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Reviews / PTF Reviews Blue Baron 1.1
May 13, 2018, 12:38:33 PM
 Here we goes! Brand new reviews....of comics about five or six months old. Who knows, I might even review Start Up by the year 2020 at this break neck pace.

Before the thirteen stars and bars, there was a hero who fought taxation without representation with the speed of January gale and the strength of an oxen—The Blue Baron. And then there's Ernie: a bullied, superhero fanboy who gets way too many hugs from his mom. What happens when these two meet? Find out as we review BLUE BARON 1.1

Oh, and a brief keynote

Blue Ernie = Ernie in Blue Baron's body

Ernie Baron = Blue Baron in Ernie's body.

Memorize it. It will be your guide for the rest of the reviews.

The Good

The writing: This is a very funny book. I love the tour guide's talk on how he wasn't a scientist and the flashback red coat's "see which end of the rifle is effective for extracting information.". I like how there are superhero fantasy teams. And I can't think of a joke I didn't like. I also like the idea of a kid who follows superheroes becoming one of the heroes...just the one he thinks is a dork.

Blue Baron and Ernie are written well. We don't really get to see much of Blue Baron when he isn't in "witty banter mode" But from what we do get after the accident—he's kind of a jerk. Ernie's reactions and the brief fight he gets in with other heroes make sense—bullied kid who finally can fight back. And the reason for the fight is set up since the reflex makes total sense. And I like the bits of dialogue with Blue Baron using words like "continental" in place of money and Ernie with his ai dio mio. Just little things to make characters stand out.

And the issue does a great job of introducing the cast. We have the main characters. But we also get to see Ernie's geek clique, Slater and his gang of bullies,  the Superhero Union, Carson Corp. The only people that get short changed are Ernie's dad and his little sister, but the last page does gives us a good idea what she's going to be like—annoying little sister. Hey, not all tropes are bad.

And we're set up to a few mysteries to explore in future issues such as who is The Mikado? And the Specimen 6? What is it?

The art: Ron Frenz does a great job. I've been a fan of his work since Spider-Girl so I was extremely happy to see that he is the artist and he doesn't disappoint. The characters are all drawn real well with various size, shape and personalities. I read you the dialogue and then show you the comic, you'd go, "okay, that's what I was imagining or I can see that." I already knew he could do action but his comedy is great. When Blue Ernie decides to test out his powers on some poor guy and his car is hilarious. Bull and Raider in their last panel is great with Bull just having the most happy face. The fight scenes have great energy and I love the way Blue Ernie is shown fighting: just thrashing about with his eyes closed. Something I'd see a wimpy nerd do.

Mayday lives! Yeah. Apparently Spider-Girl went to a different universe, got married, and had kids. Good for her. Because Marvel Comics are pretty bad right now.

The coloring and lettering. I like it all. The colors really pop. Especially the sound effects during fights. And the colors and style make sense like "Thug" is pretty simple and orange and when Ernnie spills his milk SPLASH is colored white or GOOSH you'd imagine it. The lighting during the flashback stands out to me. And the inking by Sal Buscema is great. He always jelled really welll with Frenz in the Spider-Girl book and the magic is still there.

The Bad

How the issue ends. Okay, I get that this is a comic split up into bits and it ends on a funny joke, but it does violate one rule of first issues I have...leave me wanting to read the next issue. Just some intrigue or a cliffhanger that can't make me wait to pick up the next issue. It jus doesn't hammer that for me.

A few names please. I kind of wish we had gotten the first names of Ernie's family. The mom especially since she's in it way more. I don't know, it's just a pet peeve of mine. Probably because (insert name) would be easier to write in a review than Ernie's little sister.

Bad tour layout. Haven't we learned anything about kids going on a field trip to anything scientific? Especially when there's a door labeled "RESTRICTED." 'Cause you know one of those little mutants is going to get all gamma powered up or something. Usually it's the loser nerdy kid.

What I learned.

That I was right in Freshmen American History; there were superpowered people who defended the colonists against the redcoats.
  • Apparently, the Blue Baron Universe and Marvel Universe have the same "we're heroes, let's just fight" rules.
  • I don't blame Bull. I too look for a reason to say that phrase in life. Sadly, nothing has come up yet.
  • Only idiots draft Blue Baron in the first round in Superhero Fantasy Leagues.
  • I don't know what's worse: having a field trip in science labs with an open restricted door...or that there was a particle disemmentator on display!!!
  • Classic costumes never go out of style.
  • Ernie's mom might be too smothering. You people decide.
  • Slater has perfected his bully technique well.
  • I don't know who this Cedric Carson is but I'm willing to be he's not important to the story at all. Nope.
  • When your supervillain name is Liquidator...your story has really only two ways to end...and it's not the one where you become a cartoon water dog
It's a good issue. The writing and art are great. Coloring and lettering is super. I can't say it's a great issue because the ending feels so abrupt and doesn't pull the reader to wanting the next issue immediately. And I hate when characters are introduced and not named that issue. I'll give it a B+

And for everyone who wants to give this a read, last I checked, this issue is free at the Sitcomics website. Check it out. Read it.

And now to review—THE ISSUES I HAD TO PAY FOR!!

Reviews / Re: PTF Reviews Super Suckers #4
February 19, 2018, 12:28:41 AM
PTF Reviews Super Suckers 4.3

As I was in the middle of writing this review. Got a call from my uncle. Seems he had some timers on his DVR that one of my little cousins had put in that I needed to—what does Matt Hardy like to say? Oh yes...--DELETE!!

Anyway, it was a fun little scavenger hunt. First I had to find the remote because the TV display was set where I could only see half the options. Cabinet in the bathroom. Makes sense, right? How it took me twenty minutes, I'll never know.  Then I had to look in each room, each filled with junk and debris to find two AAA batteries for the TV remote.

Seriously, why do old people buy new technology? Heck, I have another uncle I've had to program about eight different phones in the last year. I'm not joking. He gets angry and quits and gets another cheap one. And those stupid cheap ones are all better than my flip phone!

I'm sorry everyone. I shouldn't vent at you. I should take all the anger I have out on this comic issue. Now where were we....

When we last left off, Jess believes her boss to be a vampire and tries to get Stewart to be the suckee, but Willow has whisked him away so she settles for Trevor. Stewart has dumped pretend girlfriend Vera. Vera and Kelly have tricked the Thunderhearts (ho!!!) to play Greek Fest and Willow is a vampire who has diabolical plans. So y'know, pretty uneventful issue. But let's see what happens in

Super Suckers 4.3 Dream Warriors!

Things I did like.

1.   The writing. It's the typical funny issue and it actually had some good character moments. Surprisingly, from Trevor when he opens up to Stewart. I mean, he stills threatens to beat the heck out of him, but the guy has depth. Kelly even got some backstory where you can relate to her (first person in her family who went to college) And you have Willow with a backstory, maybe a little overlywinded, but it does make sense. And I actually like that a character does something wrong and actually has to face consequences like Jess did.
And the humor is still great. I like the body surfing with Jess just having it the worse. Stewart "standing up to Trevor." Kelly being from Looneyville, WV. That is just perfect. Trevor's reasoning from not trying to help Stewart when he felt something was up. And yeah, I had a problem with Kelly being a psycho and beating up the innocent body guard, but I love her when she's in the middle of a life or death race and she innocently says hello to the guy and he just panics.
And we got some action and a pretty good solution to the problem. And things have advanced as secrets are revealed, love is found, and the next issue should be interesting. Seriously, you can only have someone not find out a secret until they're just stupid. Looking at you, Lois Lane!
So all in all good work from Darin Henry and David Tolentino

2.   The art. Yeah, this was more like it. I don't know. It seemed like last issue Shultz was in a bit of a rush. Not this one as it's back to what I expect. I think my favorite page would be page four with Trevor coming back after—the thing that would get this review not PG rated—and only has one shoe on. And Stewart's facial reactions.
3.   Coloring and Lettering. Another great issue. I mean, there is one UNFORGIVABLE MISTAKE...but yeah, I'm really happy. I really like all the lighting for Greek Fest. And I have one questioning. How hard do you toss someone head first into a wall to get a BANG ?

Things I didn't like.

1.   Wow. Glen Whitmore made a boo-boo. Yeah. Brace yourselves. Glen Whitmore is not perfect. From last issue to this, the Thunderheart band has different colored hair. Such a major oversight. I don't know how this comic series or humanity itself will ever recover.

2.   The senior RHO RHO page. Um, yeah, it was funny, but call me crazy, but wouldn't it have made more sense to have Kelly and Vera brag to Paisley? The person who started all of this? She's not seen again. So you can put her in with Jonas in the "creeps who get away with being creeps who cause all the heroes' problems" category. Heck, at least have the old ladies at Greek Fest. As it is, this is a page I can delete and nothing would be lost when it comes to the overall story.

3.   We might not see Ruben again. NOOOOOOOO!!! He's like a Kevin Keller with a personality, and better written and drawn, ready to unleash quick quips at a whim!!

Things I learned from what I read:
1.   Kelly is from Looneyville. ...Well, I was close.
2.   Women can't finish a fight to the death when a wardrobe malfunction happens.
3.   You need a seatbelt when body surfing.
4.   There is no reason to go to West Virginia. They have nothing and nothing fun goes there. (Man, there is some Dan Parent fan in West Virginia who really does not like me.  )
5.   You know what they say when you make assumptions...
6.   Jess is the second place trophy.
7.   Women are scornful; vampires are vindictive.
8.   Well, I guess Trevor isn't wrong that it's not the worst way to go.
9.   Thunderhearts—hear their music! Hear their voice! Thunderhearts are loose! Thunder-Thunder-Thunder-Thunderhearts!
10.   Vampires in this universe CAN turn into bats. As long as they don't sparkle, I'm cool.

So this is easily my favorite part. I felt everything came together, all the plot lines, to a satisfying conclusion. The only things I can find wrong is maybe a page that really doesn't go with the rest of the story and the least important coloring error that no one would ever care about. I give this issue and A.

So there we have it. I'm all out of Sitcomics to review. So until next time when I have money! And please, if you're reading this, pick up the books. They're all good and well worth the price.

Reviews / Re: PTF Reviews Super Suckers #4
February 19, 2018, 12:28:10 AM
I'll check. But in my defense, it has been awhile from the first two issues to the last two. :)

PTF Reviews Super Suckers 4.2

Well, another Valentine's Day has come and gone. And I followed through on my tradition of being alone and spending the next day crying. I also watched Valentine's Day for the very first time. It's horrible. How can the man who gave us The Fonz subject us all to that drech?

But this isn't a movie review, it's a comic review. And when we last left off, Kelly and Vera have to get The Thunderhearts (hooooooo!) to play at Greek Fest, Jess thinks her boss is a vampire, and Stewart is Stewart. And someone is set to bring chaos into the lives of our heroes. So let's review....

Super Suckers 4.2

Things I did like.

The writing. Yeah, it's a funny story. I think my favorite part is the Trevor sequence with Tatiana. And even though the Vera eye gag hit close to home (Don't have zippers on your pillow case, you wake up on one of those, you're eye hurts for a day!!) it was still funny and the poor guy who she mistook for Stewart. Stewart being a loser geek is always fun, especially when his stupid ego he doesn't warrant leads him to trouble. Jess trying to make her job easier and how it coincides with the Willow being a vampire is setting up nicely. Kelly and Vera were great together in their plan to get Thunderheart to play at Greek Fest. And I'm just a sucker for reading funny accents.  I had a few problems but nothing that hurts the overall story.

The art. It's not up to his best but it's still pretty good. The best pages for me are page 12 just before we go to commercial and page ten because of all the different facial and body expressions going on. I love the expression of the guy who Vera blindly kissed. He looks like the life was drained out of him. It's not his best issue of Super Suckers but I still like the work he's done.

The Coloring and lettering: Whitmore and Marshall do a great job like always. My favorite coloring is the salt and pepper shakers coming back from commercial. And I really like the moon glow. And the sound effects and word balloon effects were good. Can't go wrong when I get a SLUGGO.

Things I didn't like.

1.   Kelly's a jerk again. Here's the thing, I don't mind her threatening Thunderheart because he's kind of a sleaze so that's fine with me. Beating up the bodyguard who didn't do anything; that's the problem I just wish he had an attitude with her or made an unwanted pass at her. Something to deserve it. Again I'm of the Bugs Bunny school of "you start anything with me, that warrants me going at you nonstop." Also, it just kind of ends. Next we see Kelly she's crying about Thunderheart saying no. So he took the beating? I think it would have been better if he had just not reacted to the strength (since we later learn he's pretty much fired his brain) and Kelly's bluff being called and her running away crying leading to her next panel. These pages just really contradicts with how Kelly has been the last and most of this issue. That or she's just from Crazytown and that's how they function.

2.   I thought she hated her?!?! So Kelly goes to Jess after Thunderheart told her he wasn't playing at Greek Fest and Jess breaks up with her, Tatiana? Yeah, Jess still hated her last time I checked even after setting her up. She just wanted her to ease up at the workplace. I think it would have been better if Jess felt she just solved her own problem and just didn't want to get involved with Kelly's problem right after and walked out on her.

3.   Greekfest or Greek Fest. Page ten there's a word balloon with "Greekfest" instead of Greek Fest. Nothing escapes me...except love.

4.   The art. Wow. This is rare, huh. But there are a few problems I actually had. It just seemed like the art was rushed on a few pages. For example, page five check out panel three. Are those three black spots supposed to be a shadow? And a few panels hands look really rough. In one panel, Jess definitely only has four fingers on one hand, but maybe it evens out because she has six on the other (page 10 panel four).   And few inking spots that I found questionable. I mean, overall the art is great, but there are a few noticeable things I can't really ignore.  It just seemed like he was in a rush.

5.   Stewart. What kind of person rolls up a comic like that?!!?

Things I learned from what I read.
1.   Kelly is still a psychopath.
2.   Dragos might be a liar.
3.   Horsefeathers, Poppycock, and Bullpucky, on the case for you!
4.   Trevor's always willing to help a friend.
5.   Comic store owners all talk like well known Shakespearean scholar The Mighty Thor.
6.   There is no such thing as a rock star doing it only for the art. It's for the women.
7.   Paint chip addition is a real problem amongst college students.
8.   We all need a briefcase filled with cupcakes.
9.   Betty and Veronica both heard Dan Parent is getting ANOTHER series to ruin old school Archie stories for the masses so they moved to Dung Hill, Pennsylvania instead.
10.   The Super Center is really on the ball when it comes to updating their giant sign.

Things are being set up for the season finale (what issue five isn't out) as we're probably getting to Greek Fest and a confrontation with Willow. The jokes really landed for me. And the art overall was good. There were patches in both that I felt needed going over but overall the comic is still worth reading for anyone. It's a B.

So tune in when I review Super Suckers 4.3!!!
Reviews / PTF Reviews Super Suckers #4
February 13, 2018, 09:11:57 PM
 PTF Reviews Super Suckers 4.1

Back by popular person! And that person is the creator! Will he regret that decision? Lets find out as we read--

Super Suckers cuatro el dotto uno!!!

Things I liked:

The writing. Hey, it's the first part for a story and it gets the ball rolling like it should do. We get to learn more about Jess and where she works. We're introduced to my new favorite character Ruben. We have the universe and everyone in it taking it to Stewart. You have continuity with Kelly's wackiness coming to bite her and Trevor wanting the date Jess promised him. Stewart dealing with Vera being in love with him is great. And I like that the universe and everyone not Vera just does not like him. Vera is great this issue with RHO as she pretty much does not half acknowledge the existence of what is going on. We're introduced to WILLLLOOOW JENKINNNNNSSS (no, sadly, she doesn't charge into the room recklessly) And we get a nice twist to end the issue. And I don't know why but in the basement during the coup planning, I like how they're in the dark and using candles. It's just so stupid and I love it.

The art. Hah. I love the kid sticking his tongue out at the readers on page 10 and the reactions he gets. It's just a fun way to introduce F.U.C and making it fun. And yeah, it's the normal great art by Shultz. Another sequence I liked is Stewart in the trash and having a bird fly involved in the scene gives a good indication of pace and time. It's just the Archie style done right. Too bad it's not being done at Archie, but I'll take greatness where I can find it.

Coloring and lettering. Standard good stuff I expect. I love Kelly's color scheme when she learns she could be kicked out of RHO. The yellows are great. Also the lighting in the basement. As for the lettering we have Tatiana's word balloon with the bold lines when she's responding to Jess on how her voice sounds deep when angry. Plus we get a few icy cold word balloons from Jess and Kelly.

The Gang's All Here: Well, if you wanted everyone in the comic back, you got it. And I think all the supporting characters have the time that each one warrants. So if you're a stickler for "everyone has to be in this comic." Here you go. Be quiet now!

Kelly: Last issue I had a problem with her being slightly out of character—A.K.A. being a major jerk. Well, she's back to be her nice self. We even learn her last name is Kellogg. Which fills me with hope that one day a character named D'Artagnan General Mills will grace the world. And with all the trouble being a vampire has causes her she now has to deal with a coup and having to get a popular band just to keep herself in RHO RHO RHO. I just thought she was a highlight this issue with her various reactions.

Paisley's turned heel!  Before she was just acerbated by the wacky people around her, now she wants to take over! Or at least get rid of Kelly and Vera. I like this because it gives the Paisley character something to do, gives her more personality, and it does make sense since she didn't like Vera being put in the sorority and got her objections being shot down by Kelly. Also how Kelly's been acting since being a vampire. So it does make sense. Not saying it couldn't have used development, but I do like the idea and concept of it all and it will probably lead to some good stories later on. So it's definitely more good than bad.

Ruben: I like this guy. Just his reactions to different people are great. He has my favorite line in the comment on page 15 that made me laugh out loud for a good bit.

Things I did not like.

WILLOOOWWW JJEEENNNWARRGOOO...? Whuh?: When the National President of RHO RHO RHO was first introduced her name was Willow JENKINS. When Kelly enters kangaroo court, her name is now Willow WARGO. And this isn't the first time for the series as Paisley went by a different name (India) from one issue to the next before, hopefully, settling on Paisley. These little mistakes drive me crazy. I mean, I understand making mistakes. It's going to happen. I'm sure Darin Henry had and has a ton of other stuff going on. My problem is not catching it. This is just something you would see on a proofread.

"Paisley's been after my presidency since I was elected." I just wish that line wasn't there because—I just never got that attitude from any of Paisley's past issues., I like the concept and idea but the reasoning for it feels forced. I think it would work better if Paisley was upset that she was ignored (like in the first issue about wanting to paint lettering red two hours ago and letting Vera join RHO) and just Kelly's weirdness since becoming a vampire (see issue two with the make-up dilemma) and it just built up to her becoming an antagonist instead of having it just "she always wanted my job."

Hey where'd that candle go? Paisley had a candle with her in the basement and then it's gone. WHERE DID IT GO?! WHERE DID IT GO?!?  Eh, I guess she could have put it down or something. Not that big a deal when you think about it...

No commercials. Eh, I guess some will miss them. I liked the story enough where I didn't miss them, but if you're into the feel of reading a sitcom then yeah.
What I learned from what I read.

Lyric is smarter than Summer, which is like saying a rock is smarter than poop.
  • You get unlimited refills with your Big Swig Chug Mug.
  • The Johnny Thunderheart Band is the greatest band since The Misfits!
  • Trevor, Ever Vigilant Security Associate!!!
  • Kelly's last name is Kellogg.
  • Ruben has a backstory we all should know.
  • There are people who make plans, and people who make the plans reality. Guess which one you want to be.
  • RHO RHO RHO really has a lot on its plate. Blood drives, couples get together, Greek's almost too much work to get to the fun!
  • "Young Women Get Killed In Basements pt 4" is the best in the series. The worse?  "Young Women Get Vaguely Harmed In Basements." Stupid PG-13 rating.
  • Paisley is SUPER peeved she did not get to go to the beach with the rest of the sorority.


Yeah, it's a super fun issue. The art and writing is the usual greatness I expect. Jess has workplace problems, Kelly has to find a way to stay in RHO RHO RHO, and Stewart has to deal with Vera., she orbits reality occasionally like normal. It's a great read and fun. I like Ruben. Willow and Tatiana look to be fun antagonists going ahead for the rest of the story. And I like Paisley turning bad. I think the series needs a reoccurring villain. Like how Teddy Ruxpin had Tweeg.


I watched the Teddy Ruxpin cartoon when I was a kid. I'm old. I'm shocked I remember so much about it. But I'm not ashamed. Because there is nothing to be ashamed about.  NOTHING

There are problems with this issue. Like not being able to keep characters names straight. It's just a constant problem this series has had. And I think Paisley's heel turn was forced; I think it should have been developed more.

But while annoying, name problems doesn't affect the Willow character and I like Paisley's new attitude in this story and where it could lead.

I give this issue a B+

So tune in next time when I review Super Suckers 4.2.!!!
Reviews / Re: PTF Reviews Super Suckers #3
February 13, 2018, 01:16:27 AM
Sure. Read 4.1 late last night and I'll post my review some time.  :)
Reviews / Re: PTF Reviews Super Suckers #3
February 07, 2018, 06:40:37 PM
PTF Reviews Super Suckers 3.3

Sorry for being late on this review. First there was the Super Bowl where, after a season of getting everything their way, the karma fairy finally got The Patriots! And then Tuesday, my Uncle had an allergic reaction to a cold pill. And fell down. A lot. Don't worry he didn't hurt himself and the pill has just about worn off and he's getting his strength back.

So this review will be a little shorter because I am super tired. Speaking of things that are "super"


Things I liked.

1.   The writing. Well, the story was well paced over the three issues, beginning, middle, and ending. And things wrapped up nicely save for one thing that I'll go into later in the review. And it was a pretty funny issue with Nurse Peggy being bat puking insane. I loved Kelly sacrificing Jess so she could get the file to rescue Stewart. Stewart's attitude after the rescue. And I like the twist of Vera falling in love with Stewart for real. And I liked how things worked out for Jess as she did get rewarded for all she had to deal with this story.

2.   The art. It's nice having an artist like Jeff Shultz. He makes my life so easy. I like his art style, he draws each character different, everything is well laid out. And he does little things that I enjoy. Just check out Spencer's hearts as the comic goes. And Whitmore does a great job with the colors. I just love how I can tell what time of day it is because of his colors. Really puts me into the story. The lettering is great and if you like the old Batman show, you'll be really happy with this issue. BLEED. Yep.

Things I didn't like.

1. Kelly's a jerk. A super jerk. I was waiting on this one since this really is just one story I bought in three separate issues, and I've been waiting to see how this ends, but yeah. Kelly's is mean this story. Like with Jess (just making it hard for her to study and leaving her in the hospital) and Vera (drinking her blood while she's asleep). I can over look these two a bit because Jess did get the time to study (not Kelly's intent) and she did save Stewart...where she was channeled her inner Punisher. But hey, Peggy, did kidnap someone, was crazy, and did hit her with a shovel.

My problem is with Spencer. I'm a big supporter of the Bugs Bunny rule where if someone is a jerk to you or gets in your way have every right to go at them and never stop. Spencer never did anything to deserve being put in worse and worse condition by Kelly. I mean, he called her a "freak" but I don't warrants broken bones. I would have been fine with this if he had been shown to be uncaring about people on the beach or just some negative aspect, but he was just clumsy. That's kind of like seeing a guy with a broke arm and going "wouldn't it be funny if he other arm was broke?"

Of course, considering my last few days, I might be sensitive to the whole falling thing. But if you did a Jim from "The Office" where he goes over everything he's done to Dwight—Kelly doesn't look to good this issue.

2.   Not all the cast. This one's more for sticklers who want to see every character in the comic appear. Me, I don't mind. This is a pretty crammed issue. And it wouldn't make sense for Trevor to be there. But I don't get why Paisley/"other name she went by I can't remember right now" isn't here. I mean, you have Clover, but, um, yeah, she just exists for Jonas to be her boyfriend. Why have a new character for that? Unless she pulls a Trevor; which at that point, I'm going to have to skim ahead to make sure I don't look like a dumb-dumb again.

Things I've learned from what I read.
1.   Kelly's a psychopath.
2.   Kelly was poor and lived in a trailer.
3.   Oh, so that's how you treat severe sunburns.
4.   Fly by Knight definitely better than Southwest Airlines.
5.   Never tell an insane woman you want to be "just friends." Heck, don't tell any woman that!
6.   Mr. Wubbzy looked like he didn't approve of Peggy's fiancé.
7.   Dewhurst Cola, top selling beverage in the Delmarvia Pennisula.
8.   You can't kill a vampire with a shovel to the back of the head.
9.   If you pretend hard enough, it will become real. Right, Rick the Outer Space Rocket Bandit? ...He says yes and you can't have Uranus back.
10.   No lady, this is not Riverdale. And you should be glad. Riverdale has become a much, much darker place.

It was a really good story. I liked the art and I liked the writing. My main problem is Kelly being a tad uncharacteristically mean. And even then she did help out her friends and my main gripe is to a one shot character who made Archie look like Captain Safety.  It's still a funny, well drawn book that I think should be given a chance by everyone. Especially at the price.

I give this issue a B+ and I can't wait for the next issue. So thanks to everyone reading my reviews and please pick up these issues.

Reviews / Re: PTF Reviews Super Suckers #3
February 03, 2018, 03:05:14 PM
PTF Reviews Super Suckers 3.2  Electric Balloon!!!

...Awwwhh, I messed it up!!!

Our quad of heroes are at a beach for a couples retreat and so far Jess has a wicked sun burn, Kelly is drinking the Archie as a lifeguard stand in, Stewart was maimed playing frisbee and Vera's looks about ready to get her freak on.

Things I liked.

1.   Nurse Peggy. Well, the nurse lady is the antagonist of the story and is bat puking insane!!! Let's a guy die, kidnaps Stewart based on his love of Doctor Who and that frickin' insane face. So yeah, we got a nice Steven King homage.

2.   The writing. Again it's very humorous and well paced. I love the idea of an injury prone life guard. I'm hoping the next issue he's in a body cast. And I like the foreshadowing of Nurse Peggy seeming pretty nice and then you think "well, maybe that guy dying wasn't just meant for humor." And we're seeing a pretty big difference between Jess and Kelly in controlling their bloodlust. At least Jess options for a consensual donor. And Kelly's karmatic punishment is pretty fun as she continues to be mistaken for a lesbian. And we're again left at a good point where you want to see is going to happen next. I think my favorite joke is Kelly blowing on Jess to agitate her sunburn.

3.   The art. Cripes, that insane face! That's like a cartoon going along and then pulling a Ren and Stimpy freak out on you. And yeah, we're getting the same quality art we all come to expect from Jeff Shultz. Whitmore is doing his fantastic job as well. Love the night beach scene and how consistent he is with Jess's sunburn. The lettering was great with the guy dying a slow, painful death.

4.   Hey, new commercial. Man, remember when people didn't get whiney when a hero caused collateral damage? People, fighting a guy that can lift a planet is going to be messy.

5.   Jess. She's a good friend. Just thought I'd give her props for having standards on drinking blood and showing concern for her friends.

6.   The Cover. It's funny and well drawn but there might be one problem for some people...

Things I didn't like.

1.   Me and Stewart agreeing on Doctor Who. This had better be just a coincidence! I swear if next issue I read, Stewart hates Michael Bendis comics and loves Tyler Perry movies, I'll know something's up!  Ah, this brings back memories of when I'd wake up early in the morning and Brit American only aired The 4th Doctor episodes over and over. Now it's just Star Trek Voyager. Yuck.

2.   The cover. I personally like it, but I've heard complaints all my comic reading life about covers that don't have anything to do with the story inside. Me? If it looks good, I'm happy. And I think it's funny, but you know there's this one person who will complain.

Things I learned from what I read.

1.   Me and Stewart have the exact same taste in Doctor Who. Seriously, that's weird. Am I being trolled??  It's not funny if I am!!
2.   I learned more about Stewart's underwear than I ever wanted to.
3.   If you're as clumsy as Spencer, you deserve to be a vampire's mocha.
4.   Eastern Shore Hospital has a loose dress code. I live in the South and you have to have on a shirt and shoes to enter the local roadside fuel and sundry industry.
5.   Ingrown toenails are serious!!
6.   Ever see Jennifer's Body? Kelly is starting to remind me a lot of that movie.
7.   Stewart has A+ blood.
8.   Stewart's last name is Noss.
9.   The people of Metropolis would love to have Magic Insurance's Super Hero Policy.
10.   This issue did not help my dislike of hospitals.

Yeah, it's another good issue. Things are going along, characters get their moments to shine and show off their personality dispositions, a crazy sci-fi nurse. Hey, it's the insanity I've come to expect. And I really couldn't find anything I disliked.  I give an A.

So next issue we finish up. Will there be a wedding? A rescue?  A funeral? Well, find out next time.
Reviews / PTF Reviews Super Suckers #3
February 02, 2018, 12:04:27 PM
 PTF Previews Super Suckers 3.1.

Well, we're back. And before I begin the review, I want to give you, the readers, some helpful advice. Just because you have a warranty on something it doesn't mean: A) the people you have the warranty with will come when they promise and B) that they will actually FIX what is wrong.

So yeah, apparently seven hundred dollars down the drain.

But lucky for me, Sitcomics is back so there are comics I can afford!

Super Suckers is the story of two college girls turned vampires, their personal blood bank/butt monkey and their cavalcade of friends and one shot antagonist and the hot guy of the issue as they try to live their undead lives.

When we last left off: RHO RHO RHO House was haunted by a vengeful spirit, Jess was possessed and Kelly learned—wait wait, wait. Something's off. That sounds like a bad fan fic.

Anyway, let's get to the review.

Things I liked:

The Story. Hey, it's vampires at the beach, a deadly game of frisbee, and a guy ending up with his head in a horse's butt. That's what I want in every comic. And it's pretty funny from the start with the Amish County exit cracking me up all the way to Vera leaving Stewart to die alone.. And I like the dynamic of Jess and Kelly. Jess is more of a loner who really just wants to study, Kelly is a people's person who pretty much just wants to socialize and meet boys. The Stewart and Vera dynamic is great. I'm a big fan of going overboard with slang and dialect (probably why I'm the only person I know who likes Gambit, my hombres.) so I like the Spencer character. This the first part of the story and it leaves at a good point where I want to read the next issue, so it accomplishes a lot. So credit to Darin Henry, Jenn Lloyd and Kevin Bonani.
The Art. Jeff Shultz. This is probably the best art I've seen from him. It has everything I like. You have different locals, different people, different things, it's just amazing work. Yeah, the old, "everyone looks the same" old school Archie art criticism is not here. It has everything you want. Heck, it has what I like the most: stuff happening in the background. I love going back and seeing what I missed in a first reading. I just love how Jonas and Virgil are drawn, you instantly hate them. Just a lot of talent and versatility in this issue.
The coloring and lettering. Hey anytime I can see DONK and SLAMMO, I'm happy. And there's a good example of lettering making a story funny. There's a panel on page nine where it looks like a kid has the word balloons on a string. I'm pretty sure there is a real balloon with the word balloons put over it—and it's just funnier to me this way. So score one for Marshall Dillon. And off topic, he should really thank his parents for an awesome name.  And Glen Whitmore is banging the colors once again. Jess's sunburn looks legit and it's just a wide range of colors from the grass to the ocean to the sand.
4. Senor Uva. It made me smile. And during this cold, harsh winter, I need reasons to smile since obviously heat will not be an option for me.

5. The Letter page. I don't normally read letter pages, but I went back and made special exception since one of our own is showcased. It was fun with Darin answering questions.

Things I didn't like:

Same commercials. Yeah, for anyone who's read the first two issues, we get just reprints of the old commercials. I mean, still good, but nothing new for me.

Didn't name Lyric and Summer. Nitpicky but they have appeared in every issue (well if we put the parts together). I mean, I knew them but if someone new was reading this they'd probably wonder who they were so probably a name drop would have been nice.

Things I've learned from reading this comic:

My dad would like this issue because it has a joke from his favorite movie, Police Academy.
  • Hundo P is surfer slang for 100 percent and; coincidentally, will be the name of my next starter pokemon no matter what.
  • First aid is a lot different than what I thought it would be.
  • If you're an optimistic main character and have an internal thought, the universe will reward you.
  • If you're a pessimistic main character who says "what could possibly go wrong?" The universe will show you.
  • The hotter the female, the prickier the boyfriend.
  • Can't invite someone of the same sex to a couples retreat and not expect being thought of as a couple in this liberal PC Netflix world we're living in.
  • Jess is a pre-med student.
  • I like this issue because it has a joke from my favorite movie, Muppet Treasure Island.
  • Frisbee, the disc of doom.
This is a great issue. Makes me remember why I like the series, writing, humor, the art. It's just a great collaboration. Only had a few nitpicks here and there. And we still haven't met the nurse lady in the intro who I'm guessing is the bad guy of the issue. I got all six new issues at comixology for 1.99. I was going to get Blue Baron but I'm down 700 bucks and...they had Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on sale. So maybe next month?

Anyway, I give this issue an A. So anyone who hasn't read should give this series a chance. It's a super fun book.

So be here next time where we check on the condition of Stewart, learn how Jess will deal with being a fried tomato and if Kelly will date and/or eat Spencer. And other surprises I'm sure are in store in Super Suckers 3.2 Electric Boogaloo!


And yes, I will always make that joke.
Catching up on Sitcomics. They have the first issue of each of their titles for free download (well Z-people later today)
Man the things you miss when you injure yourself. Great to see Ruiz and a new Archie story! :)

All About Archie / Riverdale season two episode three.
October 30, 2017, 04:02:49 AM
Just random thoughts because I finally watched the episode a few days ago.

I'm really starting to not be impressed with this Black Hood. I mean, three of the four people he's targeted have survived. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that he killed off Ms. Grundy and we'll never have to deal with her again, but c'mon! He shot Moose and Midge at point blank range and killed neither! That's pathetic.

Oh hey, there's a Midge! Yay! And she's cute! And into drugs because this is a CW show! Yay!

Y'know I had a pretty low opinion of Sheriff Keller last season--and it's even lower now. You've got the Black Hood taunting him, the pain in the neck small time paper lady just not doing anything he says, the mayor looks down on him, Archie has his own little battalion going on, and even Mr. Weatherbee puts him in his place. When the high school principal tells you to shove off, you have no respect in the community. And that's not mentioning not knowing what his idiot son is doing at night.

Speaking off..

Okay, I'm supposed to believe that Kevin Keller cannot find another guy in Rivedale? Look at Riverdale! It's liberal city!!! You have every minority, drugs, relationships on various age levels! Do you know how many characters have pulled a reverse Michael Jackson?  And he has to go to the wood and no...I don't know what he does in the woods. I don't want to know what he does in the woods. Oh, and excuse Betty for not wanting you to go out at night when there's a killer about. Like, int he general area where Moose and Midge were shot at!!!

And if Kevin is lonely, he should just join Archie Red Circle. Did you see that video? Why were they dressed like that?!?!

Do like Cheryl taking advantage of this to get back at Betty for blackmailing her.

And I don't know if this has been said--but Cheryl is freaking insane!!! She burnt her home and crippled up her mom (who deserved it) makes her watch Jason getting shot (still not feeling bad for her.) Also she somehow takes back the Vixens because she said so. I guess that's how it works...?

Archie is reaching all time levels of dumb. I mean, I get he's scared and angry but he isn't just taking the idiot ball, he's inventing new dumb games to use the idiot ball in. Like listening to Hiram Lodge. He's not even trying to hide he's evil. He's going to cause a panic in all of Riverdale, I don't trust him with a gun.

So Toni Topaz...she's a character. Again, having Trula Twyst would make more sense, have her manipulate Jughead--but we got to have the most overrated character ever in comics in this show. I love Fernando Ruiz, but sometimes I just want to kick him in the shins for what he's done to us. :)

(I'm just joking. He gave us Raj. It evens out. )

Alice Cooper and Hermoine Lodge are the worse type of people. When they're at their lowest, they'll be friendly with you to get them to help--but when they get back on their feet, they turn on you and go back to being the rotten human beings they are.

Also on the Kevin being lonely thing...didn't he and Moose--y'know what. We got Midge now. I'm just ignoring it. Moose and Midge forever. Kevin can be lonely.

And what's up with the South Side. It's like Escape from New York in that place!!! Or The Warriors. What kind of place is it where you get beat up on by a gang called The Ghoulies?

Alice Cooper is an idiot. Black one would testify against you. Love the look Betty gave her after Alice acted like Polly leaving was somehow Betty's fault.

I gotta say, I'm not liking this season as much. I liked the first season because I liked Jughead and Betty together solving the mystery. This season we have them separated and Archie running around being a moron. I mean, Jughead is still narrating and writing this down so...shouldn't he um be the focal point?

Granted, he's been banished to the nether region, his dad's gang wants him to join, he's trying to start up Lost Boys High school paper, owes a favor to and evil lawyer, separated from--see, this is what I'm talking about. I'm way more interested in Jughead than Archie--and Archie is trying to become a vigilante or something!!

Is Hermione bipolar? Because she seems to be shifting from good to bad, jealous of Veronica to loving, taking in a pregnant girl to wanting her daughter to seduce someone. Seriously, writers. Pick something and stick with it!

Veronica, you will get to go in your daddy's study one day! If there is one thing I've learned from President Trump--evil rich guys love their daughters and want daddy daughter days all the time! Get a little desk right next to him.

Oh, and I hope Smithers mom is okay.

Anyway, final thoughts: it's an okay episode. Jughead's stuff is way more interesting to me, but he seems to be in Archie's role from last season where he's locked out of the main mystery going on. Archie's a dummy. Betty is still sweet. I like the storyline with Veronica trying to connect with her father and hoping against hope he's trying to be a better person.

Oh I almost forgot...

Thoughts on Mr. Lodge. Poor casting choice. They should have cast Dario Cuertes from Lucha Underground instead. Then you can have Hiram doing underground fighting and feeding people to his brother. It would have fit the series perfectly. Yeah, just this guy who ruins the entire town, everyone in it, putting them in horrible situations because he likes violence. Darn it, I started this as a joke, but now I want it! :)

 "Toni Topaz is a character who was added on a little more recently in the comic books and she's always been very, very vivacious, exciting and a bit of a disrupter."

Yeah in all of two stories and the gazillion covers she was on that didn't include her in a single panel. :)

At least tell me they have casted a Midge.
Afterlife with Archie vs Scooby Doo Apocalypse!
Hm, so Afterlife started in 2013 and now it's 2017 and there's only been eleven issues, I think?

I'm going to have to wait and see if this ghost can get out of the grave before I get my own spirits up.
IDW: Taking my childhood and making it awesome.

Well, save for MMPR. Boom Studios is handling that one. And that series is amazing. :)