Quote from: irishmoxie on April 07, 2016, 08:54:11 PM
Well this poll speaks for itself. I wonder why ACP doesn't go back to the old style.
In one of my last conversations with Archie (a couple of months ago now) I was told that Archie doesn't believe there is enough retailer interest to support a regular Classic Archie title. This excludes digests.
Now the rebooted Archie title is hemorrhaging readers every single month. Issue 6 sold around 18K copies which is down an insane 82% from Issue #1 in only FIVE issues! Of course there are a few factors that artificially inflate #1's 100K sales but that 82% drop is still there. All that having been said, even at 18K copies, the current Archie book is still selling better than the Classic Archie title. Keep in mind though that the Rebooted Archie book is a more expensive book to put out than the classic Archie. Mark Waid don't come cheap and as far as the art goes, all of the reboot artists are being paid far better than I was.
All this means is that Archie Comics... right NOW... is probably happier with the current Archie title than they were with the previous one. The new title is still doing better than the old one and it gets them some "buzz." At the very least, they have the illusion of being a "hip, happening" company. If sales continue to ebb on that book though, some realities are going to have to be faced very soon.