called the hall of creators revolving around the people who created Archie and the gang consisting of  publishers Maurice Coyne, Louis Silberkleit, John L. Goldwater and his creator who is responsible for creating archie in the first place that began with the golden age version  Bob Montana , Archie was surprised when an old security guard named Chick who wears a familiar bowtie is impressed that Archie admires the creators and Publishers in this room like himself as he thinks of them as family , but then Archie's best friend  Jughead appears and ask Archie why he is cutting off from the tour group before Archie gives Jughead an explanation , the security guard Chick disappeared.

As the Archie's gang reached to the CEO's office when they see his creator Brian's dad having a conversation with the CEO  a parody of the current CEO of Archie comics about some suggestive pitches to the Archie comics when the CEO and his executives are shocked that the current Archie  and the gang are in the real world that they must recapture them and put them in a sealed book which claimed will return them to their world, Archie and the gang in panic  run for their lives, a chase ensues and as Archie and the gang along with Brian hide out in the comic book shop they noticed that there are no Archie comics but "Reggie comics" instead, the gang and Barry decided to quickly return to Riverdale by finding a Archie comic that sends them to the real world while at the same time the CEO of Archie comics fears have happened , without Archie in his Riverdale world ,Reggie has taken over Riverdale and the comic book line,  so they must find a path to where Archie comes from and put an end to it.

Meanwhile Archie ,Brian and the gang have found the comic book which remains unchanged  and use its page to send them back to Riverdale, Brian's father who secretly follow them enters the world of Riverdale and is amazed that he is the world of Archie Comics and as Brians father and his son continue bickering with Archie trying to calm things down, they are caught by the citizens of Riverdale who are forced under the iron grip of Reggie Mantle, he sentenced Archie , Jughead, Betty and Veronica and Brian and his father  to detention in Riverdale high school for life and sit next to 90's Jughead ,Sabrina (who is now powerless) ,Dilton and some discontinued characters of Archie comics,  Archie feels like hope is lost and useless but then his friends , Brian and even his dad tells him not to give up, that's when hope came and it was little Reggie who unlike his current teenage counterpart is kind to Archie and is considered a big brother and with that Archie and the gang made their escape and he got an idea.

The gang secretly sneak on the guards , make them lose consciousness, give Sabrina her powers back, equip with some of Dilton's inventions and release every characters of Archie's Riverdale gang including the superheroes, Sabrina and all the versions of the Archie gang form as an army and take down Reggie's Army to liberate Riverdale  and the final battle begins in a hilarious slapstick manner, such as Reggie summoning the zombies from After life with Archie but they got attracted to various pizzas and Burgers  made by jughead and Pop Tates and run towards them, Sabrina using her magic to turn some Reggie loyalists into frogs , Dilton uses his portal trap to send the goons into another planet with a cameo from Cosmo and after seeing that the fighting has gone too far,  Archie puts an end to this chaos with some touching speech and so  the citizens of Riverdale stop fighting , admitting their flaws and form a truce, thus Riverdale is saved, the Reggies, the superheroes and even versions of Archie make peace, but the current Reggie didn't' get away Scott free since he started all this trouble that he instead ends up in Detention for life .

And with peace in Riverdale restored,  most of the characters conflicts  have been resolved, Brian and his dad get together, the CEO of Archie comics who appeared  in Riverdale trying to prevent this mess is relieved that Riverdale is back to normal and that he accept Brian's dad idea of a different take of Archie who appeared in Riverdale , Betty and Veronica resolve their conflict and stalking of Archie, Jughead decides to overcome his fear of girls and confess his love to Ethel and the 90's jughead is now respected by  whole of Riverdale and gain some of his fans like Brian's dad  who consider him a cult favorite, but the current Archie felt that his conflict isn't resolved which is when Chick the security guard of Archie comics comes in and to the Archie Comics CEO's surprise it's revealed that Chick is really the original  golden age Archie himself as shown when Chick unzip his security guard jacket revealing to be the iconic "R" vest.

It's revealed when the 1950's version of Archie came , the original Archie and the gang decided to enjoy retirement, but the original Archie thought of going to the real world and admire the changes  both good and bad which is why he use his original name of Chick and became a security guard of Archie Comics where he will see how the comic book industry  went in progress until his passing many years later. But the real reason the golden Age Archie came to Riverdale , he needs to speak to the current Archie because the creators the "original ones" want to speak to him , the original Archie showed the current version to the chocklit shop and opens a secret doorway,  there huge stairs will lead to the big comic book studio in the sky and the original archie helps his current self climb to the top and inside the studio , the audience will be introduced to the people who  created Archie comics the publishers Maurice Coyne, Louis Silberkleit, John L. Goldwater and the cartoonist the man who gave birth to Archie and the gang Bob Montana, the publishers  in the movie are depicted as some ruff business bosses  with a gentler heart of gold as they ordered their  employee Bob  to draw some funny stories for  Archie and the gang , the golden age Archie tells his creators that the current version is here now , and this is when we hear the heartwarming moment when the current Archie talk to the creators about his own conflict that he questions the surrounding of his world, his existence  and his life around him , and wonders if it's time to leave Riverdale and "grow up" , Bob Maurice, Louis and John like parents to their children give some advice , they know that in the comics Archie and the gang are meant to be eternal teenagers and bring humor to generation of readers around the world including India, but sometimes nothing last forever, as things have change and so is Archie  along with the company as they add horror titles in its publications which is one of the reasons the golden age Archie goes to the real world and spend his time there witnessing the changes all over the years and even if one version of the Archie and the gang are replaced by another the thing that makes them Archie like Comedy  which brings laughs to many generation will never fade away, and like that Archie's conflict is resolved and he is ready to grow up and decides what he is going to do next and like that Archie waves good bye to his creator Bob Montana and the publishers  Maurice, Louis and John and climb downstairs with "Chick"

We then cut to the real world sometime later where Archie settles there  to "grow up" and use the nickname "Bob" (named after his creator Bob Montana) , took the job as janitor in Brian's school so he can hang out with him and see how life changes in the real world, he even makes contact to his friends from the Riverdale world  to see how they are doing and they are doing fine and the last scene ends with Archie with his nickname "Bob" having a friendly chat with his friend Brian when someone slipped to a wet floor Archie forgot to put a warning sign similar to the usual Archie comics humor  and screamed his name in anger, causing Archie to react in fear in a funny way.

The end credits will be snippets of archie comic books through out history including the end credits with a modern fun remix of Sugar, Sugar which is the Archies popular song.

What do you think?
I understand that Archie comics cannot make new series due to the post Covid-19 situation right now and that the only new content they are working on are short stories made by Archie comics which are published mostly in digests and one shot comics by in house Archie artists and writers.

But seeing that the horror stories in Archie comics are popular which are written by some people outside Archie comics according to this article despite that they are still one-shots and are  still drawn by in house Archie comics artists eventhough there are 3-issue miniseries drawn by freenlance writers and artists who worked for dark horse, DC and marvel .

It leads me to wonder if Archie comics should rebrand itself as an horror comic book company , think about it , horror stories in Archie comics are what gave them profit, but Archie is meant for humor even though they put the characters in horror stories some for black humor , so if horror stories is what gives the company profit then maybe they should focus on horror stories instead, and to do that they will sell the brand and the Archie characters to some publishing company perhaps IDW or Boom or maybe Warner bros , while rebranding the company aimed for horror companies with a name like "Madhouse" named after the surreal and later horror (used in the 1970s) Archie anthology series that began in the 1950s called Archie's Madhouse.

That way the company can hire freelance indie artists instead of in house Archie comic artists and even horror writers to make miniseries and ongoing series revolving around the horror genre without the Archie characters and will be used in sub-genre's like comedy,family , young adults,sci-fi and more. That way, the company will gain more profits .

So should Archie comics rebrand itself as an horror comic book company?
Everyone, I have something that I wanted to say, I am worried about Archie comic's future, because recently since the pandemic they haven't ended their hiatus on their Archie main series, no new miniseries and the only things new are one-shots made by Archie comics by house artists and some writer they hired, some one-shot horror stories and even some small short stories published in digest which consists of reprints of classic Archie stories eventhough they are making some horror 3 issue miniseries this year which is not enough like the cursed library and the already released Archie comics Judgement day. 

The reason I am worried is that with Archie comics not making many new stories due to the current situation, there will be problems for the company itself as if they won't fit in the times before the so-called "Archie renaissance" specially that their hit show on CW Riverdale had ended.

And what if someday with people look at classics through digital might not rely on digests anytime soon and if they can't get new artists and artists to make new stories that are main series or new miniseries for the company besides horror then the company might lead to bankruptcy that they will have to sell the Archie comics to some other companies to make new stories like IDW, Boom or worse Warner Bros while the Archie comics will have to deal with licensing and merchandising with other companies instead.

And those are the reasons why I am worried about the Archie comic's future.

According to an article that I found from :

It seems that Archie comics will greenlight three shows,Two live actions and one animated series.So I thought of giving my guess on what the three shows are all about

The first live action show will be based on Josie and the pussycats and will likely set  in the riverdale and chilling adventures of Sabrina universe with horror undertones,My guess is that it will be similar to the josie animated series from 1970 where the gang are  caught in adventure/mystery situation but it will have  a tone similar to the CW supernatural series where it will involve real supernatural forces  and real criminal activities much like the X files.

Or maybe the josie live action series will have them turn into werecats or vampires like the one from afterlife with Archie

The second live action show will be based on an obscure character published by Archie comics from the 50s called Sam Hill, Private Eye which will probably be a crime drama television series but will likely be set in its own universe in other words a standalone series not connecting to the riverdale universe.

And the third will be an animated series but unlike the dark live action shows it will be light-hearted and family oriented and will be faithful to the source material that is comedy as it involves the misadventures of Archie and his gang though I wish that a live action sitcom or a comedy drama would be nice.

an thats all my guess  on what Archie comic plan to greenlit three shows

As you all heard from this news :
The Archie main series will come back after the Archie 1941 miniseries ended which is no surprise for me because I am glad that the series will come back after the miniseries but the reason why I give mixed opinions on it is because it will be renumbered as 699 which will lead to issue 700,But I am not against renumbering because the reason they do renumbering is because Archie like other comic book magazine are long running and they keep on renumbering the issue to its original to show how many issues they publish,but my mixed opinion is that this series is continuing from the 2015 reboot version instead of the classic version.
I mean that's the problem because the reboot archie doesn't look like the classic archie eventhough it's faithful to its predecessors elements but still if they want to continue the main series they could have at least be renumbered as "1" just to be safe since the new team of Nick Spencer and Marguerite Sauvage will handle it and I also think it should give a hard reboot which will not happen at least until in about few years with a clean slate.

You know I read the news that a new miniseries called Archie 1941 will replace the Archie main series which is about to be in hiatus which I don't know 'why?'As it tells about the Archie gang in a 1941 setting after they graduate from high school reaching towards  adulthood as they deal with life in the  town of Riverdale when their country heads towards world war II.
Now my opinion is that I appreciate that the miniseries will take place in a year the character debuted however I think it should have  been the retelling of Archie and his gang earlier tales during the 1940s or least take place in the middle of the 40s and the 50s which was the era where the characters gain their popularity.
Still maybe we will see what the miniseries like as we take a look at the 1941 version of the Archie characters dealing with life in world war 2 era ,And I wonder if the main Archie series will come back after the miniseries ended and see if it is ongoing or not.
Archie comics has gained a renaissance after going through low sales throughout the 80's,90s and 2000s all thanks to the  the leadership of current CEO  Jon Goldwater.
It introduce a gay character named Kevin Keller,It introduce mature storytelling with Life with Archie: The Married Life that focus on Archie's married relationship with Betty and Veronica of both worlds.It introduce a horror series for teen readers called Afterlife with Archie which give a dark and grimmy  take on the archie characters while facing monsters and zombies.It with CW introduce a teen drama television version of the Archie characters called Riverdale which like Afterlife with Archie  is dark but with mystery elements.
And gave a reboot of the Archie universe with Archie #1 aiming for the teen demographic after ending the main classic line and speaking of the classic line,have you wondered that 3 years after the classic line ended.There isn't a single new classic lineup story in the main comic book lineup except the Digest because they are still running with new stories in classic line up  but there are mostly reprint and less new material.
Now even though the modern reboot stays faithful to the classic with its humour and drama. Archie comics attempted to revive the classic lineup with Your pal Archie which is a redesigned version of the archie classic with  new material, Archie vs predator which is black comedy crossover between archie characters and the predator painted in classic style but with gore and blood  and then the upcoming Betty and Veronica Friends forever ,
The classic style still has new material in the digest  since they are still available in the magazine racks that you see in your local supermarket but only less as they mostly reprints of various stories and will continue in various newspaper strips under creators syndicate as shown here : and even co-CEO Nancy Silberkleit which Jon Goldwater made a personal feud with her over the property distributing her own archie comics one of them focus on Autism awareness with a character named Scarlet as shown here :

But this is what we need to discuss in this topic,Will Archie main comic book line will one day return to it's classic style?

When I heard that that the upcoming miniseries called Archie Superteens vs Crusaders,I was amazed because it would be about the superhero version of the Archie gang teaming up with the golden/silver age version of the crusaders in an alternate Archie universe.

However I think that this miniseries should have belonged to the Archie Action brand because you see the Archie action brand focuses on Action and Adventure so without Sonic and the now ended Cosmo ,I think maybe  Archie Superteens vs Crusaders should have been used for the Archie Action brand instead,So that this brand will involve the action/adventure version of the Archie characters like Explorers of the unknown,Archei the barbarian and the superteens opposite to Archie horror where it focuses on the horror genre of the archie characters like Afterlife with Archie for example.

During the fall of 2017,It was announced that the title from Archie comics from the 50's Cosmo the Merry Martian will be rebooted as an Archie Action title (which is now an only title) written by Ian Flynn and aimed for the general audience ,But now when I look at Archie comics April 2018 solicitations,It just turned into a 5 issue miniseries as the cover says 4 of shown in this link

COSMO #4 (of 5)
Retailers: Combined initial orders matching or exceeding 75% of combined initial orders on issue #1 will receive an additional 10% discount.The evil battle princess Cleo has our hero Cosmo cornered! Is this the end of the mighty Martian's mission or will the wheel of fate turn in his favor? Find out in the penultimate chapter of this 5-part mini-series!Script: Ian FlynnArt: Tracy Yardley, Matt Herms, Jack MorelliCover: Patrick SpazianteVariant Covers: Vincent Lovallo, Asami MatsumuraOn Sale Date: 4/1832-page, full color comic$3.99 U.S.

So what caused this series reduced into a 5 issue miniseries?,Is it the sales,reviews or both?

Extended title : My reaction on Archie comic not making a  Dick Tracy Reboot Canceled Due to Licensing error from Tribune Content Agency

Some time ago,I heard the news that Archie is about to adapt Dick tracey and make a reboot of the series starting with his early detective cases ,However due to the  "preexisting licensing deal"  as mentioned by Tribune Content Agency the license-holders of Chester Gould's Dick Tracy through that reboot was cancelled before release.

Which is a darn shame,Because this would have  been Archie comics first official licensing deal with another property  since Sonic the hedgehog which IDW now owns the rights to make comic book adaptations of it.So I guess Archie comics will once again deal with their original properties like they do now. :-\
You know when I heard the news from the link that Archie comics is about to reboot an old property that was still printed in the newspaper strip called Dick tracey:

I was surprised because I thought Archie comics will focus only on their original property but now they are once again doing licensing comics this time by rebooting  Dick tracey,I am just surprised and almost speechless by this announcement,I guess the reason they are doing to get some extra cash for their company anyway I hope Archie comics will do their  best on Dick tracey even though I think IDW will fit for this job.

I understand the Riverdale (a non-comedy but mystery drama series) series is now a popular one in CW including Netflix, Which one of the reasons for the popularity is that most people don't read Archie comics which is comedy and later comedy drama for the reboot series.
But what if another live action series based on Archie comics property is made but would be faithful to the original source materials genre that is comedy but it will be a comedy-drama series like Scrubs,Orange Is the New Black or Freaks and Geeks
I mean the reason I think another live action series based on Archie comics property which is comedy but Comedy-drama should be made not like riverdale is because for many years the archie comic book series were full of comedy though they include drama before the present where the comics are subdivided into each brand based on every archie comics properties like New riverdale (the reboot which is comedy drama like the current Archie series),horror (afterlife with archie) and dark circle (the current mighty crusaders)
Think about it, another live action series will be based on Archie comics will be comedy like its source material but it will include drama dealing with serious topics including teenage ones like gun violence,bullying and teen pregnancy ,It should be inspired from the new riverdale brand the reboot archie comics and the older actors will be portrayed by adults and middle ages (especially Grundy who should be middle aged) while the teenager actors will be portrayed by actual teenagers or young adults just to be safe.
So what I am trying to say is if a live action comedy-drama series is based on an Archie Comics property which is not riverdale a mystery drama series is made ,How will audience react?
Look What I completed (?) a wraparound your pal Archie chocklit shoppe variant cover

When I read Archie Comics solicitations for January 2018 ,One of the upcoming comics for Archie:Actions ( former home of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series) is COSMO a reboot of the short lived funny sci fi Archie comic from the 1950's and I have Mixed feelings about this.You see The positive side in me thinks that reviving an old but almost forgotten funny science fiction comic is great with new designs and a bit of adventure in it's theme and it will be aimed for young and old audience alike along with the reprints of the classic archie comics.But the negative side in me told me that this will be the only product in Archie Actions brand and that is considered a problem how will readers sell this only product  in that line,Archie comics should have at least make new titles for the Archie Actions brand before releasing Cosmo for 2018,I mean even if it gets positive review the sales will be low and it will be cancelled. The only way to prevent it is to have Archie Action brand be rebranded as a family brand and maybe revive  few titles aimed for both young and old audience rather than  the now teen focussed archie brand like Little Archie and Lil Jinx (the original) with maybe some original titles based or not based on any archie property and let Cosmo be a part of that line.
Or Maybe have Archie comics make a family brand with maybe the  revived Little Archie and lil Jinx (original) with family friendly Archie titles  and let Cosmo migrate in that new brand  since the design is childish and cartoonic.While the Archie Action brand will be rebranded and aimed for teen audience which will consist of the revival  of old archie action/adventure properties like Super Teens,The Man from R.I.V.E.R.D.A.L.E and Archie the Barbarian along with maybe the original action/adventure series based on any archie property or let the Archie Action brand be dead.
I got some news from that Archie comics is about to launch Betty and Veronica Vixens another archie alternate universe spinoff starring Betty and Veronica where it takes place in another world where Betty and Veronica are biker girls taking on every bad biker gang and pays homage to the Biker girl movies from the  late 60's to the 70's and also the female equivalent of the Sons of Anarchy and will revive The Mighty Crusaders where it will involve the Dark circle version of the mighty crusaders. You can check out the news source from this link right here:

But still seeing with these upcoming releases ,I think I am going to guess what these two new titles are used for, I think Betty and Veronica Vixens will be used for the newly Rebranded Archie Action where it involves the action version of the Archie characters as Superheroes like 'Pureheart and the superteens' and Spies like The Man from R.I.V.E.R.D.A.L.E Because unlike the alternate horror spinoffs which is Archie Horror/Madhouse like Afterlife with Archie, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and Jughead The hunger. Vixens would pay tribute to the Action Biker gang films from the 60's and 70's and will help to rebrand Archie:Action since it no longer has the long running Sonic the Hedgehog comics.

And with the upcoming revival of The mighty Crusaders with the Dark Circle Characters,I think that the series will return the brand to its light tone but is still aimed for the Teen Audience since Superheroes comics are for Teens only and will probably rebrand Dark Circle as Red Circle so that it can follow the process DC and MARVEL did with Rebirth and LEGACY.
Since Archie Comics and Sega's partnership comes to an end after 24 years, That means Sonic the Hedgehog # 291 and Sonic Universe # 95 will become the final story of the Archie Sonic Universe before Sega will find another comic book company possibly IDW to make a new comic book adaptation of Sonic the Hedgehog.

But in case if the 2 comic book issues are  never made, I am going to write the plot details  of the revised Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 291 and Sonic Universe # 95 which the latter will be the eulogy for the series.
It will be similar to what Dark Horse did with the Star Wars comic book series before giving its rights to Marvel  since Disney bought the franchise with Star Wars (dark horse 2014) issue 20 except Star wars legacy vol 2 and Archie Comics with Mega Man issue 55 ,If only this will happen to Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series .Well anyway,

Plot Details:
Sonic the Hedgehog#291 –The story will remain the same as this will be the adaptation of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 but it will be marketed as the final issue as there will be  narrations by tails about him and Sonic's first encounter with Knuckles  during their battle with Dr. Eggman. Then some added new last pages will reveal Sonic (the present one after the Shattered world crisis and the panic in the sky storyline)  reading Tails Journal about their adventures, When he heard that Tails is coming back from his walk. Sonic quickly closes the book and pretends that he didn't read Tails Journal as he is going out for a morning walk, Tails begins to suspect that Sonic had read some of his Journal but he decides to ignore it as he  is about to write about his next journal entry about his friendship with Sonic which will be explained in Sonic Universe # 95 the final issue of the series as well as the finale of Archie's Sonic Universe.
The info box at the end will say something like this  'Well Guys, That's the end of Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series, Thank you for 291 issues but if you want to see what Tails is writing in his Journal and see how this will all end , read Sonic Universe#95'

Off Panel Segment: This Off-Panel will be considered one page  as this involves characters shock that the series is cancelled and that there are many things that they wanted to do, Here's how it goes ,The Character are preparing for the next storyarc when suddenly Sonic gets a horrifying news from twitter that their Comic book series is cancelled. This cause the characters to panic and complain as they are shocked that the series didn't reach their 300th issue milestone ,there are too many plots left unresolved, and there are upcoming story arcs which are  never to be told  and that Eggman is making plans for his world conquest, The Off Panel segment ends with Sonic looking discontent at seeing his friends and enemies panic for the inevitable

Sonic Universe #95-This will be the final issue of the series as well as the finale of Archie's Sonic Universe and it will be similar to Archie's Mega Man final issue before the issue (in reality cancellation) but it will be considered a farewell to the Archie Sonic Universe, The plot continues where Sonic the Hedgehog#291 left off as tails is about to write his journal entry about his friendship with Sonic .He will also write some of the details about his adventures with Sonic during the Pre-genesis wave through good times and dark times but there will not be any mention of Ken Pender's creations due to 'you know' lawsuit and then Tails will also write about his post genesis wave adventures that is the Shattered world crisis saga. The framing segment will also have Sonic going for a morning run and greet his friends including the Archie ones  (but no kender's characters) along with Tail's narrations saying that Sonic cares about his friends and his world and won't let anyone like Dr. Eggman ruin it.
Sonic will then have a moment of Silence for Chip (the light Gaia) who merge with the Gaia Colossus and the Dark Gaia to prevent Sonic's world from being destroyed as shown with Sonic still holding the bracelet he got  from chip. After a moment of Silence Sonic witness Eggman in his Egg Mobile and his goons about to conquer Sonic's world as always. As Sonic calls his friends to join him in defeating Eggman ,Tails finish his Journal entry before joining his friends as he says whatever bad thing  happens Sonic and his friends will always save the day as the final splash page shows Sonic and his friends charging in toward Eggman and his Army .As this will be considered as 'And the Adventures continues' ending where Sonic and his friends continue their never-ending battle and adventures .

The info box at the end will say something like this  'After 95 issues ,The series is over for now but Sonic and his friends adventures will live on,  Thank you for 25 years Sonic fans'

Off Panel Segment: The Off-panel will be considered a farewell to Archie's Sonic universe as the characters 'leave the set' after the series has come to an end and that Archie and Sonic 's partnership is over after many years especially that it pays tribute to the final moments to the series finale of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, It will also come in one or two pages  ,Here is how it goes: Sometime after  the off panel segment from Sonic #291,and taking place in party in the studio Set Sonic with tears in his eyes gives a heartwarming speech saying that even though their series is coming to an end ,he believes that they will meet again and after they raise their glass possibly water or champagne some person off panel tells them it's time to close the set.
And then we see the group of character exit the set one by one as each of the group sings It's a Long way to Tipperary ,First the original characters from the post genesis wave made by the staff of Archie Comics, Then the characters from the  post adventures era by Sega, Then the original  characters from the Pre Genesis wave made by the staff of Archie comics (but no characters by Ken Penders which again is due to lawsuit) ,Then the villains Eggman and his goons ,Then Sonic's friends Knuckles, Tails and Amy and finally Sonic himself before joining his friends stands  in front of the door alone takes one last look at the set and then us readers before he turns off the light and close the door leaving the panel all black and thus bringing Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog series to an end.

What do you think?
Bad news sonic fans,As you all heard Archie's Sonic the hedgehog comic book series along with Sonic Universe is about to end because after many years Sega and Archie ended partnership   :'(

Which means that in about few months this year , Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 291 and Sonic Universe 95 will be rewritten as the final issue similar to Megaman before reaching to hiatus later revealed to be cancelation.

Let's hope the series will go off with a bang with issue 291 (along with Sonic Universe 95) since the series is about to end after many years.
Guys,You're not going to believe this but when I read the news about the announcement that Jughead:The Hunger the Archie Horror one shot is about to be a full series and is about to debut on Halloween this year.:

I discovered the brand logo that Archie Comic is about to unofficially 'unannounce'  that they are going to  rebrand Archie Horror as Archie's Madhouse which was named after the surreal science fiction horror comedy anthology series from 1959 to 1982.

And I have proof ,Here is the Archie Horror logo:

and here is the new name for Archie's Horror Brand 'Archie's Madhouse'

What do you think?Do you believe that Archie Horror is about to be rebranded as Archie's Madhouse
Look, This maybe considered a weird theory but here goes,You know the Archie Reboot that's been ongoing since 2015,I was thinking suppose if the writers run out of ideas for the reboot and that the characters will keep on evolving throughout the years ,I have a feeling in about few years,The Archie reboot will end and will end with the characters graduating and will have an epilogue showing their new lives though It will probably never show who Archie is married to.

Then there will be another reboot to the Archie Comics series probably about going back to the Classic roots or something new with new designs.I mean, I understand there are new writers who are going to take over the title but I  still think that those writers will probably run out of Ideas since the characters will evolve through time and then they will end this era while creating a new one.

Am I right ? Will the Archie reboot end in about few years and replace with a new reboot?