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PTF Reviews Blue Baron 2.1

Started by PTF, May 27, 2018, 02:06:23 PM

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 PTF Reviews The Blue Baron 2.1
First off thank you to all veterans for all you have done for us.
Well, finally saw the Batman anime. It's okay. I don't think it's the greatest thing ever like everyone is letting on, but it's fun to watch if you turn off your brain off( (like Batman during the movie) and just have fun.

And it sounds a lot better than the Solo movie. I had a friend go see it and to quote him, "I want to punch Opie in the face!"

I think I should end all bad reviews like that.

But I'm not here to talk about an anime or a really angry Star Wars fanboy., so let's get started with the review.

Anyway, last we left off a nerdy 13 year old loser and his least favorite hero switched bodies. Luckily with Blue Baron's advice, Ernie was able to save the day after nearly blowing it. But it's a new issue, new challenges—let's review Blue Baron!!!

The Good

Ernie is a snot. So what do you get when a teenager suddenly becomes rich, can boss people around, and do whatever he wants when he wants—a little prick. And that's what Ernie is for the majority of the issue. He's letting Cedric Corp go while he just spends his time eating nachos and playing video games. When he's confronted with a chore he runs out or is just rude. And he dresses like a tool. And that's pretty much how it should be. And it is fun watching people react to their boss or friend like he's having a mid-life crisis...or he's just lost it. And we get some fun moments with "Stranger Danger" and him deciding to drive.

And Blue Baron is shown to be adjusting well. I like his wardrobe being like Bruce Wayne's and him rousing the troops to do something about Slater and his bullying way. And right now, he's the only adult guiding Ernie's life in anyway and the only person in the issue he shows respect to; like when he teaches Ernie how to shave. And I like the little internal war he's developing with Ernie's family as he hates Wanda and fears Rosa.

The Writing. So yeah the writing is fun. And humor is still great. Control Freak making Blue Ernie look like an idiot was a riot. Especially the hot coffee and the kids watching the hero fight but really wanting to play jump rope when it's over. I love Blue Baron's reaction Ernie's celebration as he's watching his respectability go down the drain. Ernie Baron's rousing speech to the geeks was great. And Ernie being a total brat was great. We get more information on Bishop and meet Rossi. And the issue ends on a great cliffhanger.

The Villains. Hey, we're building us a rogue gallery. This issue is Control Freak who can possess a body part of a person and is shown to be effect with it with how he holds up the bank and has Blue Ernie on the ropes the majority of their conflict. And it's nice seeing a villain in a loving relationship with another guy.

Then there is Blowback who is nuclear powered and can repel anything that comes his way. We don't know much about him but what we do know is good. He's not motivated by money—just revenge. He hates Cedric Carson and is vandalizing any facility that uses his security system just to bankrupt one of his divisions.

The art. Yeah, Ron Frenz kills it again this issue. I really like all the facial reactions the characters have reacting to Blue Ernie. I love the crazy eyed Blue Ernie on TV celebrating like a tool. I think my favorite pages might be Ernie driving and all the different angles and layout. Specially the second panel sums up everyone involved. Again I like the design for the villains and I really like looking at the background and all the different types of people.

The coloring, inking, and lettering is great. Love the word balloon shaped around Blue Ernie screaming while hot coffee is poured on him. And the coloring and inking two places stand out. The shading and diabolic look Ernie gets when he gets the idea to drive and the very last page with green light and the shading is superb.

The Bad

Maybe Blue Baron could use more panel time. So far it's been more focused on Ernie as Blue Baron, and that makes sense since this is a hero book, but I would like to see more of Blue Baron adjusting to Ernie's life. I mean, I still don't know Ernie's dad's name, what his parents do for an occupation. And Rosa's a monster but we're not shown why. So in turn  you have a portion of the supporting staff not getting much development as the other. Plus Wanda was not in this issue and I didn't get to make a Spider-Girl/Mayday joke this review. That is not acceptable.

What I learned from what I read.

Ernie's little sister name is Rosa.
  • Harold not only doesn't get a French vacation but his boyfriend is in jail. That's sad.
  • It's always Jump Rope Time.
  • Speaking off...that's one mighty strong jump rope.
  • Blue Baron might be a bit of a player.
  • Carson Corp needs to work on their contracts. I mean, yeah, paying in full for failure in security is nice—but that'll bankrupt you. Need to find that fine line between Tony Stark and Lex Luthor.
  • I think Rossi was born on Yancy Street.
  • It's nice to know some villains don't do it for the money. Sometimes it's about love and pure, unadulterated hatred.
  • I would follow Ernie Baron into battle.
Overall. Yeah, it's great issue. Everything's great. I only really have the slightest of nitpicks and even then it's not so bad because of the rest of the supporting cast and Ernie's situation is more fun and relevant to the plot of the issue. It's an A.

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