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Messages - Jugman

Addams Family
Welcome/Introductions / Re: Hi Archie Fans
October 22, 2016, 05:28:18 PM
Quote from: SAGG on October 22, 2016, 10:41:34 AM

Quote from: Jugman on October 20, 2016, 10:16:20 AM
My name is Scott and I am 40 years old and been an Archie Comics reader since my early teen years. My favorite character is Jughead as I love his carefree attitude.

Hello, and welcome!  :)
Hello and thank you.
General Discussion / Re: What have you done today?
October 22, 2016, 09:53:08 AM
It's Saturday and dreary and windy outside. Think I'll stay in and read and watch TV. today.
Welcome/Introductions / Re: Hi Archie Fans
October 21, 2016, 08:59:25 AM
Quote from: BettyReggie on October 20, 2016, 10:03:51 PM
Hi, welcome Jugman . Are you reading the Reboot of Jughead? If you are do like Erica Henderson or Derek Charm as the artist?
I actually have read some of it and really like the artwork of Derek Charm. I think he has done the best job so far on this book. I also like Erica Henderson.
General Discussion / Re: What have you done today?
October 20, 2016, 03:05:20 PM
Right now I just started watching The Nightmare Before Christmas. I love that movie. It is on Free Form.

This is going to be tough to answer.

OK for the loveable but also dislikable Archie Andrews I really like him when he is falling all over himself and pretty much as hard as he tries everything seems to go wrong throughout the majority of the story. I love the stories when he gets the boot out of the Lodge Mansion.

It is much easier for me to come up with something I do not like about Betty Cooper and that is that she is unrealistic too good. I like her much more when she is scheming against Veronica to get her mitts on Archie. To me it makes for more of a fun Betty and a fun story.

Now for Veronica Lodge who is probably my 2nd favorite character of the main characters. The thing I really like about Veronica is although she is extremely spoiled which I feel is not fully her fault, but she also does share her wealth with her friends. How many times have Betty and the rest of the gang hopped abroad Daddy's Jet or Yacht to go all over the world. That is pretty amazing about her.

Reggie Mantle always seems to be the character that people love to hate. I don't see that in him at all. Sure he plays pranks all the time on his friends, but heck I remember growing up with my friends and we did the exact same thing and these guys were my true friends. I think he is a bit immature at times with his pranks, but what teenager hasn't been. Deep down I think he cares for all of his friends.

Now to my favorite character Jughead Jones where there is so many things I like about him. I absolutely love his sense of adventure and imagination. Of course who wouldn't love to be able to eat like a glutton and stay as thin as his is. Also love that he loves to relax, but also in the Time Police he is very active in helping out in those stories. As for the Lady Hater this is probably my least favorite thing about Jughead. I was glad that in Life With Archie he did end up with Midge.
Welcome/Introductions / Re: Hi Archie Fans
October 20, 2016, 12:11:00 PM
Quote from: 60sBettyandReggie on October 20, 2016, 12:05:16 PM
Hello Scott, welcome!  :)
Thank You 60sBettyandReggie.  :)
What I love seeing in the Christmas Digest Covers making an appearance. Love it.

1. Jane's Addiction- Jane Says
2. R.E.M.- Fall On Me
3. The Clash- Should I Stay Or Should I Go
4. Violent Femmes- Blister In The Sun
5. The Smiths- Half A Person
6. Talking Heads- Psycho Killer
7. The Cure- Hot Hot Hot !!!
8. The Smiths- The Boy With The Thorn In His Side
9. Morrissey- Everyday Is Like Sunday
10. Ramones- Beat On The Brat
General Discussion / Re: What have you done today?
October 20, 2016, 10:19:48 AM
I haven't done much even though I woke up early. I ate breakfast, showered, and now will do some envelope stuffing jobs I suppose.
Just got Archie Double Digest 273 so I started getting into that.
Welcome/Introductions / Hi Archie Fans
October 20, 2016, 10:16:20 AM
My name is Scott and I am 40 years old and been an Archie Comics reader since my early teen years. My favorite character is Jughead as I love his carefree attitude.